Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
[ART]: “The Bare Necessities” (Snape/Draco, NWS) 
29th November 2007 23:15
Title: “The Bare Necessities” ;)
Artist: [info]gold_loewin
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Severus Snape/Draco Malfoy
Rating: very very light R (only for a little bit of blood)
Warnings: blood
Themes/kinks chosen: Fake spoiler - Snape is a vampire.
Artist's notes: Here I was practically forced to try the digital way, my scanner is broken. But OMG, I begin to understand why my friends are addicted to their tablets, the possibilities are awesome, I love it so so much! :D
The result looks suspiciously like my old acrylic style, just without canvas or texture. Sorry for the lack of smut, I tried for sensuality though. I'll make up for it next time! :)
All persons depicted are entirely fictional and are intended to be of age!
They are not based on or intended to represent any actual person whether living or dead.
Harry Potter characters © J.K. Rowling. I'm not making any profit off them.

Art preview:



Feedback is always appreciated. :)
Actually, I'm quite nervous what you guys think about my digital attempt.

29th November 2007 23:09
Wow - Draco here is absolutely stunning! This picture has just such a great feel to it, I just... well, it's hard to describe, really.

Attempt? I'd say this is more than just an attempt! It's bloody brilliant.

(And, because I tend to notice these things - the tie is gorgeous and silky, and god, do I want to touch it right now...)
29th November 2007 23:34
Hot damn! That's gorgeous! Draco is so lovely--the light on him, his lips, his eyelids, his hair...I can't stop staring at him. And I have to agree with the poster above me. The tie is so silky, and begs to be touched--I love Draco's robe too..and his sweater. The textures are just amazing. And Snape coming out of the darkness... this whole piece is beautiful. I really can't stop looking at it.
29th November 2007 23:44
woof! Beautiful Draco, I can feel his swoon. I'd swoon too, with Snapes fangs, and hand on my nipple. **shivers** What software are you using? I am a new fanartist, accomplished in oil painting, but just beginning to cross over into digital media. The surfaces and modeling are exquisite!
29th November 2007 23:46
Holy shit, this is awesome!!! Draco looks so wonderful and real and I wish I could touch him! Very nice touch with the hands on Draco's chest and the bite marks and everything! <3
29th November 2007 23:52
Oh my God... This is so incredibly beautiful. Really. I... yeah, I don't think I've ever seen anything this well-done. I am in complete awe.
29th November 2007 23:53
Gods, this is beautiful and definitely very sensual! Never mind that I'm not too fond of vampire-stuff or the pairing, it's just absolutely stunning!

The way you've used light and darkness here is incredible. And Draco's lips... I just want to kiss them. (Oh, and the hands! So nice hands... :-) )
30th November 2007 00:00
30th November 2007 00:35

This is gorgeous! I would say more, but, yeah... *scrolls back to the image*
30th November 2007 01:22
Wow, I really love this. Draco's hair, and the details of his shirt and robes, and of course them holding hands, this is just perfect. :)
30th November 2007 02:14
Lovely work!! I love the detail; Draco's hair, Snape's fangs, and the blood in particular.~Sophia
30th November 2007 02:20
Oh...my. I can't stop staring. At the fingers and hands...at the blood...and I *LOVE* Draco's face.

absolutely gorgeous.
30th November 2007 02:27
Oh wow. Wow. Draco is gorgeous!
30th November 2007 02:34
Oh dear god! This is gorgeous and so my kink. I wish someone would write a fic for this, damn you have out done your self.
30th November 2007 02:36
oh, wow. this is in-cre-di-ble. really. i'm speechless.
30th November 2007 02:37
OH. MY. FUCKING. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!! That is...sweet heavens, that's just...I'm not even capable of words. ACK! I'm not even a fan of Draco/Snape, but this pic? AWESOME. I think, I'm pretty sure, I'm almost positive...that this is my favourite depiction of Draco EVAH!!!

30th November 2007 03:19
My first thought - I want to be Draco!

My second thought - Guh!

I am in love!
30th November 2007 03:19
Sigh - I need to get to IJ and visit more often...I wish they had notifications like LJ does...I would have missed this if it weren't for Ravenqueen's alert! It's beautiful.
30th November 2007 03:26
This is gorgeous. Forget fandom, it's art. The way you use light here is wonderful, the hands, the eyes--damn. Beautiful.
30th November 2007 03:33
Love the use of light here! Snape-as-vampire does nothing for me, but this Draco is simply gorgeous.
30th November 2007 03:49
This is fantastic! I'm completely floored by your ability! With each new piece you present, I fall more and more in love with your work. I love the tender, yet jarring image this piece portrays. Draco's face is blissfully gorgeous and the way Snape's stroking him as he's piercing him... wow!
30th November 2007 05:29
What a truly beautiful, incredible piece of artwork!

*is awed*
30th November 2007 05:44
Holy fucking SHIT, Loe! I think I just spontaneously orgasmed when I clicked the cut.


Draco looks so unbelievably realistic! The way his hair is falling! His stomach! That one drop of blood, OMFG. I love this like a flaily, lovey thing. ♥ !
30th November 2007 07:14
This picture is blowing my mind! The fact that it's digital makes it even more incredible. I struggle to put text on the icons I make. *bows down to your immense talent*

The lighting, Severus's nose, the silky tie. Draco's blissed out expression...Superb!
30th November 2007 08:42
Oh, God, and Draco is in his school uniform. That detail just pushes his over from wonderful to sublime. Eee, there has been so much wonderful Draco stuff this month, and this piece is the icing on the cake for me. It's sooooo beautiful, perfect execution and full of emotion.
30th November 2007 08:47
The light in this fanart is incredible.
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