Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: "Vampyre", Snape, NC-17 
6th November 2007 11:33
Title: Vampyre
Artist: [info]cnary_crem_dght
Characters: Snape/?
Rating: NC-17
Warnings:little bit of blood.
Themes/kinks chosen: Fake spoiler: Snape is a vampire.
Artist's notes: Every single book this spoiler comes up and by the final book, I find it incredibly amusing. The image itself is kind of a homage to older pictures/symbols of the vampire.

6th November 2007 16:47

I love the hair hanging in his face. As for the other person....I choose....hmm....that looks like girl hair to me. Minerva. Or Neville in a wig. *ponders* *smiles*

Your Snapes always have the best hairy legs!
6th November 2007 22:50
Or it could be canon!Snape in a wig! nooooo time space continuum is rippppppiiiiinnnnnnggggggggg.

we need more assvampires in fanfic me thinks. :B
6th November 2007 17:06
OMG! I'm in love with his cloak. And the texture! Such a wonderful contrast with his deathly white skin. *wibbles*

Hmm, love the gloves and bits of lace on the collar and gloves. And the arch of both their backs are so sensual.
6th November 2007 22:51
thank you very much :D
6th November 2007 17:25
Sex on toast, luscious. I'm totally kinking for Snape with his robes up and the way his cock is almost hidden but oh so very there!
6th November 2007 22:52
Thank you. :D
6th November 2007 17:48
Vampy!Snape! YAY! X^D Awesome job!

I'm making the other person Lupin with long hair. :^P
6th November 2007 22:54
mmmm I kind of like the idea of lupin with long hair. :D
6th November 2007 17:56
Since I keep going back to Snape, I could care less who the other person is. *cheeky grin* Captivating, as always, sweets.
6th November 2007 22:55
my thoughts exactly! lol Snape is the star. ^____^
6th November 2007 18:26
Can't say as I car who his dinner is when Snape is so stunning! That nose is made of awesome! And his hairy legs!
6th November 2007 22:56
lol Thank you very much. :D
6th November 2007 19:06
YUMMY! Wish I could see a larger cersion of it for the detail of Severus's mouth (and of course, other things)

However, since this is a vampire!Severus (and therefore AU and I can believe whatever the hell I want), I'm going to say this is a young!Albus, experimenting with all aspects of magic, and magical beings.
6th November 2007 22:58
haha unfortunately I draw at that size, otherwise I would post it.

Thank you. :D
6th November 2007 19:35
Mm, dinner is served, hm?
As for who dinner is... who cares? Snape's the main course. ;)
6th November 2007 22:59
yes. In the end it's all about the main course. ;D Thanks
6th November 2007 23:11
Love that bloody smile! And it's nice to see that he does, in fact, go quite bare under his robes. The seeming cooperativeness of the 'victim' is quite appealing, too.
7th November 2007 00:56
was there any doubt that Snape's a free-baller? ;D Thank you.
6th November 2007 23:16
Yay, vampire!Snape. This is absolutely fabulous! IMO, there should be more fics and art featuring vampire!Snape.
7th November 2007 00:57
:D I've seen a few fic, but not so much art. It be awesome to see more vampire art :D
7th November 2007 04:04
Yay! I can pretend that's Hermione! Wheee! Why should slashers get all the fun?

Although...I do kind of like the Lupin with long hair thing....*melts*
7th November 2007 07:15
Right now, all I really want to say is 'mmmmm, vampire!snape in gloves... such pretty, pretty gloves -drool-'

I love the contrast between his skin and the -cough- 'victim's', and he has the most wonderful hairy legs. Gorgeous picture.
7th November 2007 09:40
God, gorgeous. The bruised looking flesh around the bites is lovely, too :)
7th November 2007 10:29
Very, very pretty. I love the whiteness of Snape's face in contrast to the flesh of his 'victim'.
7th November 2007 14:24
::pants and drools:: Oh man oh man, that's gorgeous. Really. Everything about it. I can't stop staring. Gah.

I want to say something coherent, but I can't seem to do is squee randomly over all the awesome stuff here. The convex curve of Snape's back, and the concave curve of the victim's body; the paleness of Snape's face, and the redredred of the blood there; the way the victim looks bruised; the texture of Snape's robes; Snape's gorgeous cock; Snape's nose and chin and neck and the tangled mess of his hair hanging down; the colors and contrasts. ::flaily:: Seriously, Snape's just fucking perfect here, and his victim is beautiful.
7th November 2007 21:19
Mmm, best Snape vampire ever!! This is beautiful, and I especially love your colors (as always) and the detail on the lover's brown hair. Really pretty. Also I love Snape's cape-y thing and gloves! He really looks the part!
7th November 2007 23:25
Oh, all kinds of yum!
8th November 2007 07:03
Dayum, Snape is one hairy vampire! I love the old-fashioned frills trimming his robes, too! And, wel, I think you know who I think the mystery lover is. The shoulder on him....mmmmmm...... Thank you!! <3

love, lore
11th November 2007 20:19
*fans self* This so brought back the heat in this 30 Degree weather.

I never noticed how hot his hairy legs were until now...
31st January 2009 13:29
I have the urge to tell you that, even though I'm normally more a "the less body hair, the better" person, I absolutely ADORE the hairy thighs you let your Snapes have! In a weird, ugly way they are just beautiful! (Yes, I know that sounds crazy, but... *shrugs*)
And this picture is so cool! With Snape's hair hiding his eyes, the bloody mouth forming this spooky smile, aroused and dangerous and so sexy... Guh! Just guh!
Please don't ever stop making such wonderful art!
Bye, prayer:-*
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