Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Cost of Inheritance (Sirius/Narcissa) 
31st October 2007 09:39
Title: Cost of Inheritance
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Sirius Black/Narcissa Malfoy
Rating: R
Warnings: adultery, pregnancy
Themes/kinks chosen: My prompt was Sirius/Narcissa: A meeting to discuss who has rights to Grimmauld Place turns ugly. (AU or not). Rough sex, bondage, dub-con, but I didn't really do that.
Artist's notes: It's my first comic, so please be gentle. I know the characters don't really look the same from panel to panel, but I'm trying! Also, I ignored half the prompt. Oops.
Art preview:

Posting late with modly permission
31st October 2007 17:04
Ohhhhhhh, I love it. Everything about it - from the greytones to the wonderful story you told - is just right. I love the curve of Narcissa's stomach (hello, li'l Draco), and the deed, and the look on both of their faces when they part ways.

This is very lovely! *just keeps looking it over and over again*
6th November 2007 15:39
Aww, thank you!

Your comment made me smile, just like this -- :D
31st October 2007 17:14
6th November 2007 15:39
31st October 2007 18:19
Oh, this is really well done! I love the greys and the ending is really good!
6th November 2007 15:40
Thank you! The ending was where the story started for me. :)
31st October 2007 18:22
Nice -- I especially like the central panel with the diagonal division -- that worked really well with the composition there.
6th November 2007 15:40
Thanks! I, um, shamelessly stole the diagonal panel divide from Sandman. *looks sheepish*
31st October 2007 18:58
What beautiful artwork!
6th November 2007 15:41
Thank you!
1st November 2007 01:16
Wooot, that was my prompt!!! YAY! No worries about ignoring half - your prerogative! I love the long hair on both of them, and the tension comes across so nicely. And YAY adultery! The world needs more Sirius/Narcissa, srsly. You should do more comics! :)
6th November 2007 15:42
Yay, I'm glad you liked it, then. I didn't know it was yours. And yes, more Sirius/Narcissa, please. They're just too beautiful. ;)
1st November 2007 03:10
Well done nice job! Sorry if my question is stupid is Narcissa's name on the deed because she is signing it over to Sirius because the sex was so good. OR is it the deed showing it belongs to her?
1st November 2007 03:51
I'm loving the comic of Sirius and Narcissa, its a totally underlooked pairing, and pretty hot too :).

But I also really wanted to mention about your icon gryffindorj - where did u get it from? Was it part of a story? Its really beautiful. x
1st November 2007 04:07
I actually made the icon but I took the art for it from [info]kasche. She is a wonderful artist who draws a lot of Sirius/Remus but many other things as well. Her journal here at iJ isn't too big but her one over at LJ is huge with lots of artwork. It will take you all day to see it all and is well worth it!!!! If you go check out my user pics you will see I have some other stuff from her I made into icons. Hope that helps you out.
6th November 2007 15:47
(just butting into say: ooh, yes, [info]kasche is fabulous!)
6th November 2007 15:46
Thanks! I was thinking that Narcissa signed it over to Sirius because she was feeling guilty about the awesome sex, but I wanted to leave it open to interpretation, too. So... it means whatever you want it to? :)
6th November 2007 17:48
I'm going with Narcissa gave him the house for the good sex. I like that version. Wonderful job!
1st November 2007 23:18
I think you've done a lovely job, here; the colours really enchance it. I love Narcissa's belly. Thanks for sharing :-)
6th November 2007 15:47
Thank you!
2nd November 2007 05:11
I think they look great, panel to panel! I especially love your last Cissy. I love how it almost looks like its raining. It really adds to the depressing mood. Nice work!
6th November 2007 15:49
Eee, you noticed the rain! It was a happy accident when I was trying to decide how to texture the background, but it turned into this big thematic thing. It makes me so happy that you picked up on it. :) Thank you!
4th November 2007 18:27
I've been having a craving for Narcissa/Sirius lately, and this really feeds my hunger - because the two of them are beautiful together, as you show :) I love love love the story you tell, and the curve of Narcissa's stomach, and the mood of this whole piece. Enchanting!
6th November 2007 15:51
Aww, thank you! I haven't seen a whole lot of Sirius/Narcissa around, but it works really well. (Not the least because they're both so pretty!)
5th November 2007 04:02
I think it's awesome, my dear! Brilliantly done. :)
6th November 2007 15:52
Thank you!
18th July 2008 17:58
Omg, yay for guilty pregnant sex!

Linked today via [info]gryffindorj, and I can't quite figure out why I didn't comment when this first went up, because I'm SURE I must've seen it, and the only conclusion I can come to is that I suck. But the comic doesn't - it's fabulous. Love that structure, too - the diagonal middle framed with the three squares above and below. Such an elegant combination of shapes.

I actually really like how the vertical lines suggest rain. Even though it's all inside :D. It seems like the kind of situation that suits rain.
28th September 2008 16:49
Hurrah! I'm so glad you like it! One of these days I'm going to have to do another comic -- this one was so much fun!
22nd August 2008 20:16
Wow! This was such a great way to tell a story!! So much is said without words...

28th September 2008 16:51
*grins* Thank you! I always love it when I can tell a story where the art says everything you need. :D
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