Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: "Cleaning Up" (Snarry - NC-17 NWS) 
24th October 2007 12:32
Title: Cleaning Up
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Media: Photoshop CS2 and Intuos 2 Wacom Tablet
Characters: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17 like WHOA
Warnings: anal, mild bondage, costumes/role-playing, crossdressing, d/s, dirty talk, double penetration, public sex, sex toys, rough sex, implied spanking,
Themes/kinks chosen: Leftover Prompts Month: "Severus/Harry Dom/sub, Harry crossdressing (frenchmaid) and bend overthe desk and/or wallsex. Toys and double penetration. Dirty talk."
Summary: Harry was a bad boy and slacked off during his detention.
Artist's notes: Well...I think I covered everything... ^^;;
Art preview: (optional)

(Click to see it larger)


(Click to see the details larger)

Let's hope my server stays up this time. ;_; Please let me know if it goes out again. Thanks guys!
24th October 2007 16:56
mmm... lucky harry *smirk*

amazing job, as always!
24th October 2007 22:49
Hee hee, lucky Harry, indeed!

Thank you :D I'm very glad you like it!
24th October 2007 17:02
Hmm I've love to say something more coherient than: mmmmmmmmmm and guh! but right now the words aren't coming.

Oh boy it's very lovely and deliciously dirty.
24th October 2007 22:48
Thank you! :D I'm relatively happy with this one! ;) I have to admit, it's got a few of my guilty kinks.
24th October 2007 17:06
Wow, wow, WOW!!
Amazing artwork.
It's just mind blowing.
24th October 2007 22:45
Thank you! It was a lot of fun to do!
24th October 2007 18:42
Awesome! I think I need a cold shower!

I really shouldn't be looking at stuff like this while I'm on hold with the phone company! ;)
24th October 2007 22:44
XD I won't tell if you won't!

Thanks very much! :D
24th October 2007 18:48
That is incredibly hot, like really really wow hot.
Really gorgeous artwork.
I think you left me with too few words... or diverted all my brain functions to a very happy place with great images...
24th October 2007 22:43
Heh, I live to serve! XD I'm very glad you enjoyed it!
24th October 2007 18:50
24th October 2007 22:41
Hee hee, I'm glad you like it! :D
24th October 2007 19:02

It's so hot! And I don't even like slash!Harry very much. Oh, goody! But it is sooo good!

Thanks for this!

24th October 2007 22:06
Yay! XD I'm glad you like it, even if you're not a fan of slash!Harry! I had a fun time with it. My roommate wants Harry's dress. XD
25th October 2007 19:26
My problem is with fanfic/RPG. 97% of them Harry turns gay out of nowhere. But Art (when it is well done) is fine. And this one is so sexy! And good!
Oh goody! I loved Harry’s outfit, it is so...yummy! :P
24th October 2007 19:08
... ...

Yeah, a real comment would be nice but my brain fried and all I can manage is scrolling back up to drooladmire the quality of the artwork again... and again... and...
24th October 2007 22:04
Hee hee, Look all you like! I'm glad you like it! I had a lot of fun with this one.
24th October 2007 19:13
Oh fuck...

24th October 2007 21:59
Thank you very much! <3
24th October 2007 19:16
OMG Yay! That's.... just.... omg yay! Soooooooo hot. Erm, okay, so. Coherency, yes? Umm.


His red arse cheeks, yay!!!

The lines on the board, yay!!!

The look on Snape's face, doubleyay!
24th October 2007 21:58
I almost waited to draw this until I saw what you wrote for it, but I got a head start this month and haven't had time to read fanfic lately! Imma get to it as soon as possible though, cause I'm sure it's awesome! ;)

Hee hee, I'm glad you like the pic - it's way kinky and I got to draw Harry in a french maid outfit, Yay!

Thank you, Eey! *luvs*
24th October 2007 19:44
Holy shit. ::head explodes::

For someone who prefers the gen, you sure don't shy away from the kink, do you? LMAO

Snape's smug expression is to die for. And his robes -- completely awesome. The little details that particularly caught my attention: Harry's elbow(!), the duster, the detailing on the desk. Hee!
24th October 2007 21:54
Eh, heh...well - Jenn says I can't do anything by halves. XD

I'm getting good at that wood grain texture if I do say so myself. :D I always like the weirdest little parts of my own pics. ><
24th October 2007 20:56
I think the last detail pic is uploaded or linked incorrectly? The others show up, though :). Fixing "aduilt" to "adult" in the link doesn't help, either.

Having said that. Wsgkljht, this pic. Harry in stockings and heels? Yay. That he's got two things inside him? More Yay. That Snape appears to be holding something else as well? BIG YAY. I love Harry's ruffled petticoats, and the low back of his pretty dress, the garters and headpiece, the lovely highlighting on the puffy sleeves. And his pink cheeks, eee!

And the little ties just visible round his wrists! And that I can cheerfully imagine at least a couple of other students watching ;-).
24th October 2007 21:07
ARgh, I couldn't type to save my life this morning. XD

the thumbnail link was correct and it's loading fine for me, so I'm not sure while the smaller version of the pic didn't show up for you - I fixed the bigger link though - thanks for the heads up! :D

Heh, I thought I might have went a bit overboard with the kink, but the prompt wasn't exactly vanilla! I have to admit that my kink's DP ^^;; *L*

I'm glad you like the outfit. I had a BLAST with it. XD My roommate wants to go shopping in my imagination.
24th October 2007 22:51

Is that potion vial sealed? And what potion is it?

I know I should focus on the hot smexxyness of the beautiful erotic drawing...but it's that odd little detail.

*laughs* I think I'm starting to get desensitized to this. :D

Absolutely loved it.
24th October 2007 22:59
XD actually, it's just a vibrator - a bright green one, but just a vibrator! I hadn't gotten very creative with the pic yet when I drew that part. ^^;; If you squint at the detail pic you can see an arrow on the end going around the outside-like to show what direction to turn it on XD

Thank you! I'm glad you liked the rest of it! :D
24th October 2007 23:05
Oh no, you misunderstand.

I love ALL of it.

I was just curious about what that green thing is. I thought it was a potion vial because of the potion that's in that glass pitcher is the exact same color. :D
24th October 2007 23:43
Yeah, I didn't think about that until you mentioned it. XD I was just trying to bring that color into the picture somewhere else to balance it out. ^^;; Most of it's so muted that it looked odd with just the bottle green, so the vibrator got colored green too. [/thought processes of a flakey artist]

I'm glad when people point this kind of stuff out to me because since *I* know what it's supposed to be, I tend to make aesthetic choices about it rather than logical ones! XD

Thanks again! *luvs*
25th October 2007 00:52
Oh I totally understand about balancing out the colors.

My art teacher got on my case about that. But why didn't you think of something like a green bow, ribbon (around his maid costume or in his hair), or Harry's eyes to balance it out?
25th October 2007 02:38
I'm awful about picking colors for things in advance...I usually just sort of wing it and grab colors with the color picker from other parts of the image as i go...Harry's eyes actually ARE that color green, but at that resolution you don't seem them well enough to balance it out - his eyes are actually where I pulled the green for the bottle FROM. I did think about trying to make something on his costume green - I was going to give him earrings - but then I decided i wanted to stick with the "traditional" monochrome black and white for the french maid outfit, and the color really needed to appear farther left than that to give it some balance. I didn't think there would be a problem with making the vibrator green as it didn't occur to me that it might be mistaken for a potion bottle - I draw and cg in a very large canvas in a really high resolution so it's actually got a lot of texture and details on it that don't show up well when optimized for web viewing, but since *I* know it's there, I have a bad habit of forgetting to take into account that web viewers won't see it and know immediately what it is regardless of it's color. ^^;;
25th October 2007 03:05
It's not really a problem.

I'm just quirky on what I notice. :D

I think the reason why you wanted to balance out the green was because of the brightness of the potion bottle. Did you think to tone it down and have it follow the "dark" image of the overall picture? Or even to drop it off?

The color didn't necessarily have to be there. Which is why I noticed it, since it shouted out from the rest picture due to the brightness of it.

But like I said, I love the picture as is. Even though I thought the bright green vibrator was a potions vial. I think it was due to my lewd imagination.

After all, how corrupted do I need to be to immediately think, 'ooh potions vial in anus, hmm... I wonder if that's sealed or leaking into Harry.' lol. :D
24th October 2007 22:59
There are NO words to properly describe hot fucking hot this is. *G*
24th October 2007 23:03
Heh heh, I thought you might get a kick out of this one! *EG* Thanks TMP!
25th October 2007 00:49
I'd make intelligent comments about the lines of this pic - how the expressions on their faces are amazingly realistic...but you melted my brain with the DP. *pants*

Excellent work, as always. Jeez - melt my brain again soon?
25th October 2007 01:07
Wow, lovely work on the frillies on his skirt! I'm not a fan of object insertion, but I'm a pervin' on his recently spanked pink cheeks! ;^)
25th October 2007 01:55
Wow ... *melts*

So hot! and really beautifully done as well!
25th October 2007 02:30
*blinks* That is oh so hot!
25th October 2007 06:21
It's so thoughtful of you to include the details shots. So I can drool on my favorite bits up close and personal! Gorgeous work hon! The french maid costume is love.
25th October 2007 11:51
OMG! I don't even like crossdressing but I LOVE this. Must be something about the French maid dress barely covering Harry's deliciously reddened arse cheeks and the way he's bent over the desk like that. :D And - double penetration!! GUH. I have a huge kink for that. And Snape's expression. And the lines on the blackboard. This is incredibly, unbelievably, scorchingly hot. I can't stop staring!

Oh, and before I forget - I love the colours! *goes back to staring*
25th October 2007 17:02
Harry's FACE. His blushing red post-spank BUTT. Snape's face and his robes and the sheer size of him in his robes, spread out like that, dwarfing French Maid Harry. The little chalk scrape-mark! Omigod, I can't figure out if the details or the smut is more squee-worthy. So I'll just have to have both! :D
29th October 2007 19:23
*gets hot and cold shivers at the same time* This is some hot shit!! ;)
31st October 2007 21:04
mmm, fabulously dirty! love all the little details.
12th November 2007 18:11

And he totally IS a dirty slut for his Severus! Woot!
13th December 2007 19:49
This could not be more awesome than it already is!
15th January 2008 09:44
OMG! I don't know how I missed this the first time. That is gorgeous, and very, very hot.
12th April 2009 21:11
Unbelievable. I do love crossdressed!Harry.
13th May 2009 04:45
wow, hot! very impressive! detention skirt!snarry, yowza... :D
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