Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Different for Girls (Fleur/Tonks, NC-17) 
23rd October 2007 01:08
Title: Different For Girls
Author: [info]misfit_ragdoll
Characters: Fleur Delacour/Nymphadora Tonks (implied Bill/Fleur and Remus/Tonks)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: femmeslash, sex toys, strap-ons
Themes/kinks chosen: femmeslash, sex toys, strap-ons, corsets
Word Count: 5100
Summary: Fleur/Tonks on the night of a full moon, with implied Bill/Fleur and Remus/Tonks. Corsets and strap-ons would be lovely.
Author's notes: This was originally requested by [info]fleshdress for the Final Farewell FQF last July but real life, a trip to London and the release of Deathly Hallows completely bollixed that up. So here it is now (a week earlier than my normal post day just so I can get it up before I leave again). Thanks to assorted betas and support personnel, especially [info]r_grayjoy, [info]katesque, [info]kabal42 and [info]freckles42.

Tonks hated Fleur Delacour – well, Fleur Weasley now— with a vengeance. Tonks had never been particularly fond of that sort of 'girly girl' on the best of days and to her, Fleur was the living embodiment of everything she despised. In Tonks's estimation, Fleur was just the worst kind of simpering, vain, self-absorbed, prissy little twat ever put on the Earth.

Tonks was reasonably certain that the antipathy was mutual. She'd heard the rude remarks Fleur had made about her over the past few years, ever since she'd wormed her way into Bill's life, clinging to him like a burr. Fleur was probably right in her assessments that Tonks didn't do enough to make herself girly or pretty or whatever it was that she'd prattle on about to whomever would listen, but that didn't mean Tonks had to like it. Tonks was rather proud of the fact that she was the polar opposite of Fleur, that she didn't spend hours in front of the mirror primping and flouncing like a Muggle princess; she had better and more important things to do with her time.

Unfortunately, Tonks could not avoid Fleur. She was married to Bill Weasley and Bill was Tonks's mate, and by association, Remus's too. Bill and Fleur were generally attached at the hip so if one wanted to spend time socially with him, one had to put up with his pretentious little Frog tart of a wife. Needless to say, Tonks avoided as much contact with the pair as she conceivably could, but it was difficult when Bill was in the Order with Remus and herself, and she didn't really want to hurt his feelings.

So, it came as quite the surprise when an owl arrived at Tonks's flat bearing a letter from Fleur. Of course, it was written in a neat but ornate hand (so unlike Tonks's own messy scrawl) and smelled of heavy perfume (probably French and expensive). There were little hearts over each and every "i" and the bright violet ink positively glowed on the page.

Cher Nymphadora,

I am writing to you in hopes that you will come to our home at the next full moon. You are the only person I know who can understand the dreadful ordeal my darling Bill and I experience during that time and so I would like to spend it with you. Perhaps we could keep one another company while our poor beloved men are suffering.

Please respond as soon as you can.

Your friend,

Tonks rolled her eyes as she read the missive and sighed, wanting to tear up the parchment then and there. As it happened, she had no bloody idea what Fleur went through with Bill at the full moon, or more correctly, Fleur had no concept of what poor Remus went through. Bill, unlike Remus, was not a true werewolf and so he did not suffer from the pain and agony of transforming from a man into a wild beast. From what little Tonks knew, Bill only became agitated and aggressive which was hardly the same thing at all. Unfortunately, unlike Remus, Bill got no relief from the Wolfsbane potion which eased the transition into wolf-form for werewolves and helped them keep their human minds. Tonks had heard from Molly that he'd taken to leaving his young bride alone on the nights of the full moon rather than subject her to his violent temper. While Tonks did have some sympathy for Fleur's plight, she hardly wanted to play babysitter for her.

However, telling to that Fleur's face would have been a major breach of protocol. If Tonks turned down Fleur's invitation, no doubt the little bint would go running to Bill, making an issue out of it. If Bill deemed it as an insult, the entire Weasley family would be insulted and despite everything, Tonks loved the Weasleys more than her own relatives (although considering her family were the Most Noble House of Black, it was hard not to). In the end, and despite her better judgement, Tonks sent a hastily scribbled note back to Fleur, saying she'd be more than happy to join her at the next full moon.


Tonks arrived at Shell Cottage on the night of the full moon, clutching a bottle of wine in her hand. She'd hoped the wine was to Fleur's liking; the last thing she wanted to do was endure a long lecture on how awful it was and why the choices back in France were so much better. The bloke in the wine shop had assured her that it was a very good vintage, all Tonks knew was that it was red, expensive and French.

It was twilight, the moon not quite up yet as she walked towards the house. Tonks could hear the soft sound of the waves breaking on the shore in the distance. It had surprised her when Bill and his bride had moved to a faraway corner of Cornwall. She'd never reckoned Bill the sort to live by the sea, or Fleur the type to agree to a house in such a remote location. She'd assumed the girl would have insisted on a townhouse in a posh neighbourhood in London, somewhere in the centre of civilisation, surrounded by people, culture and shops, rather than sea, sand and seagulls. It had been a bit surprising to say the least.

Reaching the front door, Tonks knocked quietly, half-hoping that Fleur had changed her mind and gone out somewhere else. Of course, that was absurd. Other than her family who were all back in France, Fleur didn't seem to have any friends. She didn't get on particularly well with the Weasley women either. It struck Tonks at that moment that perhaps the reason Fleur had invited her round was because she actually was lonely and in need of a friend. More like in need of an audience, Tonks thought, with a frown.

"Tonks!" Fleur exclaimed as she opened the door. As usual, the girl looked stunning; her hair and makeup flawless, her clothing impeccable. Once again, Tonks felt like a ragamuffin by comparison, even in clean jeans, a new blouse and a pair of well-polished boots. "Bon soir! Please come in!" She ushered Tonks in, greeting her with light kisses on one cheek and then the other. Tonks could smell Fleur's perfume; she smelled like lavender, roses, subtle spices and a hint of some other more exotic floral. "I am so glad you 'ave come."

"Nice to see you again. I've, erm, I've brought this." Tonks held up the wine bottle for her perusal. "I hope it'll be alright with dinner."

Fleur pursed her lips as she took the bottle from her guest and read the label. "Ah. It is a very good wine but it is a rouge. Red. I 'ave made us a chicken for supper. Bill is always wanting the red meat so I thought perhaps we could 'ave something different for once. Vin blanc is for the fish or the…" She struggled for the word. "poultry. Vin rouge is for the meat."

"So, this plonk's no good then?" Tonks asked, suddenly feeling like a schoolgirl being chastised in class for not remembering an important lesson.

Fleur seemed to pick up Tonks's discomfort. She shook her head, flashing a dazzling and reassuring smile. "No, no, it is a lovely gift, Tonks. Merci beaucoups. We will 'ave it now if you would like."

Tonks shrugged, once again regretting her decision to come tonight. "Suit yourself."

"We should drink it now. The chicken, it can wait." Fleur indicated Tonks should sit before she flounced towards the kitchen, her silver-white curls bouncing gently against her shoulders.

Despite herself, Tonks pulled a face, sticking her tongue out at Fleur's retreating back before flopping into an armchair like a petulant child. A few minutes later, Fleur returned, beaming as she carried out a silver tray with two full glasses of red wine.

"C'est bon," she announced, offering Tonks a glass before setting the tray down and taking her own in hand. "Thank you again for the wine. I am so 'appy you 'ave come tonight." Fleur wrinkled her nose and sighed. "I do not like to be alone when Bill is not 'ere. You must feel the same without Remus, no?"

"No." The words came out a bit more strident than Tonks had meant. She felt her cheeks heating up with embarrassment. "I mean, erm, yes. Well, sort of. I was living alone before Remus and me got together so I'm used to spending a lot of time by myself."

"But, that was before the war. It is very dangereuse now. Aren't you afraid that something will 'appen when 'e is not there with you?"

"I worry about him plenty when he's not around, if that's what you mean. I'm an Auror, I know how to take care of m'self," Tonks replied. Of course, that hadn't helped Amelia Bones or any number of other witches and wizards when the Death Eaters had come a-calling but Tonks didn't want to think about that right now. Besides, she was damned if she'd let Fleur think she was a terrified little twit who couldn't protect herself without a man around.

"You are very brave then, much more so than I," Fleur responded, then held her wine glass up in salute. "To bravery."

It wasn't really true but it sounded good. "To bravery," Tonks said, then raised her own glass in response. She sipped at the wine, letting the tart, dry taste linger on her tongue before swallowing, supposing Fleur had assumed she'd just guzzle it down without a second thought. As if Andromeda Black would ever had allowed her daughter to drink wine as crudely as that.

They went through two glasses of wine, before Fleur insisted it was time for dinner. As they ate, Fleur chattered on about a variety of subjects: her opinions on her in-laws, her plans for decorating the cottage, the names she wanted for her as yet unconceived children, how she wanted to celebrate Bill's birthday, until Tonks began to fidget in her seat, forcing herself not to glance at the mantelpiece clock repeatedly. Even more wine hadn't helped blunt the agony of having to listen to Fleur's seemingly endless wittering.

Finally, the meal ended, Fleur ordering Tonks to stay at the table while she cleared up the mess. This time, Tonks did check the time. It was still much too early to leave without coming off as rude. She considered inventing an emergency in order to bugger off, then felt a pang of guilt. Down deep, she knew how just dangerous it was for anyone to be alone right now, but even more so if they were connected to the Order. There were Death Eaters everywhere and they preyed on the weak. Fleur was young and untrained. It wouldn't be fair to leave her on her own. Tonks convinced herself to stay for a little while longer, to try and be a bit more charitable towards the poor thing. Perhaps if she was very lucky, Bill wouldn't need to stay out all night and she would be able to go home soon.

"There," said Fleur airily, returning from the kitchen, "it is all tidied up. Do you want the coffee now? Or pudding? I 'ave made a chocolate gateaux."

Tonks shook her head. "Not right now, thanks. I couldn't manage another bite. As it is, that meal's probably caused me to gain a stone." She smiled ruefully and patted her stomach. "Not something I can really afford to do, is it?"

"That is not true!" Fleur exclaimed. "You 'ave a lovely figure. I think you do not show it off enough."

"I'm not the sort to prance about in flounces and frills though, am I? It's not practical in my line of work," Tonks replied adamantly.

"You are not working now, are you?" Fleur took a step closer, putting her hand under Tonks's chin, and tilted her face up towards her own. "I think you are a very pretty girl, cher Tonks. You should not 'ide it from the world."

"I'm not hiding anything, I just—" Tonks started to protest.

"When I was at Beauxbatons, my friends and I loved dressing up for one another, 'elping make one another beautiful," Fleur continued wistfully, a faraway look in her cornflower blue eyes. "The coiffure, the maquillage, the pretty clothing. It was so much fun for us. Perhaps you will let me do this for you?"

Tonks stifled a groan. She'd never been one for tarting herself up, not even when she'd been younger. Playing dress-up had been the domain of the silly girls she'd always done her best to avoid. Any man who had expected her to do so was one not worth keeping in her estimation. Besides, having Metamorphmagus talents meant never having to go through the ordeal most girls did to change their looks. That had always been much more fun anyway. "I don't think—"

Fleur looked at Tonks with a crestfallen expression. "It would not be so 'orrible for you, would it? Perhaps it would be a nice surprise for your Remus to see you like that. Just for a little change."

Tonks was pretty certain that even the slightest change might give Remus a heart attack. Or reason to believe she wasn't happy with their present situation, sending him into another spiral of depression and insecurity. Not that she would ever admit that to Fleur. She opened her mouth to protest yet again, but the other girl looked so miserable that she found herself shaking her head in resignation and blurting, "Oh, alright. If it'll truly make you happy…"

Fleur's face lit up and she clapped her hands in glee. "C'est magnifique! I shall make you beautiful, cher Tonks! It is a promise!"

Tonks allowed herself to be dragged up the stairs and into Bill and Fleur's bedroom. Fleur indicated Tonks should sit down on the large brass bed while she began to rummage through trunks and drawers, pulling out assorted bits of lingerie and other items in something close to a frenzy. Every once in a while, she'd find some wispy garment made of lace or silk, hold it up against Tonks's frame and then frown or tut in disapproval, before shoving it back out of sight. At one point, to Tonks's utter horror, she was certain she'd spied a lime green feather boa in one of the drawers. Thankfully, Fleur didn't bother to give it any consideration.

Just when Tonks believed Fleur had to have exhausted her supply of skimpy undergarments, the other girl let out a triumphant cry, brandishing one last piece of clothing in her hand victoriously. She shook it out, then pressed it against Tonks's torso, grinning madly. "C'est parfait!" she declared.

The object of Fleur's excitement was a damask brocade corset covered in a floral design of cream and several shades of pink, the petals and vines highlighted with bright gold thread. Tonks eyed it warily, unsure of just how she would feel wearing something like that. However, she'd agreed to let Fleur have her way and there was no backing out now. The corset was soon followed by a pair of rose pink silk knickers and sheer cream coloured stockings with lace bands along the top edge.

Fleur sent Tonks into the bathroom to put them on. Tonks briefly considered sneaking out the bathroom window rather than be seen in such a get up, but it was too late. She dressed in resignation, then returned to the bedroom feeling foolish, her cheeks nearly the same colour as the barely-there knickers. Tonks had been certain that putting on the corset would be impossible but somehow the garment had gone on, moulding itself to her like a glove, the laces up the back and front tightening of their own accord. She had expected wearing it to be something akin to torture, choking the living breath out of her body, but instead, it wasn't uncomfortable at all. It felt more like being held in a tight, intimate embrace. Sneaking a peek in the full length mirror, she'd been surprised to see how it had transformed her body, pushing her breasts up into tantalizing cleavage, altering her figure into a curvaceous hourglass shape. She hated to admit it to herself but she actually felt sexy.

If nothing else, Fleur seemed pleased with the choices she'd made as Tonks re-entered the room, her blue eyes lighting up in delight as she'd caught sight of her. In Tonks's absence, the other girl had changed into an ensemble similar to her own consisting of a strapped silver on black corset, black lace knickers and black stockings, marabou trimmed mules on her narrow feet. Of course, on Fleur, the effect was nothing less than stunning.

"Sit," Fleur urged, pressing Tonks into a chair. "Close your eyes, s'il vous plait."

Tonks complied, taking care as she moved. The corset was constricting, but not painfully so. Wearing it forced her to sit up straighter, to breathe more shallowly than normal. She felt Fleur moving in closer, heard the other girl humming to herself as she brushed her wand over Tonks's closed eyelids, along her cheekbones and against her lips, occasionally stopping to admire her handiwork before continuing on. Much to Tonks's consternation, she was finding the entire ritual coupled with Fleur's proximity was strangely arousing. Was this the real reason other girls did this so often?

Fleur's hands moved up to the crown of Tonks's head, tugging and pulling softly at her hair, twisting it around her wand here and there, teasing and combing it with deft fingers. Finally, she stepped away, murmuring, "Open your eyes." As Tonks did, she heard Fleur gasp softly in approval.

Before she could argue the point, Fleur had thrust a silver mirror into her hands. Tonks flickered her gaze down into it; the vision which greeted her was unexpected. Fleur was right, the woman looking back at her was beautiful. Tonks could barely believe she was seeing herself. The makeup was artfully applied: her pale skin shimmering with a porcelain lustre, her large, dark brown eyes luminous and fringed with long dark lashes, her lips full and pouty, drawn into a glossy, cerise cupid's bow. Her hair was falling in soft pink waves, gently framing her face; somehow Fleur had made it look more full, shiny and pretty than it ever had before, even with her Metamorphmagus gifts. Apparently Veela magic could trump even that of a Metamorphmagus.

"Quell glamoureuse," Fleur breathed. She reached up and fingered Tonks's hair lightly, causing a shiver of excitement to run down the length of her spine.

She was so close that Tonks could feel the heat radiating off her skin, her breath just teasing against Tonks's neck. Without warning, Fleur leaned forward and kissed her full on the mouth, her lips soft and sweet. The move took Tonks by surprise; for a moment she froze, then yielded, returning the kiss tentatively.

This wasn't the first time Tonks had kissed another woman, or more precisely, had another woman kiss her, but it had been a very long time since anything like it had occurred. She had forgotten just how nice it could be. Her breath caught in her throat as Fleur deepened the kiss, the tip of her tongue fluttering gently against Tonks's lower lip, seeking entrance.

Tonks moaned against Fleur's mouth, lips parting to accept Fleur's tongue, letting it entwine with her own. The mirror slipped from her fingers, landing on the floor with a loud clatter as Tonks reached up, winding her arms around the Veela's neck, threading her fingers in the other girl's mane of silken, silvery hair.

They continued exchanging kisses for what seemed like an eternity to Tonks; a brilliant, heady, exciting eternity. Eventually, Fleur pulled her lips from Tonks's, her eyes bright, her breathing hard and warm. "This is all right?" she asked, her voice quavering although whether from excitement or fear, Tonks didn't know.

"Yes, it's all right," Tonks assured her. "It was nice."

"Oui, very nice," Fleur echoed, her fingers tangling in Tonks's bubble-gum pink locks.

"What about Bill?" Tonks mused. "Would he mind?"

Fleur threw her head back and laughed. This was probably the first time Tonks had heard her do it in such a natural fashion. She decided she liked it. "No, not at all. He knows I also like the women. We 'ave an arrangement. As long as I tell 'im about it afterwards, c'est bon. C'est si bon.." She kissed Tonks again, slowly and with more intent, leaving Tonks breathless and weak-kneed when she finally came up for air. "What about Remus? Would 'e not be bothered?"

Tonks gave a quick shrug of her shoulders. "Dunno. I've never discussed that sort of thing with him to be honest. He's a bit…repressed." Fleur tilted her head in confusion. "Uptight. Erm, old-fashioned."

"Ah. Yes. I imagine it might be difficult for 'im."

"Well," Tonks said mischievously, "what he don't know won't hurt 'im, will it?"

"Non. It will not." Fleur's mouth quirked up in to a sly smile. "So, shall we continue, ma douce?"

"Yes. Please." This time Tonks pulled Fleur toward her, kissing her with growing fervour. Fleur wriggled forward to straddle Tonks's knees, pressing her lithe body against Tonks's, her pert bottom firmly on Tonks's thighs. Fleur's full breasts strained against the confines of her corset as she sighed with contentment. Tonks couldn't help but touch them, brushing her fingertips along Fleur's soft, silky skin, tracing one finger down between them.

Fleur whimpered in approval, squirming in Tonks's lap before shimmying backward so she could trail her kisses over Tonks's chin and down her neck, stopping to nuzzle at the hollow of her throat. Fleur skimmed her tongue along bare skin, licking across the tops of Tonks's breasts and into her décolletage. Tonks's nipples stiffened, pushing taut against the heavy fabric of her corset, throbbing, aching with need. Fleur nipped at them through the damask with her even white teeth causing Tonks to moan and grind her hips against Fleur and the seat of the chair.

Dropping down to the carpeted floor, Fleur knelt between Tonks's knees, pushing them apart with delicate hands, raking her nails over the tops of Tonks's bare thighs. She hooked her fingers into the band of Tonks's knickers, rolling them down over her hips. Tonks automatically raised her arse off the chair, letting Fleur peel them off of her completely.

Fleur's breath was warm and moist as it washed over Tonks's inner thighs, her tongue even warmer as she ran it along the edges of Tonks's already wet folds, teasing the tender flesh until Tonks was writhing and mewling beneath her. Fleur pushed Tonks's thighs farther apart, her grip strong, as she buried her face between the other girl's legs, her lips clamped on Tonks's swollen clit. Her tongue rasped against the sensitive bud, encircling it as she sucked at it greedily.

Tonks tightened her thighs around Fleur's face, her fingers gripping her long hair, pulling at it as she bounced and thrashed in her chair, her hips bucking frantically. "Bloody hell," Tonks moaned, biting her lower lip and arching her back. "So good—feels so fucking good. Don't stop…please…"

Fleur clearly had no intention of stopping. She sucked harder, catching Tonks's throbbing clit between her teeth and applying gentle pressure. Tonks cried out this time, clutching at the other girl in desperation. Her cries only grew louder as Fleur slid a finger inside her, then a second one, twisting and scissoring them as she continued lapping against Tonks's heated skin relentlessly. The combined sensations pushed the pink-haired witch further and further towards the edge until finally, she lost all control. She trembled and shook in Fleur's grip, gasping and crying, completely consumed by the climax as it coursed through her.

Exhausted, Tonks collapsed against the chair back, utterly spent. She relaxed her hold on Fleur, fighting to catch her breath. "Fuck me, that was brilliant," she gasped.

"Fuck you?" Fleur asked, raising her head from between Tonks's thighs and cocking a perfectly arched eyebrow. "I believe it is my turn now,n'est pas? Je veux vous me baiser, ma douce."

Tonks did not speak French but there was no mistaking Fleur's intent as she said the words, her eyes dark with desire. "Yeah? How do you reckon we manage that, then?"

Fleur rose to her feet, her hips swaying in a hypnotic rhythm as she crossed the room. Opening a drawer, she reached in and pulled out something, holding it out for Tonks to see. "I 'ave les jouets. The toys." The toy in question was phallic-shaped; long and thick and a brilliant shade of shocking blue. There was also a tangle of black leather straps which Tonks could only assume was some sort of harness. "Bill, sometimes 'e likes…" she started, blushing prettily.

"Ah," Tonks replied, feeling herself starting to blush as well. She wasn't quite sure she needed to know that much about Bill Weasley's sexual preferences, even if his wife had been going down on her just a few minutes ago. Pushing off from the chair, she went to Fleur's side, putting her arms around her and drawing her into another long, lingering kiss. "Don't let's talk about him, yeah? It's just you and me tonight, innit?"

"Oui," Fleur murmured with a slight nod of her head.

Tonks led her to the bed, easing her down against the soft mattress. Rolling Fleur onto her back, she let her hands roam over the younger woman's body, stroking, touching, caressing every inch of bare flesh she could reach. This time it was her turn to remove Fleur's panties, her fingers coming away slick and wet as she slipped them between Fleur's legs. She pressed the pad of her thumb against Fleur's clit, slowly toying with the taut nub, smirking as she heard Fleur's breath growing ragged. Fleur moaned in frustration as Tonks pulled her hand away and whispered, "Turn over, love."

As Fleur shifted onto her belly, Tonks struggled into the harness, pulling the black leather straps over her legs, and buckled it tightly against her hips. Looking down, she began to giggle at the bright blue phallus jutting out from her crotch, watching it bob up and down. Resting on her knees, she caressed Fleur's arse; it was utterly flawless, like the rest of her. Fleur moaned in response, raising her bottom up a little higher. "Je veux vous me baiser" she pleaded. "Baise-moi!"

"On your knees, sweetheart," Tonks ordered, giving Fleur's arse a firm slap. The other girl obeyed, wriggling on to her hands and knees, her legs spread just enough to give Tonks an alluring view of her pussy, pink and wet and ready. "Mmmm, that's it. Good girl." Wrapping her fingers around the hilt of the blue toy, Tonks was surprised to feel how warm and lifelike it felt, almost like real flesh. She guided it into Fleur slowly until it was buried deep inside of her, the cheeks of Fleur's arse pressing against Tonks's hips.

Fleur moaned again grinding back against Tonks. As she began to pump her hips, sliding the toy in and out of Fleur's slick entrance, somehow Tonks could feel Fleur clenching around it, as if it were actually connected to her own body. It was an odd sensation, but a good one nonetheless.

She hunched over Fleur, her fingers once again finding Fleur's clit. She stroked it in rough syncopation with each thrust of her hips, driving the toy in harder and faster each time. Fleur's moans grew progressively louder as she twisted and undulated beneath Tonks, keening like a wild thing as Tonks continued to take her. They moved as one now, the thrusts coming at a maddening pace.

"Mon dieu, mon dieu!" Fleur cried, thrashing, her hair flying everywhere. She let out an earsplitting shriek as she came, shuddering and jerking in Tonks's arms. Without any warning, Tonks's vision exploded to white, every inch of her body on fire as the orgasm tore along the toy and into her as well. She held on to Fleur for dear life as wave after wave of exquisite bliss washed over her, unable to do anything but let it happen.

Fleur's knees gave way and she collapsed against the bed face first, limp and damp with exertion, Tonks falling with her. Tonks nuzzled the back of Fleur's neck, the girl's tanned skin tasting sweet and salty against her tongue.

"Fanbloodytastic," she groaned, struggling to her side, allowing Fleur to come up for air. She fumbled with the soggy straps around her legs, yanking off the harness and dropped it, along with the now-sticky dildo, onto the nightstand next to the bed.

Fleur giggled, turning to face Tonks, gently caressing her cheek with a trembling hand. "It is good, n'est pas?"

"You should've warned me about your, erm, what did you call it? Jouet?. I certainly wasn't expecting anything like that," she replied.

"Quell surprise, non?" Fleur giggled harder. "It is quite…intense."

"Indeed." Tonks grinned at her. Her limbs were growing leaden, her whole body warm, tingling and relaxed. It was extremely difficult to move but she forced herself to, curling up against Fleur, savouring the feel of the other girl's body against her own.

"I am very glad you liked it. I would like us to be friends."

"Well, that was certainly one way of breaking the ice," Tonks murmured. "Pity you didn't ever show me anything like that before."

"I did not know if you would want to," Fleur replied quietly, smoothing back Tonks's hair from her forehead. "I did not think you liked me very much."

"Truth be told, I didn't think you liked me very much either."

Fleur nodded, a thoughtful expression on her pretty face. "But I do."

"Just proves that sometimes it pays to get to know someone better, doesn't it?" Tonks said with a lazy smile.

"Oui. I am glad to know you better, cher Tonks," Fleur replied. "Now that our amoureux must spend the full moon without us, we will 'ave more time to learn even more about one another. That is, of course, if you would like to."

Tonks snuggled closer to Fleur, kissing her tenderly. "Yes, I would like to." Perhaps spending time around Fleur wasn't really that awful. In fact, it had been more fun than she'd ever imagined. She had a very strong feeling that in future, facing the full moon without Remus wouldn't be very stressful at all.
23rd October 2007 09:18
Oh, my! Poor Tonks, feeling so self-conscious for most of the time; that was very realistic, the way you did her thoughts. And the sex was quite nice, too! Very entertaining. :D
23rd October 2007 16:35
Hee -- thanks so much, hon. I'm so glad you liked it! (Esp since you seem to be the only one at the moment. I x-posted this via fake lj-cut to 3 other comms and my only comments were 'you messed up the link' and 'you need to lock this post'. Very reassuring... :-p)
23rd October 2007 17:18
Enjoyed! I loved Tonks' humor and skepticism. Maggie
23rd October 2007 17:29
Thanks! So glad you enjoyed it! :)
23rd October 2007 19:39
Love this, Jan!! One of my favourite femslash pairings, and you captured both their voices so nicely. I also loved the glimpses of Bill/Fleur, and what their sex life is nice. Woo! Poor, repressed Remus. Maybe Tonks should tell him about this, eh? ;)
23rd October 2007 20:04
YAY! I'm so glad you liked it. You know, your Fleur story affected the way she came out in this. Originally she was much more of a pain in the ass and pushy about things but somehow she came out more mellow and it was easier to give explantions as to why she came off as badly as she did sometimes. So thank you!

I figure Bill and Fleur couldn't possibly be vanilla, could they? LOL Remus just seems a bit repressed to me so yes, I do hope Tonks will teach him a thing or too. ;-)
23rd October 2007 22:09
Also, I can't write. Re: Bill/Fleur: what their sex life is like, I meant. :) And hell no, they can't be vanilla! Wolf + Veela? Woot!

Aha! Hurrah for Fleur love! It's kind of fun to take annoying characters in canon and make them less annoying, isn't it? Bill's not an idiot, in my mind; I like to think there is much more to Fleur than meets the eye, or he wouldn't bother with her. :)
25th October 2007 09:29
I clearly can't read then -- I knew what you were saying! :)

I don't know if I love her but I like her more than I did. But I think more like fic-Fleur than canon-Fleur if that makes any sense. (Although I think that's what you were saying here -- I'm still jetlagged and thus confused!!!) Bill's not an idiot which is why HBP Bill makes me want to punch him in the face, mostly because he shouldn't have let his mother or his fiance treat one another that way (let alone the rest of the family) instead of sitting around like a passive idiot all the way through.
23rd October 2007 20:29
I really like the contrast between their voices (mental and spoken) here! It's very effective.
25th October 2007 09:26
Thanks so much. i'm glad you liked. :)
23rd October 2007 20:42
You know my love for femmeslash and I think Tonks always works excellent in pretty much any femmeslash constellation. This is certainly no exception!
You have really captured their voices here and made this work. It's plausible, it's captivating and omgisithot! I especially love the description of how a corset hugs you and the strap-on scene. Mmm. Very nice!
25th October 2007 09:30
*squishes* I'm so glad you like it, obviously! :) Thanks again for all your encouragement, darling!
23rd October 2007 22:05
My brain is pretty much mush right now but I did want to let you know that I DEFINITELY enjoyed this quite a bit! I do not normally read Fleur in fic but you did a great job with her so all is well. :)

Also, secret kink? Femmeslash involving magical dildos. Fan-fucking-tastic. :D
25th October 2007 09:31
*hugs* Thanks, doll. I don't normally like Fleur either so it was a good challenge to make her more sympathetic and likeable. I think I made her more well rounded than in canon which is always my goal.

Hee! [info]fleshdress had asked for strap-ons. And sex toys (magical or otherwise) are always a good thing so...yay! *mwah*
24th October 2007 01:48
Loved this story! Nice twist getting them together, and really hot sex. Well done.
25th October 2007 09:32
Thanks! So glad you liked! :)
24th October 2007 04:19
Simply wonderful!
What a great tale and what an ending?! These two are so great together.
25th October 2007 09:32
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)
24th October 2007 04:20
25th October 2007 09:33
*hugs* So glad you enjoyed it!
25th October 2007 07:05
very nice story^^
25th October 2007 09:24
Thanks! :)
28th October 2007 10:55
Fantastic! Fleur and Tonks work really well together here--you did a great job of making Fleur more sympathetic, and the magical corsets and strap-on were so cool!
And of course Bill is adventurous! *g*
28th October 2007 18:53
Thanks so much, hon! I'm glad you liked it. I really wanted to make Fleur more than a cartoon, I'm glad it worked. The original request asked for corsets and strap-ons. They were fun to write about! :) (And of course Bill's adventurous...he's a naughty boy!)
29th October 2007 21:51
Just... wow. :)
I knew you were good, but hon, this was spectacular. Yummy and hot and they were so perfectly IC.
Awesome job!
31st October 2007 13:12
*blushes* You're way too kind! Seriously! I'm so glad you enjoyed it though! *mwah*
30th October 2007 00:48
Hmmm...so good. I hardly ever read slach, but this is such an interesting pairing. I also like the two boys together, so it's great to think that the four of them are having this much fun.
31st October 2007 13:26
Thanks, hon! It was a fun pairing and I seem to be on a quest to write Tonks/everyone in the Potterverse who isn't Remus stories! I do like Bill/Remus but haven't ever read it since every time I try to write Remus, he winds up as a whiny bitch. *sigh* So glad you enjoyed it!
1st November 2007 00:11
I should really proof my comments. I meant that I hardly ever read FEMMEslash - it's funny to read waht I wrote, since I actually only read m/m slash!

Sorry about that.

Remus became a sort of a whiny bitch in HPB.

1st November 2007 00:14
For some reason, I kind of figured that considering what you write and all. ;)

Remus became a whiny bitch in HBP and then an uber-whiny bitch in DH. *sigh* I am afraid to write him now for actually putting him in character canon-wise and then get bitchslapped for Remus-bashing. LOL
1st November 2007 00:54
I suffer from serious dodo-ism sometimes *g*

And what would I be doing at Daily Deviant if I didn't read slash at all????

I'm glad he's dead, because, had he lived and had JK ever decided to write a Book 8...can you imagine what he would be?

1st November 2007 01:03
Hey, I'm still jetlagged after a week and totally in a fog so you're not alone. :)

LOL I don't read much m/m slash, so what am I doing at Daily Deviant for that matter?!

It's kind of pathetic but I'm not really sorry Remus is dead *ducks from crazed Remus fans* Especially after the really lame marriage, the lame fatherhood, the even lamer mid-life crisis/running off on his wife and kid/asshattery. However, I am sorry she killed Tonks off because she was so poorly treated in the last 2 books that at least if she was not-dead, some of us could try and redeem her. Although, at this point JKR is so far down on my shit list that I am just sticking my fingers in my ears and singing "The Star Spangled Banner" any time she opens her mouth.
1st November 2007 01:05
The running away from his wife and son was the worst - why didn't he think about the consequences BEFORE he made the child?
1st November 2007 01:23
The running away from his wife and son was the worst - why didn't he think about the consequences BEFORE he made the child?

Apparently not. Clearly there's no such thing as contraceptive magic *grumbles* (Seriously, this is one of my biggest fucking peeves about the whole thing and why the words "Teddy Lupin" set my teeth on edge...)
31st October 2007 03:46
Ooh, how delicious! Great characterizations of both women.
31st October 2007 13:11
Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it.
31st December 2007 05:03
See, now this? Is why I should never go on hiatus. Because I miss stuff like this. One of my favorite pairings, and yummm, so hot, and I love the magical dildo.
31st December 2007 05:15
*hugs* I'm glad you liked it, hon! This is the fic that wouldn't let me write it in the middle of Sectus while everyone was reading The Carpet Book around me in our room. However, it was perfectly cooperative in October.

I need to find new and interesting magical sex toys though. I seem to be repetative lately.
23rd January 2008 03:41
This story has been rec'ed at
The Golden Seeker
23rd January 2008 04:20
Wow! Thank you! :)
5th September 2010 03:54
Wow, this was fantastic. Loved the dialogue especially, and I was definitely laughing when Tonks in her oh so inelegant way said Fuck Me! and Fleur was like, heh, already did.

And wow for magical dildos. But that makes perfect sense. God, that's probably a multi-galleon dollar business, I mean Fred and George struck it rich with a joke shop. Can you imagine the demand for magical toys of the other sort? Hrm......

Awesome fic! Thanks for writing. It was a pleasure reading it. ;)
5th September 2010 07:44
Thanks so much for the kind words -- I'm really glad you liked this. It was really fun to write and to think about things like how sex toys might operate in the Wizarding World (yeah I have too much time on my hands LOL). I would like to think there must be some enterprising wizards or witches who would make a mint with that kind of thing. :)

Thanks for making my day with your comments. :)
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