Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Beg to Serve (Lucius/Hermione/Narcissa) 
19th October 2007 00:12
Title: Beg to Serve.
Theme/kink: abandoned prompts : 40. Hermione/Malfoys (Narcissa, Lucius, & Draco) - Voldemort lost. Despite views of slavery, Hermione is given a gift. The Malfoys will do whatever it takes to keep her happy & avoid death. Kink & incest fine. Hermione-focus, please, & any combo is fine. No humiliation/torture/rape/death.
Warnings: threesome, tattoo/brands implying ownership
Rating: R
Media: pen&ink,pencil,ps

19th October 2007 04:47
Mmm, delicious.
I love it!
20th October 2007 20:49
19th October 2007 04:55
I can't see the pic :(
20th October 2007 20:49
It should be showing up now. :)
22nd October 2007 18:13
No....*is sad and disappointed* :(
19th October 2007 07:08
Gorgeous. I love the soft lines -- and the way you draw hair is always amazing.

Heh, Lucius looks awfully possessive.
20th October 2007 20:48
Thanks so much! I'm glad you like it. :)
19th October 2007 07:35
Very sensual.
20th October 2007 20:48
Thank you.:)
19th October 2007 07:53


Love the Hermione focus. This is just wonderful!
20th October 2007 20:47
Heehee, thanks!
19th October 2007 07:55
Wow, this is absolutely exquisite! *stares*
20th October 2007 20:47
19th October 2007 08:10
Ohh lovely. Now there's a threesome there should be more of.
20th October 2007 20:46
Thank you! ♥
And yes, there should be more of this pairing. :)
19th October 2007 12:12
Eeee! I didn't know anyone had claimed my prompt, much less YOU! *flails* This is just so utterly beautiful, hon! The colors and positions and, gah, that threesome is so hot. *fangirls*
20th October 2007 20:44
This was your prompt? I didn't know that! Yay!
I'm so pleased you like it, now you must write some hot L/H/N slave fic to go along with it. ;D
19th October 2007 15:33
GUH. This is gorgeous -- threesome I've ever read before, but this is making me want to see what's out there. :D And that's one of the best Lucius portrayals I've ever seen. *stares*
20th October 2007 20:41
Thanks so much. :)
19th October 2007 16:06
Oh my!! This is amazing!! *drool* Mmmmm....
20th October 2007 20:41
19th October 2007 20:35
Oh, how beautiful! What a great threesome. I adore the way Narcissa is leaning in and whispering to/kissing Hermione. Amazingly sexy!
20th October 2007 20:39
20th October 2007 09:36
Guh, this is sheer hotness. I love how you've drawn Narcissa's body different from Hermione's to show an older but still very beautiful woman. And Lucius is gorgeous! *stares some more*
20th October 2007 20:39
Thank you very much!
20th October 2007 10:29
Okay, that is GLORIOUS. The anatomy, the curves, lines of collarbone and jaw and thighs repeated over and over in this threesome, YOW!

*cannot stop staring*
20th October 2007 20:37
Thank you! ♥
20th October 2007 13:31
This is just beautiful.

Always love how you draw people but I really like the coloring (very subtle) used.

20th October 2007 20:37
Thanks sweetie!
20th October 2007 14:58
Mmmmh, lovely and very sensual!
20th October 2007 20:36
Thank you very much!
21st October 2007 23:51
So pretty, with the little marks and the way Hermione and Narcissa's breasts are pressing against each other :-).
23rd October 2007 19:23
This is truly beautiful! I love what you do with your subtle coloring, with the hair shades and the pink of the skin! Truly amazing!
24th October 2007 00:25
Holy god, that's gorgeous. And hot.
27th October 2007 15:13
Absolutely gorgeous!
27th October 2007 15:35
27th October 2007 15:58
Oh ... my.

Brilliant prompt.

Exquisite art.
31st October 2007 21:05
wow, really sweet and yet still very possessive.
1st November 2007 06:02
I just wanted to let you know that this artwork has been rec'ed at The Golden Seeker

The Golden Seeker
5th November 2007 17:57
Thank you!
18th May 2009 01:43
I saw a fic recently on LJ that this would fit perfectly with. I think inell wrote it, total mental blank on the name.

Congrats on your Smutastic awards nom. that's how i found this.

Great Job!!!
23rd March 2010 14:01
I was sent here by kinky_kneazle's birthday fic - and spent a good five miniutes just admiring the faces and hair contrast before going any further. Fabulous, erotic work - the shading and the delicacy of line, and the expressions, and Narcissa's breast pressing against Hermione's *just so* and...

23rd March 2010 15:51
Ohhhh!!! Lovely!!!
24th March 2010 18:16
Came here via the fic that based on this. AH, this is perfect and amazing. I love how you drew colors, the hands, their expressions. his is perfect and beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
1st September 2015 20:51
Here via iwao's rec on the crack-broom comm on LJ. Just....wow, this is gorgeous! I love the soft, almost dreamy quality of the colouring, and the whole thing is just beautifully sensual. Love!
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