Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
October ART 
1st October 2007 11:27
Lost Prompts Entry

Title: All Thumbs
Artist: [info]tripperfunster
Rating:pg, sorry!
Warnings:Severe lack of pr0n
Themes/kinks chosen:prompt 96. Snape/Lupin - making up after the worst. Desperation, Passion, finger-sucking.
Artist's notes: mmmm finger sucking!
Art preview: (optional)

1st October 2007 16:47
Ah, delicious! There is so much implicit in that drawing... Mmmm... the way Snape looks at Remus' mouth, the Nose... it is lovely!
1st October 2007 18:46
That's beautiful! I love the soft quality of it and the emotion *really* comes thru.
1st October 2007 18:58
Ah, but the tenderness makes up for the lack of pr0n!
1st October 2007 19:05
that is so sweet and tender. love their expressions, and how focused Sev is on Ree's mouth.
1st October 2007 19:24
Beautiful. Wonderful depiction of their emotions. And the pr0n is implied in Snape's intent gaze upon Remus's mouth.
1st October 2007 19:59
God, it's gorgeous. The expression on Snape's face, the light on his hand (the beauty of that needs re-iterating: the light on his hand!), Lupin's mouth... wow. There's so much implicit in it, too :-).
1st October 2007 21:12
*Whites out Lupin* Ooooh, such a lovely Snape. I love his hands.
1st October 2007 22:52


It's so beautiful. They both appear entranced, even Remus with his eyes closed. I think he must like what he tastes. His lips are seriously wanton here. Thank you so, so, SO, so much!! *HUGS HARD*

love, lore

*cough* It's possible that was my prompt in the first place. eeeee!
1st October 2007 23:14
It may be pg, but the impact is still striking. Very hot.
Lovely work.
2nd October 2007 00:46
Wow, that is very beautiful! I love the way you have imagined Snape here.
2nd October 2007 02:18
Oh, faboo! Severus' hands are divine and the expression on Remus' face is plain yummy.
2nd October 2007 02:23
No worries-the intensity between the two of them more than makes up for the pr0n. Your artses are always so pretty, they look like sepia photos.
2nd October 2007 03:10
Okay, I am in LOVE with Lupin's hair!! And Snape's left hand. And the THUMB. OHGOD. Yay for more Snupin from you!! :))
2nd October 2007 04:01
Sometimes, I think implied can be even more erotic than explicit. As a fan of all things finger and mouth, this qualifies for me. Wow. So erotic. *fans self* Meep.
2nd October 2007 04:07
That is really, really pretty. As others have said the intensity of the emotions is wonderful and the shading is just lovely.
2nd October 2007 05:19
This is really beautiful. I think I'm in love with your Severus. The intensity of their expressions--it's just so evocative. Really nicely done.
2nd October 2007 10:46
I'm starting to develop a tripperhandfetish. Lupin, what Lupim? I don't see no stinkin' Lupin! Oh wait...yes, there he is. Just what we were talking about--the hawtest pics/fics are the understated ones, where teh smex just simmers off the page. Great job, tripp!
2nd October 2007 19:15
you know, the severe lack of pr0n really works. there's so much intimacy and underlying tension that it becomes part of a narrative by leaving a lot to the imagination. i especially love snape's hand and the finger sucking.
2nd October 2007 23:10
Oh- My- God.

Intense Emotions- Fucking amazing hands- Perfect Snape- and holy hell FINGERSUCKING!!!!


*melts into goo*
3rd October 2007 21:13
That's a lovely drawing. I really like the intensity of Snape's gaze.

One small quibble though -- I find the grayed box to be really distracting. I think it takes one away from the artwork.
4th October 2007 18:34
omg-- gorgeous!
4th October 2007 18:50
Oh, nice!! Severus' face is amazing!
7th October 2007 05:17
1. It's nice to know that finger-sucking is a recognized kink. I am Not Alone.

2. That is FUCKING AMAZING. You've given Snape a beauty here that totally transcends his physical ugliness -- the way his lashes are dropped over his eyes, the intensity of his gaze on Remus's face ... and then Remus's total absorption is entrancing. The shading on the fingers! *bows down*

It's quiet, and intimate, and it thrums with emotion. Well done!
7th October 2007 17:12
That's utterly perfect. I love how Severus is just watching, with his mouth slightly open. Remus looks like he's really concentrating! And I'm amazed by how you managed to draw this, how realistic the hands are. I'm entranced by how you drew them!
8th October 2007 19:00
This is lovely, Tripp.
I love Remus' hair, Snape's expression and his perfect hands and thin wrists.
I'm so glad you have turned to Snupin as well, because I love it too :-D
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