Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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31st December 2018 18:04 - Re: Minerva/Severus; Topping from the Bottom (filled by watcher)
Severus enjoys obeying Minerva's every whim when he has lost a wager but, on principle, he tries to get her turned on enough to take him to bed sooner than she is planning to do. Minerva isn't having any of it... After all, he hasn't dusted the bookcase yet.


Sometimes, however, he is very convincing. He counts this as a win. So does she.


Dear Kelly, since it is the last day of Kinky Kristmas and of the year and this prompt has not been taken up, allow me to wish you a Happy New Year with a drawing that I hope you will enjoy viewing as much as I enjoyed drawing it.
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