Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
How to Train Your Death Eater (Severus Snape/Bellatrix Black LeStrange) NC-17 
30th April 2018 23:54
Title: How to Train Your Death Eater
Artist: mywitch
Media: digital
Pairing: Severus Snape/Bellatrix Black LeStrange
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: 1) gloves and 4) suspension: hanging someone in the air for sexual purposes
Summary/Description: Training up the ickle newbie Death Eaters is Bellatrix's favorite duty...
Warnings: magical bondage, huge willie, mysterious glove usage

1st May 2018 10:33
I can understand why Bella enjoys this duty. *jealous*
I can understand why someone wouldn't touch her without a pair of rubber gloves :D (looks like the ones we use for scrubbing the toilet :D )
I need some kleenex wiping off the drool <3 He is gorgeous.
8th May 2018 18:46
Aw thanks, I'm glad you like Sev here! And yeah, I agree! No one wants to touch Bella without some heavy duty gloves, LOL.
1st May 2018 13:21
This is amazing. Nice shirt. Apart from every other hot detail. ;)

What a great job :D
8th May 2018 18:47
Thank you so much, my dear! I'm delighted you enjoyed it!
1st May 2018 13:29
Fascinating! I love the poses you have created here, and Bella's masses of frizzy hair!

PurpleFluffyCat x
8th May 2018 18:47
Thank you! I'm glad you like it. I had fun drawing Bella's hair :D
1st May 2018 16:11
Love the marigold gloves. And the enormous wille. And the look on Sev's face. I don't know that he needs much training.
8th May 2018 18:48
Thanks! I think you're right - he's a natural :D
1st May 2018 20:49
Fun and sexy! I love how you went with the creepy yellow cleaning gloves instead of black leather. Totally gives me "about to clean a murder scene" vibes, which works well for the Death Eater pairing, LOL.
8th May 2018 18:48
LOL I love that "about to clean a murder scene"! So pleased you like it! :D
2nd May 2018 17:37 - Suspension is Sexy
Go Severus! Make her Beg! Gives new meaning to "leave her hanging". If I were presented such a lovely loli, I'd have that same huge smile on my face. Erexen
8th May 2018 18:49 - Re: Suspension is Sexy
Heh heh, it is a nice lolly isn't it? ;)
3rd May 2018 12:57
Okay, my husband wears those exact gloves to wash dishes so my first thought was...odd.

Love the anatomy here, the bend in Bellatrix's body (and how she looks batty as fuck. Hate her, hope Snape goes to town.) and Snape's lean form and giant bits. (And the DE mask, beautiful design, dear!)
8th May 2018 18:50
Thank you! I'm glad you like it - and no worries, Bella is gonna get what for :D
(I was thinking about Frank N Furter when I drew those gloves, lol)
28th May 2018 16:15
Wow, gorgeous work, hon.
I am now trying to puzzle out the story here...
It almost looks like Severus is the one breaking Bellatrix in, I think because of the yellow gloves.
Still, fun is definitely about to be had!
Also, it must be said, I adore Bellatrix's hair. *g*
31st May 2018 18:05
LOL - yes, I think Severus was an apt pupil, and Bella is always up for a little extra practicing :D

Thanks so much for your comment! I'm glad you like her hair - it was a blast to draw it. :D
9th July 2018 16:34
Beautifully done! Snape's legs are gorgeous, along with, ahem, other things, and I love the smirk. Those gloves! They make it look as though things are going to get messy, and she looks like she understands the threat.
2nd August 2019 02:42
Thank you so much for your awesome comment! Sorry I am so late in replying. I really appreciate you checking it out! :D
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