Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas 2017: Comment Kink Edition! 
3rd December 2017 12:00
Greetings and welcome to
Kinky Kristmas 2017: Comment Kink Edition!

Our members have made requests for stocking stuffers that would help make their holidays happy -- and kinky, of course! Now you all -- both members and watchers -- have the opportunity to play Santa and fulfill those requests. In the form of comment kink!

How to Stuff Our Stockings:

• Request fills must be a minimum of 200 words (if fic) or a sketch equivalent (if art).
• There is no maximum limit, but remember that long pieces are in no way required. Please don't hesitate to participate because you can "only" write a few words or do a simple sketch!
• Since fills may be short, we're not going to be strictly policing the rating of each piece. Just remember this is Daily Deviant and we want to see some sex!
• Each request may be filled twice -- once by a member and once by a watcher.
• When filling a request, leave it in a comment directly in a reply to the request you're filling.
• When filling a request, note whether you're filling it as a watcher or a member.
• If you are now or have ever been a posting member of Daily Deviant, you'll be filling the requests as a member.
• Prompt claiming is available but optional. What this means is that you need not claim a request in order to fill it, but if it's already claimed by someone else, it's off limits.
• In order to claim a request, comment directly in a reply to the request stating that you're claiming it. Be sure to note whether you're claiming it as a member or a watcher.
• Since we want as many goodies in our fishnet stockings as possible, there will be an expiration date on claims. One week after a claim is made (as per the time stamp on the comment), if the prompt has not been filled, the claim expires and the prompt is open for claiming or filling by someone else. (We'll try to keep track and delete the expired ones, but we may miss a few, so you can just keep an eye on the time stamps.) So if a prompt you really love appears to be taken, remember to check back.
• If you've made a claim that has expired, you may still post a fill in reply to the prompt as long as no one else fills it or claims it first.
• Participants may have a total of two outstanding claims at a time. I.e., you may claim two requests, then when you've filled one, you may claim a third, etc.
• Additional prompts could appear throughout the month depending upon participation levels and demand.
Commenting, interacting, and generally having fun is welcome and encouraged!! Fandom is all about interaction with like-minded perverts people. Let's enjoy some friendly, smutty holiday merry-making! ;D

Got all that? Okay, good! Now...

(Double entendre totally intended, naturally...)
23rd November 2017 16:56 - Severus/Horace; Respect; Age-gaps.
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Severus Snape/Horace Slughorn
Kink(s): Age-gap, role-models
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): Non-con, dub-con, SPEW.
Prompt: There were very few things that could make Severus respect someone. Being excellent at Potions was one such thing.
23rd November 2017 18:45 - Exhibitionism - James
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
James Sirius/Teddy or James Sirius/Albus Severus or James/Sirius
Kink(s): Exhibitionism/Public Sex
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): rape/non-con, mpreg, dark!fic
Prompt: James gets off on being watched.
24th November 2017 01:50 - Severus/Harry, dirty talk
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Kink(s): dirty talk, exhibitionism, voyeurism
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): BDSM, infidelity, non-magic AU
Prompt: Everyone finds Severus' voice sexy, but Harry doesn't get it. Until Severus talks him to orgasm in public at a Christmas party.
24th November 2017 01:55 - Harry/Draco, Gloves
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Kink(s): Gloves/leather
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): BDSM, infidelity, non-con, non-magic AU
Prompt: Harry and Draco are coworkers, and Harry about has a meltdown every time Draco puts on his gloves. Draco notices this reaction and exploits it.
24th November 2017 02:03 - James Sirius/Scorpius, rimming
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
James Sirius/Scorpius
Kink(s): Rimming
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): BDSM, non-magic AU, infidelity
Prompt: Scorpius is the man who has everything. So James gives him something he's never had before.
24th November 2017 13:10 - Draco/Albus Severus - handholding/cuddling/PDA/romance
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Draco/Albus Severus
Kink(s): handholding, cuddling, PDA, romance
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): SPEW (the usual), public sexuality (for this one)
Prompt: Draco's always been intensely private about his sex life. Along comes Albus Severus who just seems to GET that holding hands in public just does it for Draco.
24th November 2017 13:13 - Scorpius/Albus Severus/Lily Luna - Cross-Dressing, Corsets
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Scorpius/Albus Severus/Lily Luna
Kink(s): cross-dressing, corsets (with a side of possible incest (or a V triad, that's cool too))
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): SPEW (the usual)
Prompt: When they're getting ready to go out for the night, Lily Luna tells the boys that she's not going to be the only one wearing a corset--she's got one for one of them, as well.
24th November 2017 13:15 - Teddy/James Sirius - Rough Sex, Marking
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Teddy/James Sirius
Kink(s): Rough Sex, Marking (anything from biting up to knife play)
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): SPEW (the usual)
Prompt: The thing about being a metamorphmagus and having a werewolf dad is that Teddy heals, which means he can take it rough, and kind of likes it that way.
26th November 2017 22:34 - James/Teddy - facefucking!
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
James Sirius/Teddy
Kink(s): facefucking
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non con, underage
Prompt: He's at his best when he's on his knees
26th November 2017 23:32 - Desk/table sex
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Sirius/Harry, Remus/Harry, Draco/Harry
Kink(s): desk/table sex
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): underage/school era Harry, non con
Prompt: Someone fucking Harry over a desk/table, maybe somewhere they shouldn't be having sex? (e.g. Sirius's parents old room, Lucius's study, Remus's old classroom office... Bonus points if it was Harry's idea? :D)
26th November 2017 23:35 - Albus/Scorpius - post-sex fingering
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Pairing(s): Albus/Scorpius
Kink(s): post-sex fingering
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non con, underage,
Prompt: Coming doesn't mean they're done (or maybe someone comes a little quickly, then uses their fingers to get the other off? :D I'd love you forever for either!)
27th November 2017 02:48 - Snape/Wanking/Getting Caught
Please kink up my Kristmas with: Severus Snape

Kink(s): wank wank wank wank wank, getting caught
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): bdsm
Prompt: Over the holiday break Professor Snape finds himself all caught up on his work, and loads of time on his hands. Oh what to do, what to do...
2nd December 2017 18:51 - Minerva/Severus; Corsets, Smoking
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Kink(s): corsets, smoking
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): fisting, age play
Prompt: Christmas Eve
2nd December 2017 18:53 - Minerva/Hermione; Voyeurism
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Kink(s): voyeurism
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): teacher/student (so please let Hermione be long out of school)
Prompt: Books
2nd December 2017 18:55 - Minerva/Rufus; Long Hair
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Minerva/Rufus Scrimgeour
Kink(s): long hair
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): fisting, age play
Prompt: The office of the Minister of Magic
3rd December 2017 02:34 - Sirius/James (infidelity or open relationship)
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Kink(s): either infidelity (sorry, Lily!) or James and Lily are in an open relationship
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): comparing Sirius to Lily or Lily to Sirius unfavourably (does that make sense?)
Prompt: They don't talk about what it means. It's either nothing or everything.
3rd December 2017 02:45 - James Sirius/Lily Luna (incest & semi-public sex)
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
James Sirius/Lily Luna (Al can watch if you/he wants!)
Kink(s): incest, (semi)-public sex
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): any reference to Harry/Ginny
Prompt: He finger-fucks her at a club, hand up her skirt while she sits at the bar. (I know, I'm weirdly specific. :P )
3rd December 2017 02:57 - Harry/Draco, Veritaserum
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Kink(s): Veritaserum
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): any Harry/other or Draco/other or a cruel Harry
Prompt: Draco's somehow ingested Veritaserum. Harry's not trying to take advantage of it, but he can't shut Draco up and gets an earful about how much Draco wants Harry to fuck him... and how. Maybe he hears other things too (maybe Draco likes Harry's stupid hair or other nonsexual things that could be sweetly embarrassing), but definitely also the dirty stuff, like I would not be opposed to Draco really wanting Harry to felch his arse and such. ;P Oh and please don't already have them in a relationship! This is news to Harry, ykwim?
3rd December 2017 16:53
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Teddy/James, Remus/Sirius
Kink(s): biting
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): infidelity, non- or dub-con
Prompt: He shouldn't like leaving marks so much,but...
3rd December 2017 16:56
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Teddy/James, James Sr/Sirius
Kink(s): semi-public sex
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non-con, scat
Prompt: He isn't sure whether his partner wants to hide, or wants to be caught/wants to be caught by someone in particular
8th December 2017 17:32 - Remus/Sirius or Severus/Sirius, Daddy Kink
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Remus/Sirius or Severus/Sirius
Kink(s): Daddy!kink
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non-con, scat, het, top!Sirius
Prompt: He may not understand where his partner's need comes from but he sure has a lot of fun fulfilling it.
11th December 2017 22:13 - Sirius/Severus - begging - fuck or die
Please kink up my Kristmas with: Sirius/Severus - begging - fuck or die
Kink(s): begging to be fucked. / fuck or die
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): hardcore bdsm, orgasm denial, death
Prompt: Sirius doing the begging. Severus being kind of an arse but really wanting it too... being all non-chalant and shit ... and then he gives in and its ... ?
12th December 2017 16:26 - Teddy/Any Male (plus more?) - Shapeshifting
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Teddy/Any Male (plus others, all genders welcome in the +??)
Kink(s): Shapeshifting (anything from enlarging parts to changing genders, to a little of everything, have fun with it!)
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): The usual
Prompt: Teddy is always exactly what he needs Teddy to be. Always.
12th December 2017 16:56 - D/s - Albus/Gellert
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Kink(s): D/s
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): rape/non-con (dub-con is fine)
Prompt: Gellert wanted to rule, and Albus wanted Gellert, however he could have him.
12th December 2017 17:42 - A/B/O
Please kink up my Kristmas with:
Lily/James, Remus/Sirius
Kink(s): A/B/O dynamics
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): non-con, infidelity
Prompt: Character B (James or Sirius) has always believed he's an Alpha like his partner, until he suddenly comes into heat...
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