Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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5th October 2017 20:16
OH my god! I love when Albus meddles this way! \o/ I can't believe he managed to do that from the ~great beyond. LOL

I love how intense it was, even when they were arguing and how resolute Severus was that it wasn't going to work, he was just so jealous!

But then, yeah, best not jump into conclusions. I love it, so smoking hot!

ALSO! I love how formal Severus was at the end.

Severus sighed. “I…apologise for the assumptions I made concerned your relationship with Miss Weasley.”

“Mrs Thomas,” Harry corrected.

Severus huffed. “Mrs Thomas. Also, I…share similar sentiments to yours.”

Awww, that was sweet for him. ;) :D

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