Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - Sept 22 - Charlie Horse 
22nd September 2007 00:00
Title: Charlie Horse
Artist: [info]freckles42
Media: tablet+CS2
Characters: Charlie, a Centaur
Rating: NC-17 and VERY NWS
Warnings: NWS, anal, bestiality, chan, seminal fluids, outdoor sex
Themes/kinks chosen: bestiality and chan
Artist's notes: One of the Centaurs has his way with a young Charlie Weasley. So... I've never ever drawn anything like this before but oh gods. Do you know what it's like having to research horse cocks? My internet history is ruined. But in a good way, I think. Maybe. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys... it's dirty and then some. *grin* Thank you to our lovely mods!
Art preview:

22nd September 2007 07:09
Holy...horsefuckers, Batman! WOW!



Brilliant! (you're a twisted little monkey, woman! ♥)
22nd September 2007 07:18

22nd September 2007 07:27
LOL HORSECOCK! FRECKLES! EEEEEEK! :) (My inner Charlie is cringing in terror...!)
22nd September 2007 07:43
Ha ha ha ha ha oh man, I BET!!


*is a dirty, dirty girl*
22nd September 2007 07:56
It doesn't help that inner!Charlie is basically straight (unless Bill's involved..). So he's really skerred right now. Hee!

You are an extremely dirty girl! *mwah*
22nd September 2007 07:58
Heeeeee! I bet he's covering his ass, so to speak. *giggles*

Buwahah, the best kind! *grins* I've never drawn anything quite like this before but this community, for me, isn't just about drawing/writing smut but also improving my craft and trying new things. So it was definitely something to draw chan AND bestiality all in one go. As Zaphod Beeblebrox would say... "FREEEOOOOWW!"
22nd September 2007 10:43
You may have damaged me for life. And now I'm glad I'm not an artist because, honestly, I could never be that dedicated. Until now, I thought of myself as the Research Queen but clearly I pale in your shadow!
22nd September 2007 10:46
*grins* It was very strange to research, plus trying to figure out how to integrate a male torso onto a horse's body... *brain explosion* And there's a surprising lack of easily-google-able centaur!smut out there.

Heeeee. Damaged goods are the best kind, IMO. More interesting.
22nd September 2007 19:01
Hee -- I can imagine! See, a lot easier to be a writer and not having to make anything really biologically accurate. ;)

I am shocked that there's not much centaur!smut out there. Simply shocked. Actually, I am. You'd think the Furries would have some bloody use after all!
22nd September 2007 19:12
You'd think so! But if it's out there, it's not easily searchable. You'd think the Otherkin would help out a bit, too, but I don't think many of them see themselves as centaurs. Dragons and elves seem to be the most popular. Centaurs are shockingly neglected. :D
22nd September 2007 19:18
I know I've seen dirty Furry art with centaurs (amongst other things) but yeah, they probably have private galleries or something.

Centaurs are extremely cool beings though. I've been fascinated by them and Dumblegoats fauns since I was small and first started reading Greek mythology. Not necessarily sexually, of course. Although, there was that nasty bit of business of Pirithous's wedding where they tried to rape the bride...
22nd September 2007 08:19
I can't stop watching that icon.

22nd September 2007 08:21
Here's another.

22nd September 2007 07:41


My home monitor is crap, so I'm pretty sure a large amount of detail is lost on me. And probably it would be in poor taste to go in my kid's room and use his. :D However, what I see, I like. ;)
22nd September 2007 07:47
*grins* You know, you might be right on that count.

Hee, thank you. XD

22nd September 2007 07:53
Eq. Eq.

Well, hopefully Charlie had no real need of any of his internal organs. Now the big question, which centaur is it? ;-)
22nd September 2007 07:56
Nah, they're not really all that important. He's young, I'm sure his colon will recover rather than prolapse... right? RIGHT??

I couldn't decide and didn't feel like digging through the listing to pick out one that met the description. XD So it's just a generic Centaur, though I'm sure Charlie will remember his name! Bahaha.
22nd September 2007 08:26
I think you should see this:


Not worksafe.
22nd September 2007 09:41
If that's the vid of Mr Hands as he experience Death by Horse Cock... then I've seen it. *grins* Let's just say that I've been around Teh Intarwebs for a long time and Anonymous is my name. But, uh, thanks for the link? XD
22nd September 2007 09:49
It's a favorite of mine to spread around ;x
30th September 2007 21:27
I'm not sure I'm brave enough to click on the link. Your icon has already ambushed me with OMGTEHGRAFIKSECKS. What's that from, by the way?
30th September 2007 22:08
Not that this link is much better, but Here's the ED article on Mr Hands (VERY NWS). He died after letting a horse do him up the butt, and the link she provided is the movie in question.
30th September 2007 22:12
Clickkkkk ittttt.... come on now. -grins-

And I have no flogging clue where my hawt dawg seckz icon is from. I found it somewhere on the internetz ... x(
22nd September 2007 09:37
Oh, I expect you ruined your cache history the same way I did when I took a prompt for Unicorn!sex. O_O Eye-opening, isn't it?

And well-done! This will probably make you laugh but at first glance, I thought Charlie was a lovely little strawberry roan horse. The coloration really is amazingly similar!

Oh, and that line of horse semen trailing down Charlie's cock? *thud*
22nd September 2007 09:43
Ha ha ha, yeah, it's like how my porn folder is titled "references"... all those nudes really ARE for my art reference, but it sure would be awkward to explain WHY I needed a pic of a young lady taking it up the bum from a horse.

Thank you! :D And ha ha, you know, you're right; the colouration really is quite similar.

*fans you*
22nd September 2007 11:00
!!!!!!!!!!! omg, Charlie!
God, this is disturbing but also very, very good. I love Charlie's freckles. And the centaur's backside. And that little bag at the bottom? There's a whole back story to this! O_o WOW.
22nd September 2007 11:04
I know, the poor boy!!
Heeeeee, thank you, that's actually a wonderful compliment. I like it when pictures hint at a whole story leading up to that moment, so I'm glad you noticed the little details! It's easy to get lost just staring at the cock. *coughs* *laughs*

Again, thank you! :D
22nd September 2007 12:08
Amazing! Especially the come trickling down Charlie's cock. Can't stop staring at it.
22nd September 2007 18:05
Thank you very much! It's kind of weird to think I had a separate layer called "fluids" just to work on that but... *grins*

Thanks again. :D
22nd September 2007 12:45
Naughty and very kinky :D
22nd September 2007 18:06
:D Thank you!
22nd September 2007 13:14
This is an awesome piece of art! It's got a great amount of detail as well as being incredibly hot. I love the firey hair and freckles.
22nd September 2007 18:07
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you enjoyed. :D
22nd September 2007 13:35
This suer warms up a cold morning! Centaur sex is so hot! Then add Charlie!
22nd September 2007 18:08
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :D
22nd September 2007 14:07
HOLY HELL! This is so so wrong.... Yet.... Gah! <3

Charlie's freckles, the hands in his hair, the.... Fluids...

And gotta say, freaking EXCELLENT job done on the horse part of the body. I know a lot of artists have trouble with animals, but you've nailed it.

Fantastic work!
22nd September 2007 18:12
♥ *grins* I'm so glad you liked it! This one ended up being quite fun to draw, despite the kind-of squicky research.

Thank you! It was hard-earned. I've got about two sheets of horse butt drawn on some paper here just to get a feel for what it looked like. XD I was very pleased with the way the shading and everything turned out, so I'm glad others are appreciating the work that went into it. Thank you, again!
23rd September 2007 00:14
Your delving into squicky research is much appreciated!

Heh... Two sheets of Horse Butt... <3 You did a very good job. I've seen some very very good fan artists absolutely fail when it comes to drawing animals, so when someone nails it like you did, I really notice it.
22nd September 2007 15:55
22nd September 2007 18:13
22nd September 2007 17:29
I'm totally reading "smug" into the centaur's over-shoulder-glance :-). Meep, the sheer quantity of semen around the horse-cock is somewhere between squicking and compelling... and I guess Charlie knows how to take care of Centaurs, now ;).
22nd September 2007 18:15
"Smug" and "intense concentration" would both be qualifying expressions, to be sure. *grins*

Ha ha ha, oh my, yes, yes he does. XD
22nd September 2007 20:03
Ohdear. This is disturbingly well done. And I mean that in the best of ways! :-) (About the same way your history is ruined in the best way *G*) I am very impressed and it's truly a mesmerizing picture.
22nd September 2007 20:11
Heeeeeeeeee. Thank you very much!
22nd September 2007 20:17
Well DAMN.
I'm speechless. Just.. wow. Amazing job.
And if by some insane chance the mods aren't pleased (i can't see why they wouldn't be)I know I am. *drools*
The best bit? The way the centaur is looking over his shoulder like, "What? Could we have some privacy, please?"
Fabulous work!
22nd September 2007 20:25
Thank you! ♥! I'm really pleased with the response I've got so far; it's bolstered my confidence in drawing scenes like this. *grins*

*hands you a towel for your drool* ;D

Ha ha ha oh man, he is, isn't he?

Thank you again!
22nd September 2007 22:27

I was just watching the "horsefucker" video about those people that have the miniature horse that they screw that was linked on a comm on JF yesterday and then I clicked on this and omg.


I do like the freckles more than is healthy.
23rd September 2007 00:10
Bahahah A WINNAR! *grins*

Heee, freckles ftw. I always love drawing the Weasleys for the reason alone.
3rd November 2008 18:38

It's the come sloughing down Charlie's cock there.

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