Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
11th Birthday Bash: Dirty Drabble/Drawble Day 7 
15th April 2017 12:59
Day 7 -- the final drabble/drawble challenge! Tomorrow we'll be starting a new party game with some prizes attached...

Rules? What rules?

To share your results, simply post them in a comment to this entry.

You need not use the both prompt words/phrase directly in your piece. Allow the prompt to influence and inspire you any way it will.

By definition, a drabble is exactly 100 words and a drawble is a rough sketch equivalent. However, we're not going to be running anyone's work through a word counter here. Just have fun with it!
15th April 2017 15:29 - Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
Upon entering the club, Harry’s eyes are drawn to white-blond hair like moth to a flame. Without thinking about it, he’s sidling up to Malfoy, whispering a filthy proposition.

Shockingly, Malfoy agrees, and within moments they’re at Malfoy’s, Malfoy atop him.

Malfoy’s a sex maestro, eliciting sensations Harry never knew possible, and when he comes, it’s so hard, his vision whites out.

Afterward, nerves scrambled, Harry shifts.

Malfoy grabs him. “Where d’you think you’re going?”

“Thought you’d want your bed to yourself.”

Malfoy snorts, straddling him. “I haven’t come like that ev—in ages, Potter.” He smirks. “I’m not done with you yet. That was only the beginning.”

And as he presses Harry into the bed and begins again, Harry smiles. “I can deal with that.”
15th April 2017 23:24 - Re: Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
Of course Draco wants more. :) Nice work.
16th April 2017 21:52 - Re: Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
Haha! Doesn't he always? ;)
Thanks, hon!
16th April 2017 11:56 - Re: Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
Awww, such a hot and sweet beginning!
16th April 2017 21:53 - Re: Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
Yes, I suspect things will go well for them. :)
Thank you, sweetie!
16th April 2017 15:20 - Re: Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
More info aout the sex maestro bit needed, as in write moar!
16th April 2017 21:54 - Re: Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
Alas, a drabble is just a snippet, although I'm pleased you enjoyed it!
Thanks. :)
17th April 2017 08:53 - Re: Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
I love it. Draco – the sex maestro! Oh my god! :D
17th April 2017 21:58 - Re: Only the Beginning, Harry/Draco, PG-13
Heh. Harry may never let on to Draco that he's thinking that. ;)
Thanks, hon!
15th April 2017 23:25 - I Do (Harry/Tom - PG-130
Harry chewed his lip as Tom laid out his proposal. It was a very provocative offer and would end the war. No more lives lost or bloodshed.

"That's it? That's all you want?" he asked. It couldn’t be this easy.

"As much as Dumbledore insisted this was about blood, it's not. I only wanted the Potter family to honor their vows."

The younger man closed his eyes and nodded. "If agreeing to marry you beings about the end. Then yes, I accept."

"Oh Harry," Tom breathed deeply and pulled him close. "This is not the end. It's only the beginning."

16th April 2017 11:54 - Re: I Do (Harry/Tom - PG-130
OOoo, so much packed into this little drabble!
16th April 2017 14:49 - Re: I Do (Harry/Tom - PG-130
Thank you.
16th April 2017 21:52 - Re: I Do (Harry/Tom - PG-130
If Dumbledore had known that, he'd have offered Harry up himself. :)
Well done!
17th April 2017 03:09 - Re: I Do (Harry/Tom - PG-130
I have always tended to think of Dumbledore as evil.

Thank you.
17th April 2017 08:56 - Re: I Do (Harry/Tom - PG-130
Ohhh, awesome little twist there!
17th April 2017 15:03 - Re: I Do (Harry/Tom - PG-130
I thought it would be nice to throw a little dinghy in the mix.
16th April 2017 12:37 - Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
Lee remembers every moment like it was yesterday: the conspiratorial glances, the prank plotting, the instant camaraderie. He remembers thinking this is only the beginning as they raced down corridors after midnight, breathless and triumphant.

He was right. Boyish smiles turned to lingering touches turned to sticky exploration behind dormitory curtains. They were inseparable, invincible, and Lee was lucky to be let into Fred and George's exclusive club.

He doesn't feel lucky now, surrounded by grieving Weasleys, unable to even look in George's direction. Lee's own grief chokes him, and there's no end in sight.

This is only the beginning.
16th April 2017 14:51 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
Ouch, so much grief in so few words. T.T
17th April 2017 21:37 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
I know! I'm terrible!
16th April 2017 21:50 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
So heartbreakingly sad.
Beautifully done!
17th April 2017 21:37 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
Thanks so much, darling!
17th April 2017 12:26 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
Oh my god, no, why??? I love pairing Lee with the twins, but I can't take it sometimes, it's too sad.
17th April 2017 21:36 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
I know! I wanted to do something a little different with this final drabble. :)
17th April 2017 20:34 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
Oh, heartbreaking. This was so well-done, though. </3
17th April 2017 21:36 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
Thanks so much, hon!
18th April 2017 09:58 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
That was, wow, so sad and powerful, and incredibly beautiful.

18th April 2017 11:59 - Re: Grief; Lee/Fred/George, PG-13 (Canon Death)
Thanks, hon! <3
16th April 2017 16:58 - The Deal; Snape/Draco; R
“Repeat it back to me,” Severus said softly.

Draco’s pale eyes flickered up to meet his. “I -- ”

“Go on.”

Draco raised his chin in an attempt to look calm; Severus drank in the flutter of breath in his throat. “You’ll protect my parents and me.” Severus waved his wand, and Draco’s robes started unbuttoning themselves. “You’ll keep Greyback away.” Draco’s boots and socks removed themselves, leaving him hopping to keep his balance. “T-teach me potions. Show me what to do.” His robes, fully unbuttoned, slithered off Draco’s shoulders and left him naked before Severus’ ravenous eyes.

“And you’ll do what?”

“What you want. I -- I’ll have sex with you.”

Severus smiled. “That’s only the beginning of what you’ll do with me.”
16th April 2017 21:49 - Re: The Deal; Snape/Draco; R
Oh my! Yeah, Draco's in for quite the education. *g*
17th April 2017 08:56 - Re: The Deal; Snape/Draco; R
ohhh, nice! I love everything this implies and leaves so much to the reader's imagination!
17th April 2017 21:35 - Re: The Deal; Snape/Draco; R
OOoo, fabulous! I do so love this pairing. :)
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