Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
11th Birthday Bash: Dirty Drabble/Drawble Day 3 
11th April 2017 15:24
Day 3 of drabbling and drawbling! Everyone's invited to practice their quickie skills...

Rules? What rules?

To share your results, simply post them in a comment to this entry.

You need not use the prompt words/quotes directly in your drabble. Allow the prompt to influence and inspire you any way it will.

By definition, a drabble is exactly 100 words and a drawble is a rough sketch equivalent. However, we're not going to be running anyone's work through a word counter here. Just have fun with it!
12th April 2017 07:20 - Totally Worth It (Harry/Draco) NC-17
Warning: Top!Draco

"Alright?" Draco asked, planting his feet beside Harry's shoulders.

Harry raised an eyebrow, looking up at him from the floor. Honestly, he'd been better. This 'brilliant idea' of Draco's had him with his arse right up in the air, propped up against the end of the bed. It wasn’t particularly comfortable on his back. Or his shoulders. Or his neck...

"Trust me," Draco said with a smirk as he bent his knees, lining his cock up to Harry's stretched hole. "It'll be worth it." As he slid inside, Harry’s moan turned to a strangled cry.

The smug fucker was right.
12th April 2017 08:42 - Re: Totally Worth It (Harry/Draco) NC-17
I love it. I loved how you used the prompt.

The smug fucker was right.

LOL Perfectly them, too!
12th April 2017 12:15 - Re: Totally Worth It (Harry/Draco) NC-17
Oooo, hot!
12th April 2017 14:56 - Re: Totally Worth It (Harry/Draco) NC-17
Harry should know to trust Draco with sex things. ;)
12th April 2017 15:25 - Re: Totally Worth It (Harry/Draco) NC-17
Yum! I love smug!Draco and reluctantly-turned-on!Harry. Delicious!
14th April 2017 01:15 - Re: Totally Worth It (Harry/Draco) NC-17
What a fabulous use of the prompt – I love it!

The last line is brilliant. :D
15th April 2017 18:09 - Re: Totally Worth It (Harry/Draco) NC-17
LMAO! Of course he was, the bastard :D
12th April 2017 08:52 - Steamy Encounter, Severus/Harry, PG-13
Ditching his towel, Harry enters the staff steam room. Moments later, the door opens behind him.

“Sorry,” he says, peering through the steam. “I reserved—Snape?”

Snape blinks, clearly surprised. “I reserved this room, too.”

Harry coughs. “Right. I’ll just—”


They eye each other.

“We could…share,” says Harry.

Snape shrugs. “Fine with me.”

They settle on the bench, Harry trying not to eye Snape’s bits. It’s difficult, however. The man’s built. Unfortunately, his body begins to react.

“It’s a normal reaction.”

Harry presses his hands over his groin. “What?”

“Being sore after Quidditch. Neither of us are teenagers anymore.”

“Oh,” Harry says. “Right.”

“And the erection,” Snape adds.

Harry groans. “I’ll go,” he says. But when he tries the door, it’s locked.

“Did I say it bothered me?” Snape asks.

Harry turns around. Snape’s legs are spread and he, too, has an erection. Harry licks his lips. “Um, looks like we’re trapped in here.”

Snape smirks. “Looks like we’ve been had.”

Harry sighs. “The elves?”

“They are notorious for matchmaking.”

“So what should we do?”

Snape inclines his head. “Cooperate. They’ll only get more creative if we don’t.”

And as Snape pulls Harry close, Harry reflects that perhaps bribing the elves hadn’t been a bad idea after all.
12th April 2017 12:52 - Re: Steamy Encounter, Severus/Harry, PG-13
Ooo, love that twist at the end. :)
13th April 2017 12:35 - Re: Steamy Encounter, Severus/Harry, PG-13
Tricksy Harry. Lets his Slytherin show to get his Slytherin. XD
13th April 2017 18:12 - Re: Steamy Encounter, Severus/Harry, PG-13
No, no, no, do not cooperate!

I want to see how creative they get :D

14th April 2017 01:19 - Re: Steamy Encounter, Severus/Harry, PG-13
Oh, this is too funny!

"And the erection," Snape adds. – Just as Harry thought he'd got away with it!

I am henceforth blaming anything and everything on "the elves".

And what a masterful twist at the end!
14th April 2017 10:13 - Re: Steamy Encounter, Severus/Harry, PG-13
LOL! I love this! I love Snape's solution. "Cooperate." Perfect. <3
12th April 2017 12:03
Lying on his back, semen cooling on his stomach, Charlie stared up at the ceiling and attempted to process what had just happened. "Wow," he said.

"Mmm-hmm," Remus agreed from beside him. He sounded smug.

With his placid and agreeable demeanor, Charlie had always reckoned Remus was the mild, accommodating sort. He'd been dead wrong. Remus was a wild beast in bed. The moment they'd hit the sheets, Charlie had been assaulted by such passionate dominance that he'd lost all sensibility. He'd actually bottomed. He never bottomed.

"You... I thought..." Charlie struggled for words. "You could have warned a bloke."

Remus chuckled. "It's not my fault if you made assumptions that turned out to be incorrect."

Well, that was true enough, Charlie supposed. It didn't lessen his shock, though. He cracked a lopsided grin. "...I think I've been... had."

That earned Charlie a pillow in the face followed by another impressive round.
12th April 2017 12:54
Love this pairing, and Charlie's shocked surprise at Remus's passion was great. :D
12th April 2017 13:14
Mmm, yes, give me dominant, aggressive Remus all day! Very nice.
12th April 2017 14:53
Yeah, Charlie, I think you have been. And you're about to be again. ;)
Great pairing. :)
13th April 2017 18:16
Sexy imagery you have painted. I love seeing these rare pairs. Well done.
14th April 2017 01:23
Go Remus! Perhaps he's so mild the rest of the time because he's used up all of his energy in the bedroom! XD

He'd actually bottomed. He never bottomed. – I love this line! I'm a sucker for someone who rarely bottoms making an exception, so needless to say I found it very hot indeed!
14th April 2017 09:33
And thus began the storied and sordid career of Charlie Weasley Power Bottom Extraordinaire!
14th April 2017 10:14
God, this is too perfect for words. I love this headcanon of Remus being like this. Yeah! :D
12th April 2017 12:04 - Birthday Present (Teddy/James, R)
“What’s wrong?” Roxanne slipped into the booth beside James in the back of the Three Broomsticks.

“Last Hogsmeade weekend of my last year, it’s my birthday to boot, and my boyfriend stood me up.” James sighed. “He promised he wouldn’t forget.”

Roxanne’s braids loosened and shrank, replaced with a shock of short turquoise hair; the arm around James’s shoulder swelled with muscle.

Teddy nodded toward the staircase, smirking. “Rented a room. Ready for your present?”

James grinned. “I’ve been had.”

“Not yet.” Teddy ran his fingers up James’s thigh to his swelling cock. “But you’re about to be.”
13th April 2017 12:32 - Spicy (Hard PG-13, Severus/Harry/Lucius)
Harry's breath hitched as he felt, not one, but two set of hands glide across his nude body.

"Severus?" he asked cautiously. He trusted his lover.

"And friend," a familiar voice added.

"Lucius," he moaned. "Sweet Merlin. I've been had."

"Not yet Mr. Potter."

"However, Lucius and I will have you," Severus purred.

"I'm so dead," Harry ground out.

"Such theatrics. I assure you, the only death I am interested in, is La petite mort."

Severus kissed Harry deeply, before adding. "You wished to spice things up. Spicy enough?"

"Yes," he whispered, relaxing into the touches, he would enjoy this.

13th April 2017 17:32 - Never Better; Dean/Seamus (NC-17)
"How do you feel?"

Seamus let out a half-hysterical laugh, wincing as the motion did strange things to where his arse was stretched wide around Dean's cock. "I've been better."

Dean bit his lip, his eyes filling with concern. "Is it too much? I can—"

"Don't you dare," Seamus breathed, his hand grabbing Dean's hip. He moaned as the change in angle rubbed Dean's dick against his prostate. "Just—getting used to it. I'm ready for you to move."

"Yeah? You're okay?"

"Never better. But I bet you can make me feel even better."

"Fuck, yeah," Dean gasped. "Hold tight."
14th April 2017 00:34 - Drawable: Draco's No Good, Very Bad, Really Rotten Night

He has most certainly been better.
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