Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
11th Birthday Bash: Dirty Drabble/Drawble Day 2 
10th April 2017 13:20
Day 2 of drabbling and drawbling! Everyone's invited to practice their quickie skills...

Rules? What rules?

To share your results, simply post them in a comment to this entry.

You need not use the prompt words directly in your drabble. Allow the prompt to influence and inspire you any way it will.

By definition, a drabble is exactly 100 words and a drawble is a rough sketch equivalent. However, we're not going to be running anyone's work through a word counter here. Just have fun with it!
10th April 2017 14:29
This one is just screaming, food smut!
10th April 2017 15:40
My thoughts exactly. ;)
10th April 2017 17:18
LOL Nice awful pun, there. ;)
10th April 2017 15:40 - Tastes Better On You (Sirius/James, NC-17)
Slick sweat pooling along the bridge of his nose made his glasses just slide down just far enough to leave his vision blurry, but James couldn’t be arsed to fix them. His hands were too busy fisting great tufts of Sirius’ hair as he desperately tried not to thrust into his mouth. It was a sweltering summer day, and Florean Fortescue’s was booming as a result. He was sure his manager was going to come looking for him any minute.

“Mmm, see, I was right: it does taste better on you.” The boy on his knees allowed another drop from his rapidly melting cone to land on James’ already sticky cock, before engulfing it once again and swirling in his tongue in a way that made a guttural noise burst from the other’s throat.

“S-someone might hear us,” James panted once he’d regained enough of his faculties.

“Only if I make you scream,” Sirius answered with a cheeky wink. Because he fully intended to do so, and James knew it.
10th April 2017 16:32 - Re: Tastes Better On You (Sirius/James, NC-17)
“Mmm, see, I was right: it does taste better on you.”

The secret is in the sauce!

Nice! :)
10th April 2017 17:16 - Re: Tastes Better On You (Sirius/James, NC-17)
Very Nice.
11th April 2017 00:04 - Re: Tastes Better On You (Sirius/James, NC-17)
Oooo, fun take on the prompt! <3
11th April 2017 14:23 - Re: Tastes Better On You (Sirius/James, NC-17)
Oh yeah. Lovely (and delicious) take on the prompt. YUM!
11th April 2017 23:42 - Re: Tastes Better On You (Sirius/James, NC-17)
AWWWWWW!!!!! So hot and so cute!!

12th April 2017 08:33 - Re: Tastes Better On You (Sirius/James, NC-17)
God, this was perfect! Perfect for them, and smoking hot!
12th April 2017 15:12 - Re: Tastes Better On You (Sirius/James, NC-17)
Guh, so hot! *fans self*
10th April 2017 17:13 - Cleaning Up (Harry/Severus - PG-13?)
Harry screamed in pain as the warm washrag cleaned off the remains of Severus' ice cream sundae. He knew the rag was not as hot as it felt, still...

"I did inform you that this was a foolish idea. Still, the great Harry Potter had to know," Severus chided.

"I did not expect you to use a cooling spell on my stomach, before using me as your dish!" he yelled in response.

Severus frowned at the response. "You are aware, I dislike melted ice cream and I wished to enjoy my treat."

"You are extremely lucky I love you."


11th April 2017 14:24 - Re: Cleaning Up (Harry/Severus - PG-13?)
Oh dear.
Sometimes things don't quite go as expected.
Still, looks like they can salvage something nevertheless. ;)
12th April 2017 08:34 - Re: Cleaning Up (Harry/Severus - PG-13?)
LOL Well, that didn't go quite as planned!
10th April 2017 18:00 - Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey (James Sirius/Scorpius) PG-13?
Scorpius dug his spoon into the sundae glass once more, making sure to scrape some of the chocolate sauce from the side. All his attention was on his dessert, letting his eyes drift closed as he savoured the creamy sweetness of vanilla mingled with the buttery crunch of biscuit. He upturned the spoon to better lick it clean and yes, he was definitely being watched. James’s hand reached across the table, thumb swiping off the chocolate that clung to Scorpius’s bottom lip. He hesitated before bringing his sticky thumb to his own mouth, licking it clean.

Definitely progress.
11th April 2017 14:25 - Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey (James Sirius/Scorpius) PG-13?
Oh yes. He'll have James in no time. ;)
Clever Slytherin!
12th April 2017 08:35 - Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey (James Sirius/Scorpius) PG-13?
*DIES DIES DIES* I love this, the implications that he's been trying to seduce or entice James and it's finally worked, and boy, did it ever! \o/ Brilliant.
12th April 2017 13:36 - Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey (James Sirius/Scorpius) PG-13?
Oh Scorpius, the little devil, he knows exactly what he's doing. How could James not take notice?

Very nice!
12th April 2017 15:15 - Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey (James Sirius/Scorpius) PG-13?
Ooh, yes! Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends. *grin*
14th April 2017 11:24 - Re: Softly, Softly, Catchee Monkey (James Sirius/Scorpius) PG-13?
Niiiice. That cunning Slytherin. ♥
10th April 2017 19:02 - Cake by the Ocean (Florean Fortescue/Madame Malkin, R, sploshing)
Not sure how warnings work here but don't read if sploshing squicks you.

“Really, Florean. If your customers only knew what you get up to on holiday.”

Madame Malkin flushed the same colour as her signature mauve robes, her wrists and ankles Incarceroused to the palm tree behind her. Florean withdrew his fingers from between her legs and sucked them clean.

“If your customers only knew how I defile your wares,” Florean teased, kneeling in the sand. He pushed her robes further up her thighs and licked the sticky rivulet of melted ice cream from her calf to her knee. The cake smashed between her arsecheeks would make a lovely dessert.
10th April 2017 23:00 - A Screaming Good Time, Harry/Draco, PG-13 (sorry)
“Fuck,” Harry whispers.

“What?” Ron scowls. “Malfoy? Ignore him, mate.”

Harry nods, but even as Ron wanders off, he continues staring, squirming as Malfoy eats ice cream.

Malfoy’s tongue swirls, dips, flicks, and when he notices Harry watching, he smirks, hollowing out his cheeks and sucking.

Harry can’t look away, not even when Malfoy approaches. “Potter. See something you like?”

Harry coughs. “Um—”

Malfoy hums, settling on the bench beside Harry. “Isn’t ice cream marvellous? So creamy, white…delicious—”

Harry whimpers.

Malfoy winks. “Know what else is delicious? Making someone cream his pants.”

Harry groans. “Draco—”

Malfoy grins. “Maybe it’s time to tell your friends, Potter. After all, if they knew, they wouldn’t be surprised when you drag me off into the woods.”

Growling, Harry hauls Draco away. Ignoring Ron calling after him, he pulls Draco into the forest, slamming him up against a tree.

“Oops.” Draco laughs. “Looks like the secrets out.”

“Shut up,” Harry hisses.

Draco’s eyes sparkle. “Make me.”

Harry raises an eyebrow. “But you love sucking cock.”

“Point.” Draco gracefully collapses to his knees. “Shutting up now.”

And as Draco sucks Harry down, tongue swirling, dipping, and flicking, Harry smiles. He really does love ice cream.
11th April 2017 00:00 - Drawble: Ice Cream, You Scream
In just under the wire...

11th April 2017 15:07 - Ice Cream; Astoria/Draco (PG-13)
"What do you want?" Draco asked as he trailed a line of kisses up Astoria's throat. "Just say the word and it's yours."

"Mmm," Astoria moaned. "I could really go for some ice cream right now."

Draco pulled back. "Ice cream?"

Astoria smiled sweetly in response, patting the generous swell of her belly, barely covered by a gauzy negligee.

"I rather hoped I'd be making you scream," Draco grumbled as he climbed out of bed.

"Bring me some mint chocolate chip ice cream, and I think we can make that happen," Astoria said with a wicked smile.

Draco grinned. "Deal."
12th April 2017 12:09
Harry had held out for an impressively long time. Head thrown back, breath rasping between clenched teeth, hips bucking wildly as he thrust up into George, he was a perfect, beautiful picture of lust and desperation.

"Please," Harry said, somewhere between a gasp and a whine.

Unfair. Harry knew that when he begged like that, George would give him anything he wanted. Not that George minded in this instance.

With a slash of his wand, George released the ring of magic from the base of Harry's cock and slammed down on him a final time. Harry's breath caught for one instant, then he shouted, wailed as his climax tore through him.

God, George loved a screamer.
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