Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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26th February 2017 09:52 - First Time Femslash
Please porn up my birthday card with:
Hermione/Pansy, Lavender/Parvati (or Lavender/Parvati/Hermione), Astoria/Ginny, or similar primary gen femslash pairing
Kink(s): first time (or first time with a woman)
Anti-Kink(s) (AKA Squicks): Addiction, scat/emit/etc, infidelity (polyamory is all good)
Prompt: She never thought she could want something as much as she wants to touch this other girl. She's equal parts thrilled and terrified, she wants it to be amazing but mostly she just hopes she doesn't mess it all up.
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