Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Final Banging Message 
12th May 2016 23:56
And now we have just a few final odds and ends to finish up in order to bring Daily Deviant's 10th birthday celebration to a close.

Essentially, we want to take a few moments to celebrate our members, without whom Daily Deviant never could have existed in the first place, let alone survived a decade in this crazy, wonderful, ever-changing fandom. We're grateful to each and every author and artist out there who's ever been on the members roster; thrilled by all of the creative and debauched contributions over the years. Many past members are long gone from the comm and from the fandom, but they're definitely not forgotten. And as the old have gone out, the new have come in, each new wave as excellently erotic as the last.

Our current crop of members is just as much the cream as ever (please pause for a few seconds to insert your own lewd puns here), and we want to offer up a bit of recognition to those who helped make our birthday bang. A few graphic shout-outs, if you will...

For those who participated in Banging Birthday, listed according to the year they officially became a member:



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And for those who also participated in the other birthday activities and events throughout March, a bonus:

(If we somehow missed anyone, it wasn't intentional! Please point it out to us so we can add you in!

Also, if we've managed to put a typo in your name or otherwise screw up your icon or banner, please let us know so we can repair it for you! Or if you'd rather have a different username or alias on yours or want some other modification, let us know that as well.)

Aaaaaaaaaand that's a wrap! We are all out of bangs at last. However, this is a temporary condition, we assure you. Keep writing, drawing, and watching the filthy fun every month... and see you here for Kinky Kristmas!!
13th May 2016 05:06
Wooooo! *wears badge proudly*
13th May 2016 09:47
Aw, isn't that lovely! Great banners, too. Thanks muchly!
13th May 2016 14:02
These are just wonderful. I like how they match the color scheme of the main illustration. Thank you so much! I'm sure they took quite a while to make; it was very good of you. I love this comm.
13th May 2016 14:10
Thanks again guys for a decade of porn! (I can't get IJ to upload my icon, so I'm not dressed for the party.)

(I did my own little retrospective of my time on DD here: http://akatnamedeaster.livejournal.com/1079587.html considering, it's one of the first places I ever got attached in this fandom all those years ago.)
13th May 2016 14:14
Oh, bless you! That's gorgeous! Thank you :)

*celebrates the mods* *throws birthday confetti* *offers wine*
13th May 2016 14:25
This is so wonderful. This post honestly gave me chest feels. How freaking amazing to see all the names and when they joined, from a decade ago to now. It makes me so happy and gives me so much love for this fandom.
13th May 2016 15:57
Aww, you're gonna make me tear up! :P
Very sweet and generous, mods, thank you.
*raises glass* Here's to 10 more years!
13th May 2016 19:56
Oh thank you!!! I treasure my icon! Much appreciated. :D
14th May 2016 02:12
Thank you, my darlings!!! I love my icon, and Sirius and I raise a glass and toast to your honour and to another ten years of deviancy!

Woooo !
14th May 2016 03:27
Thank you mods for all the hard work you do!
14th May 2016 04:14
So cool! Thank you so much. For the icon and for running the fest. This has been great fun.

I still can't believe it's been ten years. Just wow.
15th May 2016 10:07
Thank you so much, mods, for a brilliant birthday event and for all of your hard work with this fantastic community <333
16th May 2016 00:51
D'awww! You guys are the BEST!!

16th May 2016 18:33
Oh wow, lovely!! Has it really been that long for me already? Wow. This was just a lovely celebration and I'm looking forward to this being a wonderful community for another decade. Thank you, darling mods. *blows kisses*
18th May 2016 11:21
Aw, thanks! And thanks for running Banging Birthday ♥
19th May 2016 23:13
Hurray! Thanks for a great fest!
24th May 2016 23:10
WhooHoo! Thanks!
25th July 2016 17:26
I've just found this post - thank you so, so much for running the party, and for my lovely banners :-D

PurpleFluffyCat x
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