Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Banging Birthday Art: Catch us (if you can) (Astoria/Pansy) 
27th April 2016 15:21
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]nearlyconscious
From: A Magnanimous Member

Title: Catch us (if you can)
Characters/Pairings: Astoria Greengrass/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: (semi)public nudity
Other Warnings/Content: /
Artist's Notes: She likes to be teased and fondled where they can get caught (in a club, in a corridor, etc). For this particular scene, I thought they could be in someone's study while they're at a party, and anyone could walk in at any moment. The story behind it... is up to you. It could be Hogwarts era and it's one of their fathers' study, or it could be post-DH when they're married (or not) and it's one of their husbands' office... or someone else's entirely. This was done as a pinch-hit and I fell in love with the prompt instantly and completed it in just two days. Hope you like the result! :)
Art Preview:

27th April 2016 23:36
Wow. Just...wow.
I can't even...
This is sizzling.
And not just because of the expression on Pansy's face, which is awesome.
Not even because of what Astoria is doing, because DAMN.
No, for me it's the mischievous look on Astoria's face. She is totally teasing the hell out of Pansy here, you can just tell she is having the time of her life. And so is Pansy. ;)
This is ridiculously hot.
Fabulous job, MA!
26th May 2016 18:09
Thank you! :D Astoria's face wasn't that easy to get right; her expression was almost too... obscene at the beginning. But... I guess it worked. *g*

Thanks! :D
28th April 2016 13:42
Super hot! Love the position they're in, with Pansy half-dressed, the look in Astoria's eye. Great job!
26th May 2016 18:10
Thank you! :D
28th April 2016 14:14
Ahhh yes!! This is wonderful! God, it's so hot--I love the whole half-dressed/disheveled Pansy with fully dressed Astoria and that wicked gleam in Astoria's eye and the obvious pleasure Pansy's feeling. :DDDD It's gorgeous and wicked hot--love it!
26th May 2016 18:10
Thank you so much! :D
29th April 2016 14:18
I just love this! Pansy's hair cut is fabulous (I love that her hair isn't full on black) and the posing here is super sexy. Astoria's wicked grin is perfect. :D
26th May 2016 18:11
Thank you! :D Black hair is hard to shade/highlight - it always looks like the character is greying already, haha. Which works when I'm doing adult!Harry or something, but... yeah. Brown worked better for this. *g* :D Thanks!
1st May 2016 15:29
This is so hot! I love Astoria's smirk and the elegant, sexy backless dress - and how it contrasts with Pansy's dishevellement.
26th May 2016 18:12
Thank you! A few minutes/hours earlier, Pansy probably looked just as elegant... *g*
1st May 2016 23:18
Love their expressions (especially Pansy's, aroused and seemingly angry at the same time) and the pose and the perfect use of clothing wrinkles. Hot and glorious!
26th May 2016 18:12
Thank you! Glad you like the expressions! :D
3rd May 2016 12:08
This is gorgeous. Jesus. First I loved Pansy's hair, but the more the image was revealed, it's everything. I love her curves and her breasts, the way her face is slack with pleasure and Astoria's tongue, teasing her. Lord. Very hot. Love this.
26th May 2016 18:12
Aah, thank you! Glad you like it! :D
11th May 2016 10:36
Beautiful! And insanely hot!
26th May 2016 18:13
Thank you! :D
12th May 2016 22:26
How did I miss this?? Lordy, that's HOT!!! Guh!
26th May 2016 18:13
:D :D :D Thank you! Glad you like it!
14th May 2016 01:00
Woof! these two are just delicious! so many lovely details, the wrinkles in the fabric, the polished nails, beautiful hair and other great textures, and such smoking expressions, guh
26th May 2016 18:13
Thank you!!! :D
8th June 2016 21:47
Totally delicious! I love their expressions :-D
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