Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Banging Birthday Fic: Talk It Out (Draco/Hermione/Blaise) 
10th April 2016 15:21
Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]pauraque
From: A Memorable Member

Title: Talk It Out
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger || Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger/Blaise Zabini
Rating: NC17
Kinks/Themes Included: Dirty talk, fantasy
Other Warnings/Content: Imaginary school-era, public, double penetration
Word Count: ~5000
Summary/Description: "Just me, all alone, sitting at the Gryffindor table, and the only other students in the room are Slytherins. Naughty, nasty, and damned attractive Slytherins." - Hermione tells Draco one of her -and his- favorite fantasies.

Draco stepped into the bedroom and Hermione's voice drifted out of the open door of the en suite. "I had that dream again."

"Yeah?" Draco dropped his cuff-links into the silver tray on the bureau and loosened the knot in his tie with a huff of relief. Why Blaise insisted on formal attire at their poker games was a long-standing mystery. A Full Dragon knot and French cuffs weren't strictly necessary for taking Blaise's money, though Draco did admit it made things more fun. "Which one was it? Don't tell me it was the little giraffes. I'm not looking under all the furniture this time."

"Please. I didn't make you look last time. You volunteered."

Draco stripped off his watch and added it to the tray, then pushed on his wedding ring to settle it back against his hand. He reminded himself to get it resized the next time he visited the jeweler. He never took it off, so getting it larger to fit over his knuckles had been a error in judgment. Hermione's error, but he'd never say that to her. Much as he'd never say that she'd insisted he look under the sofa, the sideboard, the arm chairs, his desk, her desk, and every other piece of furniture in the entire house for miniature giraffes wearing purple cloches over their little horns.

He dropped onto the edge of the bed and bent to remove his boots. "All right, if it wasn't the giraffes, then was it the one about the house made entirely of books and tea cups? I keep telling you, don't drink that much Darjeeling before bed. It never works out." He slipped out of his boots and socks and wriggled his toes in the carpet. "You don't have to sit up and wait for me every time my business meetings run late."

"Yes, I do. If you haven't learned that in the past six years, you haven't learned anything at all."

He saw Hermione's bare feet move into his line of vision, her toenails varnished a rather vivid shade of blue. When he looked up, he saw that her knickers matched the varnish. Only her knickers. She wasn't wearing anything else. "You know," he said, forgetting about his boots to slide both hands up her legs and hook his thumbs in the flimsy ribbons at her hips. "If I'd known at the beginning that you had this thing for matching your nails to your scanties - and I appreciate just how scanty they are, by the way, I give thanks for that daily - but if I'd known? I'd have got you naked a lot sooner."

She settled her hands on his shoulder and smirked down at him. "You're not nearly as good as you think you are. I still would have made you wait."

"That's because you're far more evil than people give you credit for."

"True." She ran her fingers through his hair, pushing a few pale strands away from his forehead.

Draco closed his eyes and rested his head against her stomach. "Why did you stay up anyway?"

"For once, I didn't. I woke up. I told you, I had that dream."

He tilted his head to look at her, thumbs stroking idly along her hip bones. "Right. Which dream was it again?"

She laughed silently, the muscles in her stomach bouncing under his ear. "The one that means I have to get up in the middle of the night and put on different panties. Dry ones. Lucky I had another blue pair clean or I'd have had to change my nails too."

Draco looked at her. There was a twist in her smile, a glimmer in her eyes. He lowered his head to press his nose against the triangle of blue fabric between his thumbs and he took a long, deep sniff. Beneath the lemon-chamomile of her soap there was a hint of salt and musk, the dark ocean scent of arousal he knew so well. He swallowed a groan and leaned back, his fingers tightening on her hips. "Oh. That dream?"

She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Her smile widened. "That dream. That fantasy."

Draco's loosened tie wasn't loose enough. He hooked one finger in the knot and tore it free, crushing the silk in his fist before he dropped it on the floor. "And, er." He swallowed fiercely, a desperate attempt to clear the growl he could feel rising in his throat. It failed. He gave a mental shrug and let his voice go rough. "And do I get any details of this dream?"

Hermione gave a pointed look to the tie on the floor, then picked it up and shook one end at him. "That depends. Where did you leave your cloak?"

"Definitely not on the floor in the front room," Draco said quickly.

"So if I go out there?"

"You won't see it on the the back of the sofa either." Draco reached for her hips, fully intent on snapping the ribbons of her knickers and yanking the silk off her.

Hermione clucked her tongue and took a step back, out of his reach. "Somehow I don't believe you. Possibly experience has taught me there. Why don't you go verify that you put things where they belong?" She took another step, stroking the length of his tie over her stomach and along the bottom of her ribcage. "Maybe by the time you come back, I'll have decided if you should hear about my fantasy."

Draco grabbed his boots and shoved them into place in the rack by the wall. He rushed out of the bedroom, grabbed his cloak off the back of the sofa, tossed it onto one of the empty hooks by the door, and ran back. "Now?"

Hermione, sprawled across the bed, tapped the end of his tie on her nose as she stared up at the ceiling. "Hmm, dunno. Maybe I should check--"

Draco pounced, cutting Hermione's teasing into a shriek. He crouched over her on all fours, her wrists pinned beneath his hands and her hips clasped between his knees. "It's against our wedding vows to torment me, woman."

"You're such a liar." Hermione lifted her head and kissed the tip of his chin. "Fortunately, I love you regardless. You get to hear details. Did you want to change first?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Draco collapsed beside her, one leg tucked between hers. He cupped her bare breast and gave her nipple a light pinch. "Talk."


Draco grinned at her demand. He tightened his grip on her nipple, increasing the pressure until Hermione inhaled sharply. He eased off, just a fraction, and watched the flutter of her eyelashes. "Set the scene. Where were you this time?"

She hummed in pleasure, wriggling her shoulders to shift the pillow under her head into a better position. "This was a nice one. The Great Hall at Hogwarts."

Draco blinked in surprise, then he laughed deep in his throat. "Please, please tell me this involved house points somehow."

She patted his leg. "Of course it did. Now, as per usual, the beginning wasn't entirely clear, but we're all back for our interrupted year, frantically trying to catch up on our educations. And ... something happened."

"Something happened."

"Mm-hmm. Something nonspecific. Off-screen."

When he knotted his brows, Hermione gave a dismissive wave of one hand, his tie drifting over the side of the bed. "Backstage. Off-pitch. Doesn't matter, it was elsewhere. Something happened and Gryffindor got into trouble for it."

"I'm liking this already." Draco smirked at Hermione's wrinkled-up nose. He tweaked her nipple to make her gasp. "Don't give me that look. Keep going. Gryffindor's in trouble."

"Well. Gryffindor's in trouble, and for some terribly mysterious reason, every single other Gryffindor in Hogwarts is ... I don't know, off somewhere. Lost on the Quidditch pitch."

Draco snickered, ducking his head to her shoulder. "Lost."

"Thought you'd like that." She patted his hair, smiling. "And Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were sent out to look for them. It'll take forever, of course. All my housemates are out wandering into danger, the 'claws are wandering around asking each other questions about where the Gryffs went."

"And the puffbrains are just wandering." He laughed when Hermione thumped him on the shoulder for that. Draco pretended to wince but he knew the effect was spoiled by his grin. "So you're the only one of your house left in the school, then? Poor Hermione Granger, left to shoulder the burden of Gryffindor's troubles."

"Exactly. Just me, all alone, sitting at the Gryffindor table, and the only other students in the room are Slytherins. Naughty, nasty, and damned attractive Slytherins." She paused to look at him, then twisted her free leg to poke him in the shin with her toes. "I'm still wearing knickers here," she said pointedly.

Draco slid his hand down her stomach, circling her navel with the tip of one finger. Slowly, he traced the edge of her knickers from the ribbon at one hip across the thin triangle of silk to the ribbon at her other hip. "So you are," he said. "I don't see what you're complaining about, though. I've got my shirt and trousers on. If anyone should be upset about still wearing clothes, it should be me."

"You do have a point." Hermione reached across herself and scrabbled her nails at the placket of his shirt, then danced her fingers down to his waistband and deftly unfastened the button. She pulled his shirt free. "On the other hand," she said, wriggling one finger under his waistband to scratch at the boundary between skin and hair. "I happen to know that you're wearing no pants at all, so between the two of us, we do have one whole outfit."

"So. It's really the equivalent of you being entirely naked and me being entirely dressed? I don't think that's how it works." Draco hooked his fingers under one of the ribbons of her knickers and lifted his head to look into Hermione's eyes. "Do you like this pair?"

She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, glanced down, then looked back to him. "Nope."

"Me, neither." Draco made a fist and yanked. The thin ribbon snapped loose from the silk. He grinned at her, smoothing the frayed ribbon over her hip. "Now, where were we? You're all alone in the Great Hall, yes? You and the Slytherins."

"And Gryffindor's in trouble."

"Of course."

"Naturally. And this trouble is big. It's huge. It could lose us house points not just for the year, but for the century. But there's a possibility in the air. Not all is lost, you understand. There's an option for us to keep our standing. We don't have to lose all our points because of whatever it was we did to the Slytherins."

Draco raised his brows. "You didn't mention it was Slytherin trouble before."

"It's always Slytherin trouble, you prat. What else would you expect?"

"Right, right, my mistake." Draco rubbed his thumb along the crease of her thigh, edging the remains of her knickers away from her skin in tiny increments. "Please, continue."

Hermione stuck her lower lip out, then laughed and rolled her hips under his hand in silent encouragement. "We don't have to lose our points. I can turn myself over to Slytherin in apology." She twisted her fingers around a lock of hair at his nape and gave a gentle tug. "In punishment."

Draco growled low in his throat. He shifted up onto his elbow to give him more room to lean against her, his swelling cock pressed to her hip. "Punishment. I'm definitely enjoying where this is going."

Grinning, Hermione put her hand on his and pushed it to slide what was left of her knickers away from the neatly trimmed curls on her mound. She spread her thighs with a soft murmur of anticipation. "I look over at the Slytherin table and, despite the fact that I don't like the idea of giving those snakes anything, I feel this sort of fire rushing through me. Getting punished?" She closed her eyes and hummed, her head tipping back to expose her throat. "There's a part of me that really does like that idea."

Draco settled his hand over her mound, fingers pressing low. He could feel a moist heat rising from her body, could smell that ocean-musk scent. He brought his hand up and touched his fingers to his lips. One long inhale drew her scent deep into him, making him feel like it was soaking into his blood. His heart thumped and sent a flare of heat straight to his cock.

"There are several boys looking my way," Hermione continued. "But my attention is caught by one in particular. Tall, thin, blond. And he's looking at me just as hard as I'm looking at him. There's something in his expression I can't identify. Not at first. Then, as he keeps looking, I start to feel that fire in me again. It's moving lower and I shift on the bench and realize that my panties are getting wet."

"Tell me about the panties," Draco said. He fluttered his fingers against her body, then gently slipped one between her labia. He forced himself not to touch her further, not then. He wanted to stretch this out, to hear every detail of Hermione's dream. He leaned down and kissed her throat. "What are they like?"

"You can't tell me that you never got a good look at Pansy's," Hermione said with a soft laugh.

Draco shushed her. "No spoiling the fantasy, woman. Tell me what you're wearing. That tall blond fellow is very anxious to know."

Hermione hummed and tucked her arms under the pillow beneath her head, her legs spreading an inch wider. "Cotton," she said. "White cotton. High-cut on the legs, low-cut on the waist. Oh, and there's a name label ironed on the inside."

A shudder ran down his spine and heat flared across his skin. Rubbing his cock against her hip, Draco muffled a groan with Hermione's shoulder. "God fucking dammit," he muttered into her skin. "You're really going all out with the school girl thing, aren't you?"

"You love it."

Draco lifted his head and grinned. "I do. Keep going."

"So this blond fellow. He's giving me that fierce look and I finally manage to identify it. It's lust." Hermione waggled her brows at him. "It's obvious that he can't help himself. He wants me. He wants me more than he's wanted any girl his whole life. It's damn near killing him to look at me. And I'm getting hotter and hotter, my little cotton panties starting to soak right through, because his wanting me makes me want him. If I'm getting turned over to the Slytherins for punishment, then I hope he's first in the queue."

"Oh, he will be. I can guarantee that. If he has to Petrify everybody else in the room to make sure he's first, he will."

Hermione winked. "Good to know. But he's only first, you realize. Because there is absolutely going to be a queue."

Draco shivered. He bucked his hips and groaned. "Dammit, can't-- Need more." He growled and rolled to his back, tearing at his clothes. From the corner of his eye, he saw Hermione push up on her elbows to watch him strip. As soon as he was naked, he rolled back.

Hermione moved to face him. She flung her leg over his hip and her arm around his shoulders. "Better?"

He nodded, swallowing convulsively. "Yeah. More."

"This tall blond fellow. He stands up, already undoing his tie and his shirt. I find myself somehow sitting on the end of the table right at the front of the room, a perfect view for every Slytherin in the place. But this particular one, he's the only person I can see right then. He's stalking me, staring at me like I'm water in the middle of flames. He's bare-chested by the time he gets to me and he grabs me behind my knees and yanks them apart."

The image sent a spear of arousal down his spine. He pressed his lips together, frantic to hold back a groan, but it escaped him regardless. A second groan rolled in his throat and he didn't even try to restrain it. He grabbed Hermione's leg and hauled it further over his hip, rubbing his cock against her dampened curls.

Hermione moaned. "Yes," she said, her voice low and throaty. "Just like that. Exactly like that. He pulls my legs apart and steps between them, right up against me. I can feel how hard he is. Already. Just from getting near me. And I realize that while this might have started as a punishment, it might just be something else. He wants me. They all want me. There's a wonderful sort of power in that."

"You have one hell of a power over me, I'll give you that." Draco buried his face against Hermione's throat. He sucked at her skin, his teeth teasing at her flesh.

"I can't help myself. I grab his arms to steady my balance and I moan his name. Draco. His eyes turn molten and I feel like I've fallen right into their fire. I know if I stare too long, I'll be lost forever and I force myself to look away. Just for a moment. And when I do? Over his shoulder, I can see another boy coming closer. This one is tall and dark-eyed." Hermione threaded her fingers through Draco's hair and gave a sharp tug. "Dark-skinned."

Draco growled. "Blaise."

Hermione's laugh rumbled through her chest and she patted Draco's shoulder in praise. "Yes. Blaise."

"Damn you," he said with affection. That was one of his favorite parts of this repeated dream of hers, this fantasy she shared with him. It drove him mad and he loved every second of that brief insanity. He opened his mouth and set his teeth against her throat, worrying into her skin. Every small movement made Hermione hiss and writhe against him. Draco clung to her. His heart pounded, stiffening his cock to full. It throbbed in time with his pulse and Draco shoved one hand between them to push it down. He rocked his hips, sliding his cock along Hermione's soft, wet curves.

She shifted, angling her body in an obvious attempt to get him to slip into her, but Draco held back, a teasing grin in place. "Not yet. You still have a story to finish, woman."

"Bastard." Hermione flicked her thumbnail across his nipple before wrapping her hand over his side to dig her nails into his arse. "Draco takes hold of my hair in both fists and he yanks my head back. He bends down and he licks my throat, right over my pulse. Up my neck and over my jaw to my mouth. Then he grabs hold of my bottom lip with his teeth and he pulls. The pain, oh god. It's glorious. I can feel my skin stretching and then my lip splits and I'm bleeding. Draco licks the blood drops, smearing them over my mouth. When he pulls back, his lips are stained red."

She took a deep breath, her breasts rubbing against Draco's chest. He rewarded her with a thrust of his cock against her body, her wetness slicking his skin and letting him slide between her labia. They groaned together as the head of his cock slipped around her entrance. Draco fought to keep from pushing into her. He wanted it; she wanted it. But he knew from experience that it was so, so good when they waited until they couldn't wait a second longer. They hadn't reached that point yet. He squeezed her waist, thumb pressing hard against her hip.

"He reaches under my skirt and grabs my cotton panties, and in one sharp pull, he yanks them off me. The snap of the elastic hurts, but that isn't what makes me scream. He tosses my panties over his shoulder - Blaise catches them and holds them up to his nose for a big sniff - but in that same second, Draco shoves two fingers into me. Into my.... My."

Draco kissed the corner of her mouth. Hermione might have the most delightful, filthy dreams but she still felt that shyness at certain words. He kissed her for encouragement, trailing his lips across her cheek to her ear. He lowered his voice until it was barely louder than a breath. "Say it."

Hermione shuddered in his arms. "Into my-my pussy," she whispered. "He shoves two fingers into my pussy and I'm so wet that they slide right in. I scream, a little in surprise, but mostly in desperate wild pleasure. I fall back across the table and my head's hanging over the side and all of a sudden I'm totally naked. My pussy's wet, my nipples are hard as diamonds, and I'm trembling. Just shaking to see what's next. There's not a thought in my head of moving except to give them both better access. I see Blaise move around. He's opening his robes and standing right in front of me and before I know it, there's his-his. His cock."

Draco's soft groan was muffled by the thick mass of Hermione's hair. He rocked his hips, slipping closer and closer to sliding inside her. With every word Hermione said, he had to force himself to hold back. It wouldn't take him long to come once he was in her and he had to stretch the anticipation of that moment out. He dragged one hand up to cup Hermione's breast, nipple squeezed in his fingers. "More."

"Blaise grabs his cock and rubs it over my cheeks. God, the head's so slippery. He's leaving trails all over my face, sticky trails that make my skin tingle. He's dripping just as much as my pussy is around Draco's fingers. And even though I'm looking at him upside down, I can see when he exchanges this look with Draco. I hear a rustle of clothes, a belt hitting the floor, and feel my thighs get shoved even further apart. Then the tip of Blaise's cock is against my lips and the tip of Draco's cock is against my pussy. And then, at the very same second?"

Draco groaned wildly. Hermione had paused there on purpose, he knew she had. He pushed her backward, following her over, and dropped his head to suck her nipple between his lips. He licked around the stiffened point and grazed it with his teeth, raising up after her small yelps of desperate pleasure to give her a deeply satisfied smirk. The head of his cock was poised at her entrance and he could feel the flutters of her pelvic muscles as she tried to pull him in. He braced his knees, then hooked her legs with his elbows to force them wide. He slammed his hands into the mattress by her ribs, her feet twitching above his back, and stared into her eyes. "Finish it," he growled. "Finish the fucking story."

Hermione struggled to lift her hips enough to drive him into her, but she couldn't fight the position. "Draco, please," she said, her hands sliding down his sides. She dug her nails into his arse, pulling hard, but couldn't overcome his strength. Panting, she fell back with frustrated tears in her eyes.

"Finish it."

"At the very same second, Draco and Blaise shove into me. They're huge, they're thick and hard and they have me impaled from both ends. Blaise's cock is all the way down my throat and Draco's cock is buried to the hilt in my pussy. They don't give me a second to get used to the feeling. Instantly, they set up this pounding fast rhythm. I can't scream, I can't breathe. I can't do anything but take it. They're taking me, using me. Each time Draco drives into me, he shoves me onto Blaise. And God, it's supposed to be a punishment, but I'm loving every second of it."

She scraped her nails down his back, clawed along his spine. "Fuck me."

Draco didn't know if that was part of the fantasy or if that was Hermione, right then and there, but he didn't care. She couldn't wait any longer and neither could he. With a deep guttural grunt, he slammed into her.

Hermione arched to him, screaming. The tendons in her neck stood out; a violent grimace twisted her face. "Fuck!" she cried, over and over, her voice rising to a shriek and dropping to a growl.

Draco tightened his fists in the sheets and drove into Hermione. Each thrust jiggled her breasts and forced her to toss her head on the pillow with a moan. "Take it," he heard himself muttering to her, as if he was the Draco from her fantasy. "Take it all."

She was so wet for him, so slick. Telling her dream to him had brought her close to the edge. Draco could feel it in every twitch of her body around his cock, could see it in every drop of sweat that beaded on her forehead and pooled in the hollow of her throat. Desperate for more, he dropped her legs and shoved his arms under her. He clung to her shoulders, fingers digging into her flesh, her hair tangled around his hands. He was reaching his own edge, faster with each drive into her. He dropped his head to her chest and gasped against her damp skin. "Finish."

Immediately, Hermione wrapped her legs around him. She pushed at his thighs, his arse, with her feet, demanding more, deeper, harder with each push. "And-and-and," she continued, each word bursting out of her as Draco thrust. "They. They finish. They jerk out of me. And-and. They come. Fuck, they're coming. Blaise, all over my face, dripping off my cheeks, stinging my eyes. Draco's coming on my thighs, on my pussy. Hot and sticky, dripping everywhere. All over."

She snapped her eyes open and grabbed Draco's hair. Forcing his head up, she stared into his eyes. "All. Over."

He heard the pleading in her voice and saw the need in her eyes. Draco reared up onto his knees, pulling out of her. He wrapped his hand around his cock. Pumping hard, he aimed the tip at her.

Hermione pushed onto her elbows. She watched his hand moving and slid her hand down to her clit, rubbing fast to match his movements. "And they step away," she groaned. "They step back, leaving me covered in come and-and. And that's when I see the other boys. That's when I see all of them. Waiting. For their turns."

That image pushed Draco over the cliff. Thick white streams of come spilled from his cock; heavy, needy grunts rasped in his throat. He fought to keep his eyes open. He wanted to watch every spurt fall on Hermione's skin, across her stomach and over her moving fingers.

Panting fast, she caught a glob of come and spread it around her clit. Her free hand grabbed her breast and squeezed, the nipple poking out, red and swollen, between her fingers. She planted her feet and lifted her arse off the bed. A strangled cry tore out of her. A thin, pearly sheen dripped from her pussy.

Draco grabbed her hips and buried his face against her, licking the wetness from her body. Hermione shuddered in his grip, her knees knocking his shoulders. When she tugged a fistful of her hair, he slowly lowered her to the bed, then crawled up beside her to collapse with a moan.

Hermione weakly threw one arm over him and patted his side. "You," she whispered. "You really. You like?"

Draco nodded. He pursed his lips, managing to kiss the top of her ear. "Yeah. 'S one of m'favorites." Eyes closed, he groped for her and settled his shaking fingers on her ribs. "Even better this time. At school. And you know how much I like it when you put Blaise in."

She took a deep breath and exhaled it with a long, satisfied sigh. She hummed with pleasure and patted him again. Her voice regained its strength. "Thought you'd like that. Since you had your poker game tonight."

"Business meeting."

"Poker game."

Draco laughed into her hair. "Fine. Poker meeting."

Hermione snorted. She turned on her side and wriggled to press up against Draco, fitting her head into the curve of his shoulder and slipping one foot between his ankles. "Maybe next time you have your poker meeting, you and Blaise can play here."

Draco opened one eye to peer at the crown of her head. "Oh?"

She drew nonsense patterns on his chest with one finger. "Mm-hmm. Because if you play here, I can get a nice long look at him for inspiration. I was thinking I might rework that fantasy a little bit. You're playing poker and maybe you lose one too many hands."

"Lose? Against Blaise, Mr Forgets His Hole Cards, himself? That would be a fantasy."

She poked him with two nails. "Shush. I'm setting a scene here. You lose, and you're out of money and you don't have anything else to bet." Lifting her head, she gave him a slow, wicked smile. "Except me."

Draco looked at her for a moment, then leaned forward and kissed the tip of her nose. "Well in that case. I'll invite him over tomorrow. Just for inspiration, you understand."

Hermione laughed and sat up, ruffling her fingers through her hair. "Of course, just for inspiration. I only fantasize about other men. Anything actual is all for you." She tilted her head toward the en suite. "I'm all sticky. Join me?"

"Sure. I do have a few fantasies of my own, you know. After-Quidditch locker room victory shower, anyone?"

She glanced over her shoulder and slapped her own arse with a grin. "Go go Slytherin."
10th April 2016 20:44
That was marvelously naughty! I loved Draco and Hermione's banter and clearly solid relationship, and how that wonderful trust between them really allows them both to get so lost in Hermione's sexy fantasy. Super hot!
11th April 2016 03:59
Well, now, that was positively delicious!!!

I really liked the way you (and Hermione) dragged out her dream and the way it interlaced with their own... ah... sequence.
Yes indeed!
11th April 2016 12:46
Unf. I love how into the fantasy they both are, showing the strength of their relationship and their trust in each other, as well as being just plain hot. :D Thank you so much for writing my prompt!
13th April 2016 14:02
Oh goodness, that is just absolutely delicious!!
13th April 2016 23:43
Yum! Sexy fantasy is sexy. I don't blame them for getting a bit lost in it. :)
Very hot.
Nice job!
14th April 2016 13:05
Yaassssssss! This is fabulous. You had me at "Which one was it? Don't tell me it was the little giraffes. I'm not looking under all the furniture this time." I knew I was going to like this Draco. :D

And then, oh, so hot. I love how strong their relationship is that they can play like this with complete confidence and trust in each other, that Draco isn't threatened by Hermione's Blaise fantasies at all. UNF! And describing the fantasy while trying not to fuck, then giving in so hard, just hit allllllll my buttons. :)
14th April 2016 14:11
Fabulous. Love how into each other they are and how the fantasy definitely gets the best of them. Great relationship and so so hot. Great job!
16th April 2016 15:04

I loved this relationship, this trust and shared fantasy, this NAUGHTY as hell and totally comfortable with it Hermione. WELL DONE!

24th April 2016 00:11
Hot sex AND clever characterization -- my favorite kinks. Love the banter.

A Full Dragon knot and French cuffs weren't strictly necessary for taking Blaise's money, though Draco did admit it made things more fun.

2nd May 2016 04:50
I loved the playfulness in this. Their banter and connection was really nice. And so, so hot! Very nice job!
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