Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Banging Birthday Fic: "Whoa, what are you doing?!" (Sirius/Snape)  
7th April 2016 15:00
Bangin Birthday Wish Fulfilled for: [info]akatnamedeaster
From: A Marauding Member

Title: "Whoa, what are you doing!?"
Characters/Pairings: teen!Sirius/Severus
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Included: frotting, fingering
Word Count: ~ 1280
Summary/Description: Severus encounters a strange dog in the woods. Sirius is that dog.

Delighted to have the place to himself at last, Severus picked the most comfortable armchair in the Slytherin common room, the one usually monopolised by Lucius Malfoy. He stretched his feet out to the blaze in the fireplace, kicked off his shoes and wriggled his toes luxuriously. It didn't matter that there was a large hole in one of his socks, or that his robes were shabby; there was nobody here to mock him. They'd all piled onto the Hogwarts Express the previous day, off to be pampered by their loving parents, showered with Christmas presents, stuffed full of festive fare.

"I don't care," Severus muttered. This was better than being at Spinners End listening to his parents arguing all the time, getting clips round the ear from his da, seeing his ma crying. And the Christmas dinner the Hogwarts elves would put on the table in the Great Hall was tons better than anything his so-called family would provide. "Tons," he told himself firmly. There was only one real fly in the ointment: young Sirius Black was staying at Hogwarts over the Christmas holidays, too. And why was that happening? The dickhead was usually off to spend the holidays with James Potter and his family, and good riddance to them both. Why would he break with tradition like this, and spoil Severus' Christmas into the bargain?

* * *

Sirius Black was much unhappier at having to spend the holidays at Hogwarts than Severus, although like him he was glad not to be at home with his family, who had just about disowned him: he was no longer welcome at Grimmauld Place, and strongly suspected that his dear mother had blasted his name off the family tapestry. Sirius restlessly paced the Gryffindor common room, muttering curses on his friend James, who was supposed to be taking him to the South of France along with the rest of the Potter family this Christmas, and who at the last minute had decided to take Lily Evans instead.

"What's she got that I haven't," he muttered resentfully to himself, then grinned. The answer was obvious, but up till now he could have sworn that James, like himself, only liked cock.

Sirius halted his pacing by the window and looked out across the moonlit, snow-covered lawn. He felt bored and frustrated, and longed to be out roaming the grounds. But in spite of the holidays, the Hogwarts curfew was enforced as firmly as ever - more so, if anything: with fewer students to police, the staff were better able to keep an eye on them all.

Unless... With a look up at the moon, Sirius smiled to himself. Even though his usual companions were absent, maybe it was time for Padfoot to go out for a run.

* * *

Severus, too, was feeling restless. He'd also recently thought of an improvement to one of the more complicated potions in Advanced Potion-Making, and longed to try it out. But that involved collecting mistletoe berries by the light of the moon, which meant he would have to go out into the Forbidden Forest. At night. A shiver ran down Severus' spine as he remembered all the stories he'd heard about the Forest. Vampires... werewolves... and wasn't it a full moon tonight?

Then he remembered the last time those bloody Marauders had ganged up on him, heard their mocking voices echo in his head:

"Coward! Yah, Snivellus, you freaky Slytherin coward!"

Severus' lips tightened into a thin line; he straightened his narrow shoulders and headed for the common room door.

* * *

The hairs on Padfoot's back bristled when he heard Fang barking furiously as he slipped past Hagrid's hut. He'd have liked nothing better than to bark back in defiance, challenge the mangy hound to a fight. But it was too risky; Hagrid would be sure to intervene. So he left the hut behind with just a low growl deep in his throat, and entered the Forbidden Forest.

Head raised, sniffing all the delightful scents carried to him by the chilly night breeze, Padfoot trotted happily along a narrow footpath winding through the trees. He was quite deep in the forest when he suddenly paused, nostrils flaring. Surely he recognised that smell? Human - male - Slytherin -

"Snivellus!" he thought to himself, and his top lip drew back in a snarl.

It didn't take Padfoot long to track down his quarry, but when he arrived at the source of the Snivellus-scent he was puzzled: he couldn't see him anywhere. "Does he know Invisibility spells?" he wondered fuzzily in the depths of his doggy brain. Then he looked up.

Severus was halfway up a tall oak tree, reaching out along a branch towards a dense ball of mistletoe. From the ground, Padfoot could see that the branch was beginning to crack. His muzzle jerked up and he barked a warning.

* * *

"Wow, old feller. You saved me from a nasty tumble there." Severus pulled the dog towards him, rumpled his fur, pulled his ears.

To his surprise, Padfoot found he liked it. He liked it so much he began messily licking Severus' face. Severus giggled, a most unexpected sound.

"Who do you belong to, boy? Are you one of Hagrid's strays?"

Offended, Padfoot growled and took Severus' hand, none too gently, in his teeth.


Padfoot released Severus' hand and nosed into his crotch, giving it a thorough exploration. Laughing, Severus tried to push him away; teenager and dog rolled on the ground together play-fighting. But Sirius was getting increasingly horny, and not as a dog, either. Before he could stop himself, he changed form.

Severus got the biggest shock of his young life: instead of an armful of loveable, hairy dog he now had an armful of extremely unloveable, stark naked, Sirius Black.

"What the hell? Black!!?"

"Shut up, Snivellus," growled Sirius. "You were enjoying that as much as I was."

"So what are you going to do, hump my leg?"

Sirius was feeling so horny he very nearly did just that. Instead, he grabbed Severus and began pressing messy, unpractised kisses all over his face. It felt so much like Sirius in dog form licking him that Severus grinned in spite of himself; next thing he knew, Sirius' tongue was deep inside his mouth and Sirius was urgently rubbing against him. Severus felt his cock hardening in response; they strained together in a frenzy. Sirius forgot that this was Snivellus, odd-ball Slytherin fan of the Dark Arts; Severus forgot that this was one of the hated Marauders. In that moment they were just two extremely randy teenagers getting each other off. Sirius was on top, frotting as if his life depended on it, and soon Severus' robe was soaked in their come, both inside and out.

He'd wriggled out of his robe and begun casting a drying charm on it when he realised that Sirius was shivering violently, his teeth chattering with cold.

"What've you done with your clothes, numbnuts?"

"Up by the c-c-castle," stuttered Sirius. "I d-d-didn't m-mean to ch-change b-back yet."

Severus sighed ostentatiously, converted his drying charm to a warming charm, Enlarged his robe, and draped it around the two of them. "Just till you warm up," he warned. "You needn't think I like you or anything."

Sirius' face was so close to his he could feel him grinning. "I don't like you either, Snivelly, what's that got to do with it?"

And his searching fingers found Severus' arse.

"Whoa! What are you doing!?"

"Enjoying myself?"

Severus thought he could hear the grin in Sirius' voice now. And then Sirius was all over him again, hot and horny, and soon he wasn't thinking very much at all.

7th April 2016 21:21
Naughty Sirius! Seems like they both found something to keep themselves occupied with over winter holidays! :)
18th May 2016 11:24
They sure did! Thanks for commenting. :)
8th April 2016 13:16
Ah, that naughty Sirius! LOL I'm not surprised. :D:D

I'm thinking this Christmas hols just got better for the both of them. :D Well done! <333
18th May 2016 11:26
Thank you! Yes, they never expected that. :D
8th April 2016 23:02
Love that Padfoot helps break the ice between them. Looks like winter hols just got a lot more interesting. :D Great job!
18th May 2016 11:27
Turns out Severus has a soft spot for big dogs, who knew? *g*
Thanks, hon!
10th April 2016 01:23
The holidays at Hogwarts just got a lot more interesting! *g*
Nice one. :)
18th May 2016 11:29
They sure did. *g*
Thanks, hon!
13th April 2016 19:21
Well, Happy Christmas to both of them! Who knew there were such benefits from hanging out at school during the holidays?

Thanks so much for writing my prompt!
18th May 2016 11:31
You're very welcome, hon! And yes, I expect Sirius will always want to stay at Hogwarts during the holidays from now on...
16th April 2016 14:37
Oh boys!

This was lovely!!

18th May 2016 11:32
Thank you!
21st April 2016 03:00
Nicely characterized -- I can just see the two of them behaving in this way -- all tension and horniness and intriguing touches of likable sides of them. The parallel openings really set the scene well; you've captured their voices perfectly.
18th May 2016 11:33
Thanks so much, I'm glad it worked for you. ♥
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