Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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24th March 2016 12:40
Searching back through my email, I was both surprised and oddly comforted to see that I got my DD invitation as far back as 31st January, 2009! Gosh, life has changed quite a lot between then and now, but it has been so nice to have fandom in general and DD in particular as a common thread that runs through it all.

It has certainly been an education! I have pushed my boundaries as a writer no end in trying to fulfil the monthly themes (some of which I had never previously conceived of as being a possible kink, before they came up on the lists! *g*). Sometimes the characters just pop into being, jumping up and down to have their deviant desires fulfilled - and sometimes I find I really have to work at it, to get the characters at all plausibly into that kind of sexual scenario. I wonder whether there is any perceivable difference for the reader between the fics that took concerted work, and the ones that just seemed to write themselves.

It goes without saying that the DD community is non-judgemental and open as regards kinks and sexual situations, but I have also been so pleased at the level of acceptance and diversity found here on other counts: age, race, species(!), appearance, conventional/unconventional beauty, and so on. I think it's a real testament to the spirit of tolerance, experimentation, respect and mutual support we have, here.

- Which leads me on to perhaps the most important part of this comment: a community is essentially just the sum and product of it's members and leaders, and what superb people we have! I sincerely thank the mods for keeping DD afloat, despite the vicissitudes of life - both real and online. Your organisation, planning of fun activities (such as KK and BB!) and friendly attitudes are very much appreciated. And of course, thank you to all of the writers, readers and commenters for all you do here. I, for one, really value what we have created, and raise a glass to the next ten years!

PurpleFluffyCat x

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