Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Birthday Bash: Drabble/Drawble Days 1 
15th March 2016 00:22
Welcome to the first Deviant Drabble/Drawble Day! Over the next five days, we'll be posting prompts for our debauched drabble/drawble challenge. Everyone's invited to pick up their pencils and see what sort of impure inspiration strikes. So, for today's challenge:

Rules? What rules?

To share your results, simply post them in a comment to this entry.

You need not use the prompt words directly in your drabble. Allow the prompt to influence and inspire you any way it will.

By definition, a drabble is exactly 100 words and a drawble is a rough sketch equivalent. However, we're not going to be running anyone's work through a word counter here. Write and draw whatever you like. Just remember that short'n'smutty is the goal!

And... GO!
16th March 2016 01:32
Sultry Nights; Severus/Harry, anal

A droplet of sweat rolled down Harry's back as he pushed into Severus's tight heat, a low grunt answering each of Harry's thrusts.

Strands of damp hair stuck to Severus's face. His hands gripped Harry's biceps, his palms slipping on Harry's skin.

Harry felt Severus's heels dig into his back, urging him deeper. Digging his fingers into Severus's hips, Harry pounded into him until they were both sticky and spent.

For three sultry days and nights they didn't leave their hotel room. The scent of stale sweat and spunk hung in the stagnant air.

Not that either of them cared.
16th March 2016 01:38
Unf. Delicious.
Very sexy hon!
Nice job. :)
16th March 2016 02:10
Hot and delicious!
16th March 2016 17:21
Perfect! When I heard the prompt, this imagery--two people fucking in a hotel room, all hot and steamy and sweaty--is the very first thing that popped into my head. Great minds. ;)
17th March 2016 20:53
Oh my goodness, so much hot squeezed into a teeny tiny space!
17th March 2016 22:40
Super hot, very evocative. Delicious.
16th March 2016 01:41 - Sultry Nights: Severus/Harry, oral
“Humid,” Harry said as they exited the restaurant.

Severus hummed. “I’d say….sultry.”

Harry smiled. “I like that.”

“Sultry nights are good for one thing,” Severus murmured, steering Harry towards an alley.

“Snogging?” Harry asked hopefully.

“Close.” Severus pressed him against the wall. “Shall I demonstrate?”


The kiss was spectacular, but when Severus knelt, that was even better. He swallowed Harry, mouth teasing Harry’s cock while Harry’s hands settled in Severus hair.

Harry didn’t last long, coming moments later.

“Fuck,” Harry gasped as Severus stood.

“That’s the other thing sultry nights were created for.” Severus smirked. “Another demonstration?”

16th March 2016 02:07 - Re: Sultry Nights: Severus/Harry, oral
*fans self* That was hot and sultry, indeed! :)

Lovely, bb!
16th March 2016 09:58 - Re: Sultry Nights: Severus/Harry, oral
Guh, that's lovely. Great job, hon.
16th March 2016 17:20 - Re: Sultry Nights: Severus/Harry, oral
Oh, this is great! Love the ending line, particularly. :D
17th March 2016 20:54 - Re: Sultry Nights: Severus/Harry, oral
Ha, any excuse for Sev to play professor ;D So hot!
17th March 2016 22:41 - Re: Sultry Nights: Severus/Harry, oral
Snape has the best ideas. :D
17th March 2016 14:16
Too Hot, Teddy/James Sirius, dirty talk, mentions of anal

“Leave off, Jamie,” Teddy said as he lazily batted him away.

“Come on, Ted, please.” James didn’t stop lightly rutting against Teddy’s thigh.

“Too hot…”

“So crack open a window and fuck me.”

Teddy groaned, giving James another pathetic shove. “They’re open. No air tonight. No energy…”

James leaned in again, trailing kisses along his collarbone. “Want you in me. Want your cock. Just lay behind me, fuck me nice and slow, yeah? Slow and deep.”

Teddy sighed; James could tell he was near to giving in.

“Fingered myself open in the shower, Ted. All ready for you…”

“Roll over.”
17th March 2016 16:40

Oh, this is glorious, GLORIOUS I TELL YOU! How you managed to fit so much HOT (lol, see what I did there?) into such few words is amazing. Love the dynamic here between them. Guhhh, I am just dead, which is a shame, because I definitely need to read this again!

I really hope this means you'll be writing more of these two! *bats eyelashes prettily*
17th March 2016 19:59
Love eager James and reluctant Teddy! *g* That was fab. Great job.
17th March 2016 22:42
Oh my god!!!! It's like Teddy went, 'enough said' and went for it. Loved it!
17th March 2016 23:37
18th March 2016 02:40
Mmmm, sultry and hot and delicious.
18th March 2016 16:21
Brilliant. I love James when he's so persistent like this. So does Teddy, whatever he says :)
20th March 2016 18:33
So incredibly hot!!!! Shameless and eager James is such a turn on. :D
17th March 2016 20:07 - Hot; Lily Luna/Ron, NC-17 (incest, infidelity)
"Hot, isn't it?"

Ron started as Lily's voice broke the night's silence. His eyes widened as he observed her silhouette in the study's doorway. She was clad in a very short, very sheer chemise. Ron's cock hardened.

"What are you doing here?"

"Rose is in bed, but it's far too hot out for sleep, don't you think?" She prowled closer. "I thought you might be lonely with Aunt Hermione away."

Lily climbed boldly onto his lap, her perky tits bouncing alluringly. Ron's hands slid up pale thighs, fingers dipping between to where she was wet and silky smooth.

Hot, indeed.
17th March 2016 22:43 - Re: Hot; Lily Luna/Ron, NC-17 (incest, infidelity)
Ohh, that last paragraph, MY GOD. Super hot indeed.
17th March 2016 23:46 - H/D "Wrong place, right feeling."
"This is the last time I let you pick the place." Draco's hips slowly bucked riding Harry lazily. Beads of sweat dripped down his back. It was night and they were outside, but the humidity wasn't doing them any favours.

"I thought you wanted to get away?" Harry said, arching up.

Regardless of the sultry night, the sweat on him shone under the moonlight.

"The Caribbean is nice in January, Potter, not July." Draco was close, so close; his body burned with heat all over him. Especially the heat inside him.

Harry thrust up, hard. "Fuck, Draco!" Harry gasped and as Draco collapsed on him, he figured it was worth the oppressive heat.
20th March 2016 14:07
THIS IS PERFECTION! NRGHHHHH!!!! Just, ugh, amazing. Damn.

(Also this is Linguini. I can't remember my LJ password lmao. Ahem.)
21st March 2016 01:13 - heat me up, cool me down (Draco/Albus Severus)
“It’s bloody hot.”

Draco keeps scratching words onto paper. “Use a cooling spell, Albus,” he murmurs. “Make yourself comfortable.”

“I’m already comfortable. You’re the one who’s sweating.” Albus touches Draco’s shoulder, vanishing his clothes. “Let me cool you off.”

Grey eyes meet green, slow smile quirking. “It sounds as if you are proposing to add heat to an already scorching night.”

Albus waits for Draco to turn, drops to kneel between his knees. “We can cool off in the shower after.” He swallows Draco down, brings him to hardness. “Let’s get hot first. Come for me, baby.”

And Draco does.
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