Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Big Birthday: Freaky Friending Meme! 
2nd March 2016 14:13

art by [info]twilightsorcery

This month is Daily Deviant's 10th birthday, and we're celebrating with two entire months of events and activities in which everyone can participate. To kick things off, our first party game will be a Freaky Friending Meme! And yes, even not-so-freaky folks can join in. ;)

The fandom has both grown smaller and split off into different directions over the years. As a result, a lot of us are no doubt missing out on meeting some truly great people! Have you found yourself complaining that your friends list has become too quiet or bemoaning the fact that you don't know anyone who shares your love for Hagrid/Giant Squid? Or would you just like to meet some fun new friends? Then this meme is for you!

You know how this goes, right? Just copy the form below, fill out your answers, and post it in a comment. Then wait to see who finds you interesting. And while you're waiting, check out other people's comments to see who else shares your likes and dislikes.

Note: This form is just a suggestion! Feel free to remove any lines you don't want to answer and add anything else you'd like to include. Tell us about yourself in any way you prefer!

To get as many potential new friends involved as possible, please ADVERTISE the meme! All you have to do is copy the code in the box below and paste it into a post of your own.

art by [info]twilightsorcery

Go forth and friend!

2nd March 2016 20:39
Name: [info]nightfalltwen
The best place(s) to find you: livejournal and also tumblr
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: Write fic. My first (no longer available unless you scour the wayback machine) was posted Feb 7, 2001. So I just passed my 15 year HP fandom-versary.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Can't say I have one particular favourite character or pairing. I generally like anything that isn't canon. I am not a huge fan of OBHWF or Maurauders.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: I like romance and the meet-cute trope. Found families are another trope I enjoy. That thing where boys are stiff and reserved until they have that one breaking point where everything just flies out the window. I like reading about female pleasure, and maybe a little of male orgasm denial, but not necessarily where it takes violence to get there, yanno? I dunno. I'm still kind of vanilla and I'm trying to work my way past that.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Hmmm that's a hard question. I suppose if the writing is done well, I could read a lot of things. Except rape. Rape and chan. Child abuse is not sexy.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: I like Agent Carter and I love X-Company. But no one I know watches X-Company, so I feel more like I'm in a fandom of one with that one. Orphan Black is amazing and I would love to find some fantastic art and/or fic for all three. Nothing I've found so far is all that interesting.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I'm a loan shark by day (not really. But kinda. Sorta.) and a sloth by night. Except on Wednesday nights where I spend two hours herding cats. And by herding cats, I mean I'm a Girl Guide leader and my group of twenty 9-11 year olds meet on Wednesdays. I have not murdered one yet. Go me. Other hobbies include travel, going to cons with [info]glitter_pink, wrangling [info]hp_humpdrabbles, knitting, reading and playing with my monster cats (who are real cats, not 9-11 year old girls).
You should friend me if: You want to? I might not be the best person to friend if all you post is Snape fic. I don't hate him, but I also don't read anything about him. I lean more towards het than slash.

Anyhoo. That's me.
13th March 2016 19:14
I love Agent Carter and Orphan Black! And yay for found families and female pleasure and fellow HP-fandom oldbies :) (Allthough I'm only at ten years.) Friends?
3rd March 2016 00:07
Name: [info]starduchess
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): is on LJ but also DW, AO3, IJ, and FF.net
What you do in HP fandom: write, podfic, mod, and beta read
Favorite HP characters or pairings: fav het is Draco/Hermione and fav slash is Snape/Harry, but I'll try most others, though I'm not fond of canon pairings
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: hurt/comfort, forced/accidental bondings, desparate situations, bondage, orgasm delay/denial, nipple/clit/cbt, dominance issues
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: sugary sweet fic, scat
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: Legend of Zelda, Battle of the Planets/Gatchaman, Voltron Go-Lion, X-Files, Grimm, Psych, BBC Sherlock, Final Fantasy VI and VII
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: singer, dancer, mathematician. I like counted cross-stich. I'm good at mini-golf. I enjoy playing Rock Band and Minecraft with my family and friends.
You should friend me if: you love friends, you love fandom, what more do you need?
5th March 2016 16:04
Yay for Snarry, kinks, Zelda and Rock Band! Friend? =)
3rd March 2016 02:09
Name: [info]alisanne
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): I'm Alisanne everywhere. LJ, IJ, DW, Tumblr (alis_anne).
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: Read, write fic, generally hang about. And I've been here since mid 2005.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Slytherins in general, Severus, Draco, Pansy, Harry, Neville, Kingsley... Oh heck, I love everyone and have prolly written everyone with everyone else at some point. Also, I am especially fond of Severus/Harry and Harry/Draco.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Desk sex, wall sex, desperate up-against-any-flat-surface sex, glove kink, partially clothed sex, semi-public sex, kilts, and prolly more that I'm forgetting and will recall as soon as I hit post on this.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Humiliation, D/s, infidelity, rape, non-magic AUs, although there are always exceptions depending on the author.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: Dr Who, MCU, iZombie, The Magicians, other stuff that I can't think of right now.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I work in the medical field, and my hobbies are drinking (lol), reading, and writing fic.
You should friend me if: you love Severus Snape, Snarry, Harry and Draco, rarepairs, or random facts. :)
3rd March 2016 21:49
i'm so gonna add you this round- if that is ok with you?
i've been following your work for some time now and you are just amazing and i would be very happy to get to know you better!
3rd March 2016 03:30
Name: [info]kelly_chambliss
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): I'm kelly_chambliss (with underscore) on IJ, AO3, and DW. On LJ, I'm kellychambliss with no underscore. (Yeah, I wasn't thinking when I set up that one.) But except for DD, I'm not on IJ much. All my posting is on DW and LJ. I'm not on Tumblr. I have a Twitter account but I never check it.
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I write a lot of stories about the older characters of the HP world. I've written for DD; I edit The Quibbler Report (rarepair and gen rec list); I used to mod the Minerva_Fest. I've been in HP fandom since 2008.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: McGonagall is my favorite by far. But I love all the older women (except Trelawney, for Reasons). I'm also fond of Snape, Moody, Aberforth, Filch, Flitwick. I love femmeslash. Favorite pairings: Minerva/Hooch, Minerva/Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank, Minerva/Amelia Bones, Minerva/Severus, Minerva/Moody, Minerva/Aberforth. Of the younger generation, I'm partial to Hermione, Millicent Bulstrode, and Neville.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Voyeurism, bondage, long hair, hurt/comfort, corsets, smoking, power plays, dub con, missing scenes, non-magical AUs, unexpected plots that nonetheless fit canon
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: serious humiliation, mommy/daddy play, chan, total fluff, mpreg, incest. But I'll read just about anything if it's done well.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: My first fanfic-writing fandom was Star Trek Voyager, and I still have a soft spot for Trek. Downton Abbey. I'll be going to Leviosa in July.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I teach. I also collect old books, watch a lot of old movies, drink a lot of tea and coffee, do some amateur acting, read a lot of history, play a lot of Clash of Clans.
You should friend me if: You like older rarepairs and don't expect too much m/m slash.
3rd March 2016 13:33 - Sorry mods if this is posted twice!
Name: Melissa aka _melodic_ on lj, sorry it won't let me link my livejournal!
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): LJ (my user name is _melodic_)
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I write fanfiction and read a hell of a lot of it as well. I got into the fandom in 2002
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Harry/Draco is my OTP and Draco Malfoy is my favorite character but I also love: Charlie/Draco, Remus/Severus, Draco/Albus Severus, Harry/Scorpius, Scorpius/James Sirius, James Sirius/Albus Severus
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: I love jealousy fics, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, and getting together fics as far as tropes go. Kinks: I basically am down for anything except for scat, vomit play, and blood play. I specially like BDSM, rough sex, voyeurism, dubious consent, watersports where the desperation or humiliation is highlighted, public sex, ect.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: I don't care much for bonding fics, mpreg, or veela fics but that said there are plenty of fictions in that genre that I have read and really loved!
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: Star Wars, Anything from Robin Hobb, Merlin, fantasy books/movies in general but as far as fandom and fiction it's mostly Harry Potter and Star Wars.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I work in the food industry and hope to open my own vegan bakery one day. I love cycling, yoga, anything outdoors, food, cooking, chocolate, lush baths, karaoke, anything where I can express my creativity really!
You should friend me if: you think we have anything in common, of if you think we'd get along! I only recently started writing again (November 2015) and participating in fests/getting back into lj so I would really love to have more fandom friends !
13th March 2016 20:54 - Re: Sorry mods if this is posted twice!
Friending! I love H/D and Charlie/Draco too and Draco's definitely my little black dress pairing-wise. Plus we have a lot of kinks in common and hurt/comfort with a happy ending is my favourite.
3rd March 2016 16:13
Name: [info]torino10154
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): I'm on LJ/IJ/DW and AO3 but the most action is probably on LJ.
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I've been here for 9 years. I write (mostly drabbles/ficlets). I mod [info]snape_potter and [info]hp_goldenage among other things.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Severus, Harry, Draco are the top 3, but also Neville, Charlie as well as Next Gen (Teddy, James, Al, and Scorpius especially). For het, I'm more into deviant, dirty/hot/emphasis on wrong. Charlie/his nieces, Ginny/her brothers, Draco/his daughter-in-law, etc.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Smut? :P Rimming, blowjobs, messy sex. Um, I'm weird with tropes--I'm not really sure I have go-to ones? I supposed I'd say I like when people take a trope or cliche and turn it on its head a bit. Otherwise I mostly like some light angst on the way to a HEA, whether it's a mystery or a romance.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: A/B/O, BDSM, D/s, infidelity, age play, forced bonding/marriage, Regency era AUs, creature fic, 8th year fic
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: I'm only in HP but I do a good number of fests and read my flist regularly.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I lie on the sofa eating bon-bons and watch my stories.
You should friend me if: You like drabbles, you want to see pics of my teenagers, you have a good sense of humor.
3rd March 2016 16:20
Name: Ami (Llaeyro)
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other):I have a new AO3 account which I'm gradually putting all my works on but the best place to find me is on LJ (http://llaeyro.livejournal.com/profile).
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I've been in HP Slash fandom for 13 years, mostly reading and commenting, occasionally writing and beta'ing. I've been writing and beta'ing a lot more since last October.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: I am a slash-only multi-shipper. Wolfstar was my first love, then Drarry, and now there's not much I won't ship. I love reading and writing Snape, Sirius, Harry, Charlie and Draco in particular.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Spanking, bondage, D/s, anal play, intercrural/intergluteal sex, dirty talk, morally grey Snape/Draco, people not dying AU's, overcoming/coping with mental health/physical health difficulties and switching top/bottom.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Scat, necro, vomit, sounding, overabundances of bodily fluids and father/son incest (with an exception for Lucius, because he's a bastard) are my few no-gos. I'm also not keen on mpreg, bestiality and a/b/o universes when it isn't focused around werewolves but I may still read it if the other warnings entice me. Some of my favourite fics contain things I thought I didn't like at the time of reading, so I'm always willing to give things a go.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: My friend whom I regularly beta for has thrust a few Kylux (Star Wars) fictions in my direction, but apart from that I'm all HP! I have a great selection of HP dress-up.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: Am-dram, doodling, watching The Walking Dead, cooking/baking, playing Runescape and playing various Mario/Lego/Zelda games on my WiiU.
You should friend me if: you want to! I don't often f-lock posts and all of my fictions are public =)
3rd March 2016 16:38
Name: Luvscharlie
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): LJ as Luvscharlie
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: 9 years, writer
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Charlie, Lavender, Harry, Viktor
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: infidelity, breathplay, forced sex fantasy, (really there's not much I don't like)
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Not a huge fan of death eaters, but I'll still read them.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: Currently X-Files is the monster I am consuming.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I work in a law office. My biggest hobby is fandom and reading/watching to find more fandoms.
You should friend me if: You simply want a new buddy.
3rd March 2016 20:58
Name: [info]capitu
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): mostly at livejournal, but I'm capitu here and at dreamwidth. At tumblr I'm capiturecs, but I only use it to post recs (and like all the pretty I see when I'm around!)
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I read, I comment, I rec. :D I'm a co-mod for hd_erised and modded past rounds of harrydracompreg. I'm also an editor at daily_snitch and hd_prophet. I've been around, god, feels since forever; first found fandom while waiting for OotP (anyone remember the yahoo groups?!?), but after my mum passed away I was away for several years. I 'came back' around 2012, I think, and it was wonderful. Fandom is home. <3
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Harry Potter! I know. ^^ Ron Weasley is another favourite character, Luna, Hermione, oh my god, McGonagall. So many! In fact, I just don't like Umbridge, that's easier. :) For pairings my OTP are Harry/Draco and James Sirius/Scorpius, but I read pretty much everything. I love Crossgen and Next Gen, but I'm serious, I do read everything.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Size!King FTW! :D I also love dirty talking – and again, I read pretty much everything, it'd be hard to list everything I love and read. :D
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Hmm. I suppose infidelity? It comes and goes, sometimes I have to be in certain mood to read stuff I don't usually read or look for, but I give a chance to everything that sounds appealing.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: I don't play outside HP, but I love GoT and Zombies in general. ^^
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I work in a newspaper (corporate image). I really enjoy my work. I collect HP stuff (everything, basically), I love to travel, and when I'm not working, I'm reading, basically what I do; I breathe and I read. :)
You should friend me if: If you think we'll get along? :D I'm very active at LJ, I don't post very often but I'm always around my flist. I love making friends and taking an interest in my friends's lives. Also if you like having recs popping on your flist ever so often. My journal is mostly HP oriented with the occasional RL post here and there. I'm also mostly a m/m reader, so there's that. :)

3rd March 2016 21:47
Name: DIG / digthewriter
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): [info]digthewriter everywhere. Except twitter: tweetsbydig, and tumblr: digtheshipper and awesomedig
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I write Harry/Draco mostly but I write other pairings all the time. I write. I do some pg-13 art. I mod a bunch of fests on livejournal.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Harry/Draco. Sirius/Harry. Neville/Draco. Hermione/Pansy. Ginny/Luna.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: pretend boyfriends. innocent character that turns dirty -- is that a thing? voyeurism but only in my otp about each other. threesome w/ age difference like sirius/harry/draco or neville/charlie/teddy. anything goes that is kinky but still vanilla b/c i am just so ridiculously vanilla.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: hardcore bdsm, bondage, orgasm denial, death/ghost fics
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: I really really really really like kylo ren/general hux and poe/finn from star wars TFA. I also ship Merlin/Arthur modern or canon au. I also listen to a lot of m/m romance on audiobook. I spent most of 2014+2015 doing this... 2016 has been to a slow start.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I head up a social networking club that meets on wed. nights and we get drunk. I watch a lot of TV. My fav. shows are suits, and the goodwife. I work a basic 9-5. Just quit my job and starting a new one in a week or so. I'm looking fwd to that. I'm worried though that I might not have enough time to do fandom things.
You should friend me if: You're okay w/ a quirky person with a side of vanilla ♥
3rd March 2016 22:46
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other):LJ (all my fanworks are on DW as well same names) and i have an AO3... i just dont really post there
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here:just started my 3th year (time flies) i write, record podfic, read and mod one small com
Favorite HP characters or pairings:otp:hp/dm and ss/rl lucius/narcissa but i also like: charlie/draco, neville/charlie and blaise/ron
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: fluff! (is that a troupe?) give me sugar and i'll just suck it up, a/o/b-verse, BDSM, accidental bounding, soulmates, gloves/boots (you know the kind i like, dontcha?) desperate sex, first times, awkward-happy sex, angst, getting to know one another, mysteries, secrets... the list goes on and on i say if it is written well and without my squicks i'll read it
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without:scat, infidelity, serious humiliation, incest (through twincest is something very different), water-sports, bad endings,
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy:Gundam Wing- first and forever GW in my heart!, TLoTR, , and many anime/manga fandoms, i'm also very interested in mythology be it egypt, greek, italian or nordic, at the moment a little bit obsessed with the migration period and the fall of the roman empire
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have:part-time student (working on master thesis) trying to get into full-time employment right now, cat-lady everyday, programmer and playing with pc-stuff and games, numberphile, i'm huge into reading but mostly books no one knows
You should friend me if:if you like to talk about stuff, and are ok with me commenting on your stuff too, i like to get to know my friends and i'm a oversharing person XD
4th March 2016 02:45
Name: tryslora
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): I am tryslora on all platforms, and most chattery on tumblr, although I do a post most weekdays that crossposts between LJ/IJ/DW. I mostly read LJ and tumblr.
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I write! I occasionally draw but only badly and rarely. I started out doing RPGs in HP fandom back in 2006 or so and in 2011 I wrote my first non-RPG related fanfic.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: SO MANY. I'm very trio-era and next-gen oriented. I write mostly Drarry, but I also write a lot of rarer pairs. I have a particular fondness for my Marcus Flint, and for Lily Luna.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Double penetration, anything with Lily Luna and groups/incest, kink/porn disguised as a character study (or vice versa).
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Marauders or other elders, felching, sounding... real non-con, full humiliation, anything with a futile ending.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: I am a huge Teen Wolf fan (and one who still watches the show), so I write a ton of TW fic too. I am also into Check, Please on the fannish side (and if you haven't read the wonderful hockey comic, you should do so, IT IS AWESOME). I'm into consuming a lot of other media, but don't necessarily consider myself fannish because I don't fic it. :(
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I'm a wife, a mom, a writer, a system administrator. I talk a lot about my kids, and I obsess over taekwondo (I'm a competitive black belt, or I try anyway). As I get back to work on original writing, too, I will probably obsess over that as well.
You should friend me if: You don't mind ignoring lengthy to do lists, and don't mind proud-mom chatter about teenagers. If you don't mind chatter about weight-lifting and tae kwon do. Oh and if you love Jackson from Teen Wolf, or love Check, Please, you definitely should find me on tumblr, because the world needs more of all of that.
4th March 2016 02:55
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): Lj
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: new in fandom but loved the movies always , I read pretty love it
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Charlie , bill draco ,luna
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: depends on the pair
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without:I like it all
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: supernatural J2 1d Btvs ats
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: scrap book
You should friend me if: you want too get to know mw enjoy art and all
4th March 2016 03:41
Name: [info]gracerene
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): livejournal is where I mostly live. I'm also on tumblr as gracerene09
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I started out reccing in 2013, which I still do pretty regularly. I also have been writing for the past year or so, which has been fun. :) Oh, and I'm a mod for hp-crossgenfest, hp-nextgen-fest, and hd-erised, all on LJ.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Harry/Draco and James Sirius/Teddy are my OTPs, but I'm definitely a multi-shipper. I especially love Next Gen and Cross Gen. Primarily slash, though I do love the occasional het, but really only if it's super dirty and filthy and wrong. ;)
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Smut in general is pretty much my jam. BDSM and D/s are fabulous, dirty talk, dub-con, rimming, face-fucking, semi-public!sex, partially clothed sex, getting caught/almost getting caught. For tropes I really love bonding!fics, creature!fics, and fake/pretend relationship.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: infidelity, mpreg, rape or outright non-con, wand insertion. Also not overly fond of kid!fic, big gay hogwarts, amnesia!fic, or matchmaking.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: OH BOY! I read in a lot of fandoms, and I write in several others as well. Merlin, Teen Wolf, Inception, Sherlock, Kingsman, Star Trek AOS, MCU, and Check, Please! to name a few...
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I read a lot and I love to travel. I just changed jobs at the beginning of the year and things have been...interesting so far. :)
You should friend me if: you enjoy HP fic & recs + occasional recs/posts from other fandoms + RL nonsense and fandom-y discussions. I really like to interact with my friends, so you should friend me if you like to post and/or comment on posts :D
4th March 2016 10:26
Name: themightyflynn
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): LJ and Ao3. I do have a tumblr (themightyflynn08) but don't really post there. I also have FF, AFF and dA, but Ao3 and LJ are the mains.
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I write and read. I've been writing in HP for the past two and a bit years, but have been a fan since the books first came out.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: OTP = Drarry, Snarry, Snarco. I know it says one, but who can choose when presented with those, right?! I love cross-gen and will read damn-near anything with Draco in it. Also Narcissa/Lucius.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Bonding, orgasm denial, creature!fic, A/B/O, BDSM. I'll give any kink a try, really. Fluff and UST as well *-*
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: The only thing I absolutely /cannot/ read is anorexia. I'm not too keen on death fics, or mental health issues, but will read them if they're written well.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: I'm getting into How To Get Away With Murder and have many, many fandoms that I love, but I only really write for HP.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I'm trying to get an etsy store going with the little bits of jewellery I make. I also own way too many pets for where I live :/
You should friend me if: You don't mind me not posting much. I am trying to be more active on LJ, but it does sometimes feel like just posting into the void. I am strange at times and will rave on about things I love when given the chance. Talk to me and I'll talk back, basically :)
(no subject) - Anonymous
4th March 2016 23:40
Ai-ite! I'm well and drunk, so LET'S DO THIS THING!!

Name: [info]tjs_whatnot
The best place(s) to find you: Livejournal, Dreamwidth, Tumblr and I think that's about it...
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I've been here since days of ol' and used to do many things. Now I just write from time to time, squee a bit and roll around in the love of it all. Don't got time for wank and its whatnot...
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Oh, so many... The dudes: Remus, Ron, Snape, Harry, Neville top the list... for the ladies: Luna owns my heart, but I'm also rather fond of Minerva, Hermione, Rosmerta, Tonks. I also like reading stories that make me re-think characters and have developed fond thoughts on many characters that had very little going on in actual-facts canon.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: H/C, Angst, voyeurism, threesomes, AUs, Crack. Really, well written is my one and only barometer.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Incest and OOC are really my only absolute back-button not ever things.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: White Collar, most things Marvel, Star Wars, Miranda and random things that come and go.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: Childcare is my profession, writing is my thing I do that gives me most pleasure and I do try my hands at other crafty type things.
You should friend me if: You like shenanigans and whatnot.
5th March 2016 18:03
Name: Kris
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): yes, well... it's aquascum on dreamwidth and poolnaiad on lj
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: read, read, read and comment, since... er... 2002 or '03?
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Draco, Draco/Harry, Draco/Neville
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: hm... toys, animagus, size, double penetration, quidditch
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: sainted Weasleys, mpreg, that a/o-mating-heat stuff
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: I need new fandoms... reading fic is #1 enjoyment
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: swimming, diving, reading...
You should friend me if: you want to?
8th March 2016 03:39
Name: [info]ragdoll
The best place(s) to find you: LJ mainly
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: 10 long years at [info]daily_deviant as co-mod and co-creator. I've been writing HP fic for longer than that, a member of erotic_elves, also creator/mod at [info]wizard_love, and [info]samhain_smut and a few others, participant of too many fests/challenges to mention.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Tonks, Bill, Charlie, Neville, Luna, Ron, Sirius, Harry, Ginny, Kingsley, Tonks/Bill, Tonks/Charlie, Bill/Tonks/Charlie, Bill/Charlie, Bill/Ginny, Tonks/anyone, Luna/anyone, Tonks/Ginny, Ginny/Luna
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: spanking, discipline of any kind, bdsm, role playing, costumes, strap ons, threesomes, femmeslash, Weasleycest, romance, humor, polyamoury, food smut, dub-con/seduction,
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: scat, fisting, anything violent, non-con, "I'm secretly gay", non-magical au, mpreg
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: Doctor Who, Star Trek (esp original), MCU, cosplay of any sort, going to conventions, being on panels at cons, historical mysteries, historical fashion, general anglophilia, RuPaul's Drag Race, the Beatles, 1960s music stuff, Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice & Fire, Miss Fisher, other stuff
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: sell dolls and toys and also do freelance writing, doll collecting, travelling, cooking, history, helping to run too many conventions (currently 4 separate ones), writing about tv shows (currently four pro-books of essays)
You should friend me if: you're bored? I have no idea. LOL
8th March 2016 15:46
The best place(s) to find me: Tumblr, DW, LJ, IJ
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I used to write, I need to finish WIPs, and I've been in the fandom since 2002.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Harry/Voldemort, Harry/Tom, Ginny/Tom, Remus/Sirius, Remus/Harry, Hermione/Viktor, Hermione/Voldemort, Lucius/Narcissa, Draco/Pansy, Draco/Harry, Albus/Gellert, Tom/Abraxas, Tom/Minerva, Tom/Hepzibah, Voldemort/Nagini.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: I'm pretty eclectic.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Non-con.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: Marvel's Avengers, Dark Shadows, Labyrinth, Good Omens. I tend to enjoy enemies ships, and characters who go to the dark side.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: Interested in history, mythology, and ancient religions.
You should friend me if: you enjoy fic recs, and can tolerate me squeeing over my fandoms.
12th March 2016 14:15
Name: Hannelore
The best place(s) to find you (LJ, IJ, DW, other): LJ and DW
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I've been in HP fandom since September of 2003. Yikes! I really don't have any OTPs, I honestly love writing about many different pairings as well as gen.
Favorite HP characters or pairings:A difficult question! I really like exploring the stories behind rare characters/pairings, but I am certainly a sucker for the older women of HP. For some reason I ended up writing a bunch of Petunia/Vernon just because I like to see how they tick.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: Service submission, tickling, femdom, first time negotiations, UST, UST and did I mention UST?
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: Don't think this has ever really crossed my mind.
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: I haven't been involved in these fandoms per se, but I also love Venture Brothers, Elementary, World of Warcraft and Lewis. I've been known to write a handful of WoW fic.
What you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: Your regular run-of-the-mill office job. I love video games (old school games as well. Grim Fandango FTW!), conlanging, conworlding, running (or getting back into running, anyway) and hanging out/gaming with pauraque and our kid.
You should friend me if: you don't mind someone who doesn't post a lot (old work injury has limited my amount of typing), enjoys rare pairings over popular pairings but loves a good H/D or trio fic once in awhile and... I guess check my profile on LJ to see if anything sparks your fancy! :)
14th March 2016 20:18
Name: [info]lokifan
The best place(s) to find you : LJ and Tumblr (and AO3 for fic) are best, but I'm on DW as well – same name everywhere
What you do in HP fandom and/or how long you've been here: I've been here nearly as long as Daily Deviant! I write fic and the occasional bit of meta, and try to remember to keep up my rec posts.
Favorite HP characters or pairings: Draco is my little black dress, and I love him with Harry, Ron, Severus, Neville... I also enjoy Pansy femmeslash. I'll read or write a LOT of pairings once :)
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you eat up with a spoon: SPANKING and other painplay; hurt/comfort; fluffy established-relationship kink, especially with some light D/s and humiliation; hair-pulling, biting, orgasm control, bondage, coerced consent; found families & friendship; enemies-to-lovers.
Kinks, themes, and tropes that you could really do without: non-magic AUs
Other fandoms or fannish things you enjoy: MCU is a thing for me, especially Natasha, Thor, Steve, and Peggy Carter and her crew; my other big fandoms/things I love right now are Buffy, Supergirl and the other DC programmes, Pretty Little Liars
Whata you do in real life or other hobbies and interests you have: I love theatre, including but not limited to musicals; I love reading, especially children's fantasy and Gothic novels. Superheroes are my jam. I teach English as a foreign language and I'm living in Italy for six months doing that, but I'm a London girl.
You should friend me if: you're down for smut and HP opinions and okay with basically-weekly memes.
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