Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Afternoon Quickie (Teddy/Albus - NC-17) 
23rd January 2016 15:34
Title: Afternoon Quickie
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Digital
Characters/Pairings: Teddy/Albus
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Anal, piercing
Other Warnings: None
Artist's Notes: Look who actually felt inspired to draw some good old HP! :) It's been a while but I'm gonna try to make an effort to post something somewhat regularly again cause I missed it. ♥
Art Preview:

23rd January 2016 16:37
Guhh, this is delicious! Love the hair and the freckles. :)
23rd January 2016 23:12
Thank you!! :) I missed drawing those freckles. ♥
23rd January 2016 17:08
Love this! Teddy's hair is brilliant, and I like the bit of facial hair there too! :)
23rd January 2016 23:13
Thank you! :D And yeah, Teddy's hair and beard was a bit of an experiment. Glad you like it! :D
23rd January 2016 17:20
I think my heart may have skipped a beat when I saw you had posted new HP art! ;)
And your next-gen is my favorite!
This is delicious! <3
23rd January 2016 23:14
Haha, awwww, thank you! ♥ Yeah, it's been a while... :))
23rd January 2016 18:00
Hot and sexy, I love Teddy's hair color and Al's freckles, it's all so delicious. <33
24th January 2016 12:24
Thank you! The next gen boys (and girls) are always fun to draw. ♥
24th January 2016 02:31
Hot, sweet and delicious! Love Teddy's hair (and that jaw hair, eee), Albus' nail polish, and their positioning, which is delectable. :)
24th January 2016 12:23
Thank you! I experimented a little with their looks - glad you like Teddy! :D
24th January 2016 19:52
Oh goodness, I am so glad you are posting again. I love your next gen boys so damned much. This is absolutely hot and lovely.
24th January 2016 22:16
Heeeh, I missed drawing them. ♥ Thank you!
26th January 2016 07:02
Oh my gods, I love how you drew all that body hair. It's so striking. And those freckles! Guh! *fans self*
28th January 2016 00:24
The details are always the most fun to draw at the end, so thank you! :) Glad you like it.
26th January 2016 17:08
Oh my, that is gorgeous.

Al is so young, and Teddy so blue in all of his hair everywhere.
28th January 2016 00:25
Awww, thank you! I'm glad you like it! :) And yep, Teddy is pretty much blue all over, haha.
30th January 2016 13:07
This is absolutely marvellous! Gods, t's perfect in every way. I love Teddy's hair and facial hair and Albus freckles and nail polish and just everything about this. Lord, the piercings look beautiful on them. The little bellybutton looks so yummy; I can imagine it smeared with come. :D

And so happy to see you around! \o/ YAY!
31st January 2016 12:21
Heeeh, thank you! It's so nice to be welcomed back so warmly! :D I missed drawing HP. ♥
1st February 2016 16:44
I love the freckles and Teddy's hair SO MUCH.
8th February 2016 17:05
Thank you! :D
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