Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Slytherin Scarf 
4th January 2016 17:12
Title:Slytherin Scarf
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media:Digital sketch
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Auto-fellatio
Warnings: Teen!Severus, ridiculous amounts of flexibility
A/N: New Year, new medium. Apologies for how rough this is, I'm still not completely sure what the hell I'm doing.

4th January 2016 22:37
Ah, I think it's lovely (and totally something teen!Sev would have tried LOL). Nicely done.
10th January 2016 16:43
totally something teen!Sev would have tried

Oh, I bet my last knut that every but the most repressed teen boy has given this a go at least once in their life. ;)

4th January 2016 22:54
Ah, the flexibility of youth, LOL.
Nice job with this. :)
10th January 2016 16:44
I know right? Youth in all it's forms is wasted on the young.

Thanks! I'm still working on getting the hang of it, but I'm glad you like my first finished attempt!
4th January 2016 23:56
Oh goodness, the scarf technique is lovely.
10th January 2016 16:45
Thanks! Ingenuity is a Slytherin stock in trade. ;)
5th January 2016 01:35
Love this! The medium looks great, and I love the creative use of the scarf! :D
10th January 2016 16:45
Thanks! I have to say, I'm enjoying having the option of doing color without worrying about destroying it or having to clean a bad scan.
5th January 2016 02:51
Brava! Well done on your first time with the tablet. Love that naughty tongue ;)
10th January 2016 16:46
Thanks! I'm muddling along with it and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. :)
5th January 2016 03:07 - Fun!
Great depiction - defo got a grin on my face!
10th January 2016 16:46 - Re: Fun!
Thank you. :)
5th January 2016 05:15
This is fun ! Great composition and great take on the prompt using the scarf!
10th January 2016 16:55
Thank you! It's a fun prompt so I figured it was as good a place as any to try something new.
5th January 2016 06:27
This made me smile. :)
10th January 2016 16:55
Thanks! :)
5th January 2016 09:10
What a creative use of his scarf! Oh, Severus...
Good to see you experimenting with digital media, hon - another string to your creative bow!
Happy New Year. ♥
10th January 2016 16:57
Happy New Year to you!

And it's fun to have a new medium to mess about with. I'm hoping on day to produce some really hyper detailed porn art with it in the future. :)
5th January 2016 14:14
I love the new medium! <3

And this is ever so sexy! Look how bendy he is! And the Slytherin scarf, perfect usage. :D
10th January 2016 16:57
Thanks! Skinny blokes are stretchy!
5th January 2016 15:38
EEE! I love seeing new art from you, no matter the medium. It looks fantastic, darling and I just love his little tongue.
10th January 2016 16:58
Thanks babe! I'm really hoping that I can get the hang of it and stat whipping out some more ambitious work with it soon. :)
6th January 2016 15:37
I commented elsewhere, but I had to comment here too to repeat how lovely this is :)
10th January 2016 17:01
Thank you. :) I feel like I have a long way yet to go until I can really put the tool to full use, but I'm glad you like my start!
7th January 2016 03:06

HAHA! OMG! Severus, what are you doing?!?!?! <33333
10th January 2016 17:02
Doing what every boy dreams of!
7th January 2016 14:18
Ha! Hilarious and just what a horny kid might try (though I'm sure his back didn't thank him in the morning!)
10th January 2016 17:02
True, but since when did the threat of discomfort ever stop a teenage boy from doing something ill advised? ;)
8th January 2016 17:02
Ha! Love it!
10th January 2016 17:03
Thank you. :)
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