Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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20th December 2015 23:36 - Re: FILL: Want, James/Sirius [3/3]
Aww, yay! I'm just thrilled to bits that you enjoyed this! Your prompt definitely called for the sadder, angstier route, and I think it works so beautifully for these two. And, of course, both James and I are quite bit fans of drop-dead-sexy Sirius. :D

I know that we never really got a firm confirmation of when James and Lily married, just that it was sometime after Hogwarts and before they went into hiding while Lily was still pregnant. So I decided to use that to my advantage here.

Anyways, super glad that you liked this little thing! I was thrilled when I saw your prompt and knew I'd have an excuse to write some more of these two. :)
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