Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
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17th December 2015 20:11 - Re: FILL: Want, James/Sirius [2/3]
Sirius's face twisted, the levity gone. "You should go back downstairs, James. Rude, leaving Lily all alone to tend to your guests." He took a long pull from his cigarette, and James was unable to tear his gaze away from the curls of smoke that spilled out between Sirius's lips.

"You're one of our guests. I'm tending to you."

Sirius laughed, a sharp bark of sound that cut through the night air like a blade. "Are you now? I'd like you to. You'd like you to."

Sirius took one last drag of his cigarette and threw it onto the deck, grinding it out with the sole of his dragonhide boot. James swallowed. Blinked. And then Sirius was there, right in front of him, his face just inches away from James's.

"What's it going to be, Prongs? You gonna go back downstairs? Or are you going to stay here and give yourself what you want?" Sirius's breath was hot on James's cheek. His breath smelled of smoke and alcohol—quite a lot of alcohol.

"I…" James shook his head, trying to clear out the strange fuzziness that had crept in, making the whole world seem soft and slow. "And what is it that I want?" James wasn't sure if he knew what he wanted himself, it was all so jumbled up inside of him.

Sirius leaned closer. James shivered as he felt a week's worth of stubble rasp against his cheek. Sirius's lips pressed right up against James's ear. His lips were warm and petal-soft. "You want to get down on your knees and suck my cock." James let out a sound between a whimper and moan, even as he shook his head in pointless denial. "Don't deny it, Prongs. You want to kneel for me. You want to turn around and show me your arse, want me to lick you and fuck you until you can't think anymore. You want me to make it all go away for a little while."

James's cock was hard and straining at his trousers. His knees felt weak, like they too agreed with Sirius's assessment, and wanted to help him reach the ground as soon as possible. It was only his mind that was hesitating, calling up images of Lily, the woman he loved and wanted to start a family with. But even that bright image started to fade when Sirius brought his hand to the bulge of James's erection. Sirius gripped and massaged him, and even though it had been years, he still seemed to remember exactly how James liked it. His knees trembled, and then he was on the ground, kneeling with his back against the wall and Sirius looming over him.

He paused, his eyes flicking between the cloth covered erection in front of his face and Sirius's intent expression. James did want it, but he knew he shouldn't. He wished that Sirius would take the choice away from him, that he would open his trousers, pull out his thick cock, and make James take it. Sirius seemed to know that though—he always knew when it came to James—and he clearly wasn't about to let James off that easily.

"Go on then, take me out."

This time James didn't bother with hesitation. He was already on his knees for Sirius, could see the outline of his cock, could smell the proof of his arousal...James knew there was no way he could walk away now. James undid Sirius's trousers quickly and reached in to pull out his erection. It had been ages since he'd seen a prick that wasn't his own, and he let himself take his fill of the heavy, flushed weight in his hands. Sirius had a beautiful cock, and it was every bit as thick and hard and long as James remembered.

"Suck me, Prongs." Sirius's voice already sounded strained, and James hadn't done much more than touch him. James liked that. He wanted to make Sirius come undone, he wanted to watch and feel and taste him as Sirius lost himself in pleasure. In James.
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