Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
A Raping of Canon, NC-17, Various 
20th August 2007 23:50
Title: A Raping of Canon
Author: [info]eeyore9990
Characters: Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange, Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, others
Rating: NC-17
Themes: AU (erm, because this would never happen in canon? I fail at AU, apparently.)
Warnings: Non-con (dark), incest, object insertion, masturbation, knife/blood play
Word Count: ~2600
A/N: Umm, I don't have a clue where this came from. I started with one idea and the fic ended up going wildly off-kilter, so...
Disclaimer: Characters and places belong to JKRowling, I am making no profit and no trademark or copyright infringement is intended.


"Take these prisoners down to the cellar, Greyback."

"Wait," said Bellatrix sharply. "All except… except for the Mudblood."

Greyback gave a grunt of pleasure.

"No!" shouted Ron. "You can have me, keep me!"

Bellatrix hit him across the face; the blow echoed around the room.

"If she dies under questioning, I'll take you next," she said. "Blood traitor is next to Mudblood in my book. Take them downstairs, Greyback, and make sure they are secure, but do nothing more to them – yet."

She threw Greyback's wand to him, then took a short, silver knife from under her robes. She cut Hermione free from the other prisoners, then dragged her by the hair into the middle of the room, while Greyback forced the rest of them to shuffle across to another door, into a dark passageway, his wand held out in front of him, projecting an invisible and irresistible force.

Hermione struggled against Bellatrix' hold, gritting her teeth against the pain of being pulled by the hair. Through watery eyes, she watched as Greyback herded Ron and Harry out of the room. The closing of the door behind them made her strengthen with resolve. She would get herself out of this situation. She had to.

The boys wouldn't be able to free themselves without her.

Bellatrix yanked once more on her hair, causing Hermione to give vent to the feelings of mingled helplessness and frustration that had been building up since they'd been captured by the Snatchers. She let out one long, loud, furious scream and turned her whole body, uncaring if her hair was ripped from her skull as she fought with the only thing left to her: her body.

As she heard the echoing shouts of her name coming from somewhere far below them, she grabbed for Bellatrix, pulling the tall woman off guard and to the floor with her, where she attempted to subdue her and grab her wand.

"Incarcerous." The word had been spoken with a lazy, silken drawl that only one person on earth possessed, and Hermione growled fiercely as her arms were snapped tight behind her from the force of the ropes winding viciously around them.

"Malfoy," she said, hissing the name with rage as she attempted to spit on the once-beautiful man who had been ravaged by his time in Azkaban. "What's wrong? Scared of me? Are you afraid you won't be able to protect yourself and your family from me if I get my hands on her wand?"

"Actually, my dear," Narcissa Malfoy said, her voice cold as ice, "you're not giving my husband proper credit. You see, he knows what my sister will do to you, and he's just deviant enough to help." With that Narcissa walked over to her husband and stood behind him, her hand on his shoulder, the picture of a devoted wife.

From the closeness of her voice, Bellatrix was right next to her, so Hermione moved as quickly as she could, slamming the side of her head into Bellatrix' face. A short scream was cut off quickly and Bellatrix moved into her line of vision.

"Oh, little Mudblood," Bellatrix said, her voice nearly purring with pleasure. "You're determined to make this fun, aren't you?"

Hermione drew breath to make a cutting remark when she heard Ron's screams below her again. That sound trapped the breath in her throat and a fine trembling started up in her as she heard him scream again.

God, what was Greyback doing to them?

Hermione pulled herself together again and pushed the hopelessness of her situation back to the edges of her mind. "What do you want?"

"I want to know where you got this sword, Mudblood. And you're going to tell me."

"That old thing?" Hermione asked, striving for nonchalance as she shrugged her shoulders. "A gift from Ron's dad. He collects Muggle antiques—" Hermione's words were brutally cut off by a harsh, open-handed slap to the side of her face that drove her cheek into her teeth and knocked her onto her side.

"Don't lie to me, dirty little bitch. I know where you got it—"

"If you know as much as you think, why don't you stop wasting my time and let me go?"

Bellatrix threw back her head and let loose a wild, high-pitched laugh. She turned to Narcissa and Lucius, her teeth bared in a manic smile as she said in a sing-song voice, "She wants me to stop wasting her time!" Snapping her head back around, she glared at Hermione and raised her hand to the light, showing off the knife that was once again gleaming in her fist.

"Am I boring you, little girl?" She advanced on Hermione, turning the blade this way and that until it was right in front of Hermione's eyes.

Hermione swallowed hard, mouth dry as she watched the razor-sharp tip of the blade come closer and closer until it began to blur. She squeezed her eyes shut then, a natural reaction to any foreign object so close to them.

"Are you scared yet?" Bellatrix crooned.

"I'll never give you what you want," Hermione said, her tone as matter-of-fact as she could make it.

"Then I'll be happy to take it," Bellatrix said, matching her voice to Hermione's.

Hermione felt the blade trace lightly over the curve of her cheekbone before flicking sharply against the hollow of her cheek. Almost immediately, something wet began trickling down her skin and she swallowed against the new wave of fear that rolled through her.

The knife trailed down, stopping occasionally to draw more blood.

Hermione's eyes flew around the room, needing something to distract her from the small but painful wounds that Bellatrix was digging into her skin. Almost as if drawn by a magnet, her gaze skipped over Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy and stopped short on Draco, where he stood against the wall.

When her gaze met his, he shrank back a bit as if attempting to blend into the expensive wall hanging behind him. She stared at him, trying to plead with her eyes. It was apparently that look that gave him strength, for as soon as she allowed the fear she felt to enter her eyes, he straightened up and walked over to join his parents, his face once more set in smug, superior lines.

No help there, but then she'd already known he wouldn't extend himself for her.

Her brief interlude with Draco had kept her attention from what was happening to her, so when cool air hit the skin of her chest, she looked down with a gasp just in time to see the silver blade slip beneath the straps of her bra, slicing through them as if they were nothing.

Bellatrix drew her bra down, exposing her to the leering gazes of the two Malfoy men. Hermione averted her face, not allowing them to see the way they affected her even as the violation of her privacy brought angry tears to her eyes.

"I'm going to ask you again! Where did you get this sword? Where?"

Bellatrix nearly screamed that bit, but it wasn't her obvious anger that frightened Hermione at that point. The tip of the knife was tracing delicately around Hermione's left nipple then, with a purpose that she couldn't help but understand.

"We found it – we found it – PLEASE!" Hermione screamed as the blade began to press harder against her soft flesh.

Bellatrix eased the pressure of the knife against Hermione's breast, making her release a sobbing breath as she looked down at the thin bloody line that highlighted the place her milky skin turned dark at her areola.

"You are lying, filthy Mudblood, and I know it!" The knife sliced easily through the cloth of Hermione's jeans, stripping those away from her as well until she was clothed only in the scraps of her bra and the tiny bit of cloth that made up her knickers. "You have been inside my vault at Gringotts! Tell the truth, tell the truth!"

The knife brushed aside her knickers and Bellatrix thrust it between her thighs threateningly, forcing a high, frightened scream from Hermione.


The sound of Ron's voice barely pierced the fear that clouded Hermione's consciousness then.

"What else did you take? What else have you got? Tell me the truth or, I swear, I shall run you through with this knife!"

"Now, now, Bella, surely you can think of a better way to treat our… guest?" Narcissa Malfoy said, stepping out from behind her husband to cross the room. Hermione looked up at her, hope flaring briefly in her as she saw the slightly concerned look on that beautiful, pale face.

The hope died as suddenly as it had risen as she raised her gaze to Narcissa's cold, blue ones. There was no room for mercy in Narcissa, no room for anything but a fierce desire to protect her family. A desire that Hermione's very existence threatened.

Narcissa dropped gracefully to her knees on the other side of Hermione from where Bellatrix knelt and raised her hand to Hermione's hair, pushing it back from her face.

"Dear girl, what would you give to make Bella stop? Hmm?"

"I – I –" Hermione shook her head, not willing to give voice to anything at this point. She wasn't broken. Scared, but far from broken. And she couldn't forget that Ron and Harry, two of the people she treasured most in life, were below her, suffering she knew not what.

Narcissa leaned over her then, trapping Hermione against the floor as she brought her face right up against Bellatrix' and then… kept going. Hermione gaped in shock as the two women began to kiss in a way that Hermione had never seen before outside of a darkened nook in the castle at night during her Prefect rounds. She would have taken twenty points if they'd been students, but in a situation like this…

"You're sisters," Hermione whispered, needing to identify this situation to both herself and the others.

Narcissa pulled back from Bellatrix and said, "Yes, of course we are. Is that a problem?" The faint note of humour that laced her tone made Hermione blush, even more uncomfortable, and look away.

What she saw then made her eyes flare wide. Lucius Malfoy was sitting back in his chair, legs spread insolently as he watched the three women in the middle of the room, his hand buried in his robes, but his arm moving in a languid motion that made Hermione choke on a gasp of outrage.

"I did tell you he would enjoy himself, didn't I, dear?" Narcissa whispered into her ear before licking along the shell of it, causing Hermione to flinch away from her. That movement pressed her against Bellatrix and Hermione pulled back from her as well, trying to escape backward. She fell onto her bound arms and cried out in pain.

Bellatrix and Narcissa both laughed then, and to Hermione's ears, the sound of Narcissa's laughter was just as mad as her sister's. She gulped and pushed with her feet, grimacing against the way that bent her arms. Narcissa crawled gracefully after her, much like a cat slinking after a mouse, but it was Bellatrix who stopped her.

The tip of the knife pressing into the back of Hermione's knee made her go perfectly still and she lay on the hard floor, gasping for breath that a combination of fear and pain had stolen from her. Narcissa took that opportunity to lean forward and trace the tip of her tongue over the bloody places in Hermione's cheek, jaw, and neck, following the exact track that her sister had taken earlier with her knife.

"Mmm, Mudbloods actually taste rather sweet, Bella," Narcissa murmured after a moment.

Bellatrix raised one eyebrow and looked down at Hermione, who felt sure that the incredulousness she was feeling had to be showing on her face. "How do you imagine she'll taste… here?" She pressed the handle of the knife into the juncture of Hermione's thighs, making Hermione shriek and jerk away again.

"Hmm, why don't you tell me?"

Hermione struggled, words of denial drying up in her throat as she realised they would do no good. An unusual sound from across the room drew her attention then, even as she tried to get away. She spared a moment to look, hoping it would be someone come to rescue them (even though she knew no one could possibly find them here) and saw that Lucius Malfoy had his head tossed back, his arm moving so furiously that a slapping noise was rising from his lap.

Hermione choked on bile then and screamed, kicking out at Bellatrix as she turned her head to bite Narcissa. Bellatrix laughed and fell forward onto her legs, holding them down even as she used every bit of her strength to throw the other woman off. Narcissa merely narrowed her gaze on Hermione, tsk-ing and saying, "Bad Mudblood! Whoever taught you manners, girl? You don't bite." And with that, she rapped the bridge of Hermione's nose, much like…

…Much like one would rap a disobedient dog across the nose.

Hermione's mouth dropped open at that blatant, unthinking insult, and she grit her teeth even as she redoubled her efforts to fight these women. At her waist, Bellatrix was winning the battle with Hermione's flailing feet and she wrenched them open, making Hermoine hiss as the muscles shrieked in pain.

Bellatrix lowered her head with a laugh and wriggled her tongue against Hermione's cunt, moving quickly through the nest of curls to flicker over the nub of her clitoris. Hermione screamed and tried to roll from side to side, but Bellatrix held on stubbornly.

Narcissa laughed again and bent to trail her tongue over Hermione's nipple, the touch of her tongue painful as it lapped against the cut Bellatrix had made earlier.

"Mmm, it is sweet," Bellatrix said, her lips moving against Hermione's folds as she murmured into the moist skin between her thighs. "Do you think it's a virgin, still?" Bellatrix asked, raising her head slightly to look at Narcissa.

"I don't think so. They're very promiscuous, aren't they?" Narcissa said, shrugging lightly even as Hermione growled and said, "No, we bloody well aren't!"

Bellatrix tilted her head and looked at Hermione curiously before she summoned a candle from across the room and thrust it forcefully into her, making Hermione scream as it tore through her. Pulling it back, she looked at the base of the candle and said, "Hmm, perhaps it was."

Hermione shook her head wildly, beyond words now as she finally succumbed to the overwhelming events of the night and began to cry. Black spots edged her vision, and as she looked away, needing to distance her mind from the degradation of her body, she saw Draco once again cowering in the corner, eyes averted from the scene of her shame.

Something hard entered her again and she didn't even scream this time, merely lying slack as it pummelled into her over and over until the two women appeared to tire of their game and finally left her alone. So far removed from what was happening was she that she didn't even notice when her clothes were repaired – to protect the Dark Lord's precious eyes from being polluted by the sight of her – nor could she do more than merely stir when Ron and Harry finally came for her.


Bold text taken directly from J K Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, US Edition, pages 463-471, published by Scholastic Books, 2007.
21st August 2007 05:30
Interesting fic.
I wasn't sure at first, but once I started reading, it made a hell of a lot more sense.
21st August 2007 14:02
I really hadn't intended for the fic to turn out like this, oddly enough. I started it with a "Ohh! Bellatrix/Hermione femmeslash!" thought, but when I read and reread (and reread) that section of the book (to get all the blocking, dialogue, etc) it twisted a bit, and then twisted some more once I really got into it. *sigh* I hadn't really remembered the Malfoys being there for Hermione's torture, but they were there in the beginning and at the end, so it makes sense that they would be, you know? Also, wow, look at me ramble on meaninglessly. Hee! Thanks, love.
21st August 2007 05:37
Yes! I knew something like this happened. (At least it did in my pervy mind)

I wandered over here from lj and I am very glad I did. Smut and voyeurism and bondage and blood, hot damn woman I know I missed some.

21st August 2007 14:03
*g* I think I'm finally over the need to conform to LJ/6A's standards. Heh.
21st August 2007 07:58
Those Pure-blood are real pigs.
21st August 2007 14:06
Yes, they are. The more a group of people treats others as if they were subhuman, the more that group becomes so, don't you think? And that is my one deep thought for the day. *g*
21st August 2007 12:33
eep...just...eep. The writing is marvelous...and disturbing.
21st August 2007 14:08
I'm going to reply to this and just hope it shows up. I seem to be missing a few replies to other comments, so if it doesn't. Grr. I'll try again later.

Anyway! Thank you! I wasn't planning on "disturbing", or at least, not THIS disturbing, but once I had the whole scene sort of blocked out, I realised it would have had to be far worse than just Bellatrix/Hermione dub-conny femmeslash, what with the fact that all the Malfoys were also present. So. *hugs you* Thank you.
21st August 2007 12:50
Because we all know this totally happened in canon. ;)

Pervy Blackcest femmeslashy bloodplay FTW! This was hot.
21st August 2007 14:25
Hehehe! I know, I totally fail at AU. Because this SO DID HAPPEN! JKR is into pervy Blackcest femmeslash bloodplay, doncha know? :D What really struck me about it, after reading that scene and the following chapter, is that Hermione never says what happened to her. If it had just been regular, run of the mill torture, it seems like she'd have said something.

Anyway, lol, thank you!
21st August 2007 17:32
So hot, and disturbing. Blackcest is wonderful. I kind of want to know what Greyback was doing with Ron and Harry. >.>
22nd August 2007 14:55
LOL! For the purposes of this fic, I left Ron and Harry to canon. Heee! But wouldn't it be something to see that from a slightly different perspective? Hmmm, and now you've made a bunny nibble...

Thanks! :P
22nd August 2007 18:50
Sweet! XD
21st August 2007 18:58
Poor Hermione! I pictured her being tortured with more than just the Cruciatus. Dark, sexy and erotic!
22nd August 2007 14:54
Thank you so much! And yes, I even thought when I was reading the book that there's no way a Cruciatus would make Hermione break that quickly.
21st August 2007 19:23

The women are so cold and treat her like an animal. It's not even sadism -- it's like kids tearing the wings off of butterflies out of curiosity.

Really disturbing and well written.
22nd August 2007 14:52
Thank you! That's almost exactly what I was aiming for, so I'm glad it came across like that! *hugs you*
21st August 2007 19:26
Oh. Now that was sick, twisted, and disturbing. And what must have happened. The scene in DH struck me as weird, too, because no one ever knows what they do to her, and simple Cruciatus doesn't seem brutal enough. I mean, it's Bella were speaking of! And an angry, frightened Bella on top of that.

Loved Draco in all his undecided weakness, Cissy's coldness (the rapping on the nose!), and Lucius' deprived enjoyment. Great fic.
22nd August 2007 14:50
Yes! Yes, exactly! A friend of a friend on lj asked for someone to write that scene, and as soon as she mentioned it, I remembered having stuck a sticky note in my book. I ran and got it and there were all sorts of little questions on it to myself. Like, "Why is she screaming already? Hermione isn't going to scream unless something really bad is happening. She's stronger than that." and then, at shell cottage, "Why didn't Harry ever ask Hermione what happened to her? Why didn't Hermione talk about it?" and that's when it hit me. And I had to write it. Of course, I didn't plan for the fic to involve all the Malfoys, too, but then... they were there. And I can't see them just sitting and watching while Bellatrix has all the fun.

23rd August 2007 11:46
Quite the questions I asked myself, too. The weirdest thing, imho, was that the whole topic of Hermione's torture stays completely obscure; no injuries, no after effects, no talking about it. Cruciatus would've got mentioned, it's common practice in that book.
Nope, the Malfoys wouldn't just watch. Though I still love your Draco's reaction!
21st August 2007 19:41
On my second reading of the book, I was somewhat disturbed when Hermione was left alone in the room while the others were taken away. Particularly when I remembered how she treated Dumbledore's sister (I'm sure I'm not the only one who got a hint of implied rape there). So it wouldn't be beyond her to imply more happened to Hermione than what we think.

Of course, I also have a pervy mind!

Very well written and disturbing - especially the knife between the thighs - I'm probably not the only reader who flinched at that point.

(from daya_slyth on LJ)
22nd August 2007 14:45
OMG, yes, I totally got the gang-rape vibes from that. It would be something that would snap a young girl's mind like that. If someone who was good at handling such hair-trigger issues would write that scene, I'd read it in a heart-beat.

I just can't see Hermione screaming and stuff from a mere Cruciatus. She's made of sterner stuff than that. But rape is so different, more psychological almost than physical in the scars it leaves, that I can see that breaking her, just a bit.

Thank you so much!
21st August 2007 20:51
This? Is the ultimate "fuck you" to LJ/6A. Mwah! And nicely dark and disturbing. You rock. ::grin::
22nd August 2007 14:42
Well, you know, we all feel so much love for LJ these days, it only seemed appropriate that someone write fic for them. *g*

Thanks, hon!
21st August 2007 22:42
Eey...this is...damn.

Dark and deviant and dark and...what's Draco's problem??? Little coward. I have to say that it's rather...hot. And dark. I love you, you little psycho!!
22nd August 2007 14:37
I came REALLY close to saying "fuckit" and having Lucius and Draco getting it on while Narcissa and Bellatrix tag-teamed Hermione... but there really wasn't THAT much time in that scene for that to be happening, too. :D
23rd August 2007 12:57
you just made the book all that much scarier... of course theres no way JK would ever write it like this O:
24th August 2007 14:28
I can't believe I miss this.
This fic scared me, but in an "oh my god" sense. This was nicely written though, and I remember thinking something along the lines of this while reading DH. Also, while reading this, I kind of felt bad that nothing really bad was happening to Ron while Hermione was being tortured like this. Thanks for sharing!
28th August 2007 03:28

Horrifying, and yet it slips so nicely right into that scene. I knew some good darkfic would result from that scene, and here it is. :) Good job.
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