Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Bonus Art: Midnight Snack (Snape/Harry) 
9th January 2015 17:30
Before we get on with this year's statistics in a little while, we have one quick bonus piece to present. Here's a little snack to tide everyone over (see what we did there? Ha)...

Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]alisanne
From: [info]tripperfunster

Title: Midnight Snack
Characters/Pairings: Snape/Harry
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Included: Rimming
Other Warnings/Content: Rimming!
Artist's Notes: Rimming!

9th January 2015 23:05
Ahahahahaha! OMG, "MA", that is fabulous, hot, and hilarious all at once.
Harry clutching his pillow, Severus clutching Harry's..."pillows". Love it!
Thank you! ♥
19th January 2015 14:47
Oh shit! Was it supposed to be anon? derp! I am so hap-hazard at signing stuff, and I think it only happens when it's supposed to be a seekrit!

Glad you liked it hon, and I'm glad it was for you! I didn't know, when they requested the art, so didn't that just turn out fine? *smooches*
26th January 2015 18:00
Haha! You know, even if you hadn't signed it I'm pretty sure I'd still have known it was you. In fact, I spotted your signature after I commented, so no worries. ;)
9th January 2015 23:10
Awesome!! Who doesn't love a good rimming? :D
19th January 2015 14:48
Umbridge, probably! :D (not that she'd get many volunteers!!)
9th January 2015 23:31
OMG - such simple, lovely lines! I love the image of Severus' hair, long, and silky, pushed back out of the way! Harry's glasses at the end of his nose, the buttons on Severus' cuff...all just amazing!

Delicious and smutly! :)
19th January 2015 14:49
Thank you, dear! <3
10th January 2015 08:41
Damn, I didn't see the tags! ;-P
Wow, so hot!! Harry can't stand with Severus tongue ^^
Thanks to Alisanne for the rec!!! Without her I would missed this!!!
19th January 2015 14:49
Thank you Marta! <3
10th January 2015 15:27
Shit, opening this and seeing Snape's face buried there was the best. xD Also Harry clutching the pillows. Oh yeah, so good!
19th January 2015 14:49
Thank you! Pillow clutching is always good!
10th January 2015 15:29
Oh man, Harry's face! Love the expression and the glasses in disarray.
19th January 2015 14:50
:D Thank you very much!
10th January 2015 20:47
I'm all about pillow-clutching. Harry's expression here is great, nicely done!
19th January 2015 14:50
Thank you!
10th January 2015 22:56
So hot! Love how Severus is just going for it, and how much Harry seems to be enjoying himself! :D
19th January 2015 14:50
They are definitely both lost in the moment. Thanks!
11th January 2015 15:31 - A Magnanimous Member
Just fantastic. I love Harry's glasses falling a bit in his ecstasy. You make art look so easy.

19th January 2015 14:51 - Re: A Magnanimous Member
Thank you! Sometimes it is, but mostly it's not! I'm glad it looks that way, though!
12th January 2015 08:02
I love the dressed look for them both-shows just how eager they are for each other. Thank you for sharing!
19th January 2015 14:52
Thank you! Yes, I find partially clothed sex much sexier and more interesting to draw!
12th January 2015 18:01
Oh, my! *ahem* Very nice, indeed. Love the way Snape's hair is draped over Harry's butt.
19th January 2015 14:52
:D Thanks!
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