Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
[ART]: “Will you babysit the cubs?” (Teddy/implied!Draco, NC-17, NWS) 
5th September 2007 19:21
Title: “Will you babysit the cubs?”
Artist: [info]gold_loewin
Media: charcoal, colored and textured in Photoshop
Characters: Teddy Lupin/implied!Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: bondage, spanking
Themes/kinks chosen: bondage, spanking
Artist's notes:
[SPOILERS] While I was listening to the audiobook version of DH, my fantasy went kind of amok when I heard the following lines:
“What say you, Draco?” asked Voldemort, and though his voice was quiet,
it carried clearly through the catcalls and jeers. “Will you babysit the cubs?”
The hilarity mounted; (...)

Afterwards, I had to repeat the next two chapters because I was so busy with sketching. XD
So I guess Draco didn't mind to babysit Teddy at all. Hello kinky! :D
(→) All persons depicted are entirely fictional and are intended to be age 18 or older!
(→) They are not based on or intended to represent any actual person whether living or dead.
(→) Harry Potter characters © J.K. Rowling. I'm not making any profit off them.
Art preview:



I'm not sure if it is recognizable, the movement behind Teddy is supposed to be a spanking spell, looking a bit like a flogger. ;)
This part was quite difficult to sketch, especially with the charcoal. The result looks completely different than I wanted it.*sighs*

* * * * *

Here, because I always enjoy to see progress images from my fellow artists, the original sketch, already "cleaned" in PS. :)

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Feedback is ♥

5th September 2007 18:01
God, that is beautiful. I love Teddy's hair and the way the ropes are tied. Mmmmm. Teddy/Draco is such an intriguing pairing as well.
5th September 2007 18:16
Lovely! I especially like Teddy's hair - the way you colored it is beautiful! :)
5th September 2007 18:19
Wow! I'm completely in love with the expression on his face.
5th September 2007 18:28
Oh my.

I can't stop staring at it. The look on his face, the flogging spell, his uncircumcised cock - all of it is just perfect. But the hair and the pubes - oh yes. Gorgeous. GORGEOUS.

*fans self*
5th September 2007 18:56
This is fabulous. I completely understood that he's supposed to be spanked by a spell. That's a great idea, in fact. *puts thinking cap on* ;-)
5th September 2007 19:29
LOVE the pairing, and the art is gorgeous as well. It was clear to me what the spell/wand situation was, so good work there!
5th September 2007 20:20
Oh my! *fans self*
That is just gorgeous. He's so enraptured by the experience... GUH. Brilliantly done. :)
5th September 2007 20:37
Ohh, that's lovely!! :D
5th September 2007 21:00
This is really good! I loved the soft colors.
5th September 2007 21:37
My reaction, on opening the page, was something like an open-mouthed inhale and a low, delighted "oh-my-god..."

This is all kinds of fantastic. His face, his wide open ecstatic mouth... the thigh bondage keeping him down like a pup... that it looks like he's pushing back towards the flogger... The beautiful subtle colouring... Wow, wow, a thousand times wow :).
5th September 2007 22:35
Wow, this is wonderful! Teddy is gorgeous. Really, really gorgeous. His expression, the pose, the ropes, the spanking spell - so hot!

*stares more*

Guh, fantastic!
5th September 2007 23:11
Rawr! Teddy is supa hot, chick!
5th September 2007 23:44
Ooooooh! I really like this. Very Hot!
6th September 2007 00:07
wow. that was just awesome. i love teddy's eyelashes and the way his hair is all wild n stuff. plus, the bondage was just cool. ::makes mental note:: ;) ^_^
6th September 2007 01:37
*Fans self* This is lovely and hot and beautiful.
6th September 2007 02:11
Oh, GOD. That pose is positively delicious! Love his open mouth, and the hair, and the bonds, and the eyelashes! Fabulous job!
6th September 2007 02:13
My internal Draco's now screaming yes, and wishing his Harry was awake. The whip-spell is gorgeous, and Teddy's hair and expression are just beautiful. Very nice.
6th September 2007 03:08
I absolutely love his hair. And I do mean all his hair! So sexy!
6th September 2007 04:03
I have to admit, the concept of Teddy doing anything sex-related causes very conflicted reactions in me-- namely: 1.) So. Hot. Moreplease, and then, 2.) BUT HE'S A BABY, HOW COULD YOU. Only, no, he's really not, and as he is very CLEARLY enjoying himself, I shall stick with number one. Gorgeous artwork, I love the way the charcoal behaves...
6th September 2007 06:43
The sense of motion is exceptional. This is an amazing piece, and I can't imagine how it could be improved. :)
6th September 2007 08:28
Holy wow, that is delicious and a half. Please put this on your y-gallery so I can fave it and look back at it again *____*
6th September 2007 18:05
BEAUTIFUL. Oh, how I love the restraints, and the way Teddy's caught mid-cry!
6th September 2007 23:09
Oh my, love the texture and Teddy's purple hair and tones in general! And the flogger looking spanking spell is very well done! I could tell what it was before reading your comment!

And I say bless you for the kinky bunny :D :D
7th September 2007 07:16
Gosh, by anything that's holy! That is amazingly bloody hot! Teddy's expression is just perfect and his pose - the tension in in him - the ropes, everything... It's gorgeous. I love the way your flogging-spell looks and I was perfectly sure what it was even before I read the description, so don't be hard on yourself. This is beautifully done!
9th September 2007 08:03
Sadly, just the name "Teddy" makes me cringe but despite that, the picture is gorgeous, hot and mmmmm SPANKING! I especially love the expression and the different tones in his hair (all of it) and the magic flogger!
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