Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: With a Cherry on Top (Bill/Neville) 
1st January 2015 19:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]unbroken_halo
From: [info]akatnamedeaster

Title: With a Cherry on Top
Characters/Pairings: Bill/Neville
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Food Smut
Other Warnings/Content: Abuse of whipped cream and cherries.
Artist's Notes: Happy Kinky Kristmas recipient! :)

Wanna Do It?
2nd January 2015 00:02
Oh, very much YES! Niiiiiiiice, and loving that dab of red :)
11th January 2015 21:46
Thank you. :)
2nd January 2015 00:45
OMG!! EEEE!!!! I love this! Thank you so much! I always love seeing your take on the characters and I wasn't disappointed here, either, not-so-mystery artist. Slightly pudgy Neville and his blushing, Bill's freckles and his scars. The angle and perspective and just everything! The bit of colour on the cherry, perfect.
11th January 2015 21:48
Thank you so much sweetheart, I was so happy to see it was you I was drawing for. I'm so glad you like Neville's softer form. Not everyone can be a hard body and I like the idea of someone a bit soft around the middle being happily comfortable with themselves enough to enjoy an uninhibited good time. :)
2nd January 2015 01:37
Love this. From Neville's body to Bill's freckles, and the white cream and red cherry... gah, it's gorgeous.
11th January 2015 21:49
Thanks very much! I couldn't help giving Neville a bit of a belly since the Neville who lived in my head during the books did. :)
2nd January 2015 04:42
Damn, darling, that is smokin' hot! Holy cow! ♥
11th January 2015 21:50
*G* Thanks!
2nd January 2015 07:31
Geeeeeeeeeez, that's hot. What excellent use of a cherry!! They are both gorgeous and I just adore the expressions on both of their faces. Yum!
11th January 2015 21:53
Thank you! This pairing is a first for me, glad you liked it!
2nd January 2015 07:35
What do you mean 'abuse of whipped cream'? Is that not what whipped cream (and cherries) are for? What a happy picture! (And what an awefull pun!)
11th January 2015 21:55
Is that not what whipped cream (and cherries) are for?

I want to come live at your house!

And thanks, puns, awful or not, are like catnip to me. :)
3rd January 2015 00:35
Well, yum! Fun idea, and I like Neville's face. :)
11th January 2015 21:56
Thanks, boo! :)
3rd January 2015 20:07
Damn that is some sexy food smut! Love the pop of red for the cherry, and super into that sort of upside down positioning of Bill. Lovely. :D
11th January 2015 21:56
Thank you, the positioning was tough to figure out (as was what food to use) glad it worked for you! :)
5th January 2015 04:41 - nathalieweasley.livejournal.com
Mmmmm delicious.
11th January 2015 21:57 - Re: nathalieweasley.livejournal.com
Thank you. :)
6th January 2015 12:25
Oh my god!!! Oh my god!!!!

I have such a huge spot for this pairing, and it's so perfect. Oh my god!!!!

LOVE IT. Sexy and yummy and perfect.
11th January 2015 21:59
*l* This is the first time I've ever considered this pairing so I'm glad someone who enjoys it approves! :)
10th January 2015 02:09
There's an excellent abuse use for whipped cream. I like your clean style, MA!
11th January 2015 22:00
Thanks very much! :)
11th January 2015 00:15
Ha, awesome! Great use of color and they're both having such fun :-D
11th January 2015 22:00
Thank you. :) The prompt definitely called for a light-hearted take, I'm glad that feeling comes across.
11th January 2015 15:27 - With a Cherry on Top
Mmm, this is so delicoius. The freckles, the whipped cream, Neville's bit of a belly, all incredibly hot.

Love love love this.
11th January 2015 22:02 - Re: With a Cherry on Top
Thank you, I must say, Neville's little poodge is my favorite part of this, I'm so glad it seems other people dig it as well. :)
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