Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic & Art: Slow Dance (Severus/Sirius) 
16th December 2014 19:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]sabsays
From: [info]writcraft

Title: Slow Dance
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Sirius, Sirius/James, non-explicit suggestions of Sirius/Harry and Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Dubious consent, hate!sex
Other Warnings/Content: Irregular use of Polyjuice, angst, dark themes, canon character death (James Potter and Sirius Black), sexual activity under the age of 18 (17).
Word Count: ~5,500
Summary/Description: When he discovers Sirius Black and James Potter in a compromising position, Severus uses Black’s weak spot to his advantage
Author's Notes: Thank you to the mods for being so patient. Thank you to the recipient for a great prompt – I do hope you enjoy the fic and art. Thank you to A for the SPaG check.

Severus sees them together one night, when they think they are quite alone.

It’s the sound of Black’s distress that draws Severus closer. He’s so used to seeing Black swagger and brim with confidence, and it piques his interest when he catches the plaintive note in Black’s voice. Severus doesn’t believe he’s ever heard Black beg before, but in the shadows of the castle walls Black does just that.

He’s half naked and pissed and the usual sycophants that follow Black’s every move are nowhere to be seen. There’s just the darkness and James Potter, clutching the scruff of Black’s shirt which hangs open revealing the dark hair on Black’s torso. Potter looks earnest, and he says something which Severus can’t decipher – something which causes Black to stumble backwards with a growl of annoyance.

Potter speaks again and grips Black by his torn shirt, hauling him close. Severus catches the name Evans on the whisper of the night breeze, and his breath hitches when Black responds to Potter’s words by pushing him back against the stone wall and capturing his lips in a desperate kiss. Severus edges closer, his curiosity mixed with a glimmer of satisfaction and glee as the two men grapple with one another as if they are starving and the other is food.

Oh, this is too good.

Severus’ lips curl into a half smile when Potter shoves Black away and shakes his head. Useless words fall from Potter’s lips and Severus suspects he protests too much.

No, no, no. Can’t. Won’t. Shouldn’t.

It’s eminently satisfying to see Potter rumpled and confused, but nothing causes the warmth to flood through Severus’ veins like the raw pain etched on Black’s face.

A wave of power bubbles within Severus and he allows himself a self-congratulatory smirk at stumbling so fortuitously on Black’s Achilles heel. Severus shifts further into the shadows and lets his gaze trail over Black’s pale skin, taking in the mess of dark hair which frames Black’s aristocratic features. He luxuriates in the ways Black’s smile doesn’t meet his eyes. The expression reads like a poor attempt at casual indifference, just bared teeth in the moonlight. The vulnerability of a nearly naked and obviously pining Sirius Black makes Severus nearly giddy with delight.

“You know we’ll always be mates.” Potter’s words drift towards Severus and he strains to hear Black’s response.

“And that’s enough for you?”

Severus resists the urge to snort. Even when he’s being pushed away, Black’s still full of boundless swagger and confidence.

“It has to be.” Potter’s hands slip from Black’s shirt. He leans back against the castle wall and holds up his hands in a stay back gesture of defence. “It has to be.”

“You’re making a mistake. This is more than just fucking and you know it.”

Potter shrugs and murmurs something which Severus thinks might have been maybe for you.

“We need to get back. They’ll be wondering where we are,” Potter mutters. He averts his eyes and looks up at the moon. He tugs off his jumper and throws it to Black who catches it easily. “Put this on. You’ll catch your death.”

“Only because you’re such a bloody animal.” Black pulls on Potter’s jumper nevertheless, and stares as Potter pushes himself from the wall. “That’s it?”

“Yes.” Potter’s breath leaves his lips in a cool white cloud. “It is.”

* * *

It’s not difficult to obtain a strand of Potter’s hair.

It takes a little ingenuity, but Potter’s too wrapped up in Lily these days to really notice Severus biding his time and brushing past him during the morning rush for breakfast.

The plan has been carefully formed after several months of plotting, and Severus delights in working through the finer details.

Never has he felt Black’s presence more acutely than during those moments in the Great Hall when he can observe the Gryffindor table without being noticed. Potter’s hands on Lily’s body would once have filled Severus with hatred, but these days he finds comfort in Black’s hang-dog expression when Potter starts fawning over his girlfriend.

Severus takes in the shift in the way Black and Lupin engage as he watches them, day after day. Gone is the easy banter of friends who once knew each other inside and out. Black cold-shoulders Lupin now, and Severus fleetingly wonders why. Although Black and Potter still appear to be thick as thieves, now Severus really knows Black’s heart he can see him clearly for the very first time. He delves beneath the surface of the foursome’s once happy alliance and notices the way Black gravitates towards Pettigrew who basks in the affections, his plump chest swelling with pride.

There’s something about Pettigrew that Potter and his cronies don’t appear to see. Something Severus notices when he watches the gathered group. Pettigrew’s eyes dart from side to side when he converses with Black, and his countenance is edgy and nervous. Snape’s eyes narrow. Pettigrew is not to be trusted. He is certain of it.

He sips his coffee before dismissing the thought.

He couldn’t care less what Pettigrew, Lupin and Potter get up to.

His sole focus is Black. Besides, Severus has a plan to execute.

* * *

The Polyjuice is sickly and overpowering. Severus doesn’t find the drinking experience entirely unpleasant, but the thick potion is too rich and cloying for his tastes. There are notes of saffron, hints of toffee apple and the lingering aftertaste of chocolate truffles. Even in liquid form, Potter tastes of wealth and privilege.

Severus scowls at himself in the mirror, adjusting his newly purchased glasses and Gryffindor tie. A large part of the delay in executing his plan was due to the necessity to save before he could purchase the components which would allow him to become an authentic looking Potter.

Finally satisfied, Severus checks to see if the sun has gone down. He thinks of Potter sleeping peacefully in the library, knocked out by a couple of drops of sleeping draught carefully placed in his water following Quidditch practice. Severus knows he has given Potter exactly the right dosage to ensure that when Potter wakes up, he is none the wiser. He has spent hours carefully calculating just the right amount which will knock Potter out sufficiently to ensure Severus has several hours with Black, undisturbed.

Severus makes his way to the Room of Requirement and pushes open the door. Black’s already there, lounging on the sofa and looking up at him with a grin.

“This is all very clandestine. What’s up? Evans not giving you everything you hoped she would?” Black’s confidence is marred by the edge of bitterness in his forced bravado and the flicker of hope which crosses his features.

“Lily’s fine.” Severus clears his throat, Potter’s voice sounding strange to his ears. “I just missed you.” He expects it’s the kind of thing Potter might say, full of reckless Gryffindor emotion and weak sentiment.

“Of course you did.” Black plays into Severus’ hands just as expected. He assumes without question that he has been missed and his easy acceptance rankles Severus.

He keeps his expression neutral before forcing a smile. “Well, what now?”

Black arches an eyebrow. “You don’t usually need to ask. You don’t tend to mess around when you’re horny and fancy getting fucked.”

Interesting. From the scene he had witnessed, Severus assumed Potter would be the one calling the shots. He resists the urge to roll his eyes and settles next to Black on the sofa. He licks his lips and studies Black.

“I don’t want to be fucked. I want you to suck me off. On your knees.” Severus holds his breath, relaxing when Black lets out a bark of laughter.

“Of course you do, Jamie. Filthy bastard.” He grins and strokes his fingers down Severus’ cheek. “Fuck, I’ve missed you.”

Before Severus can respond, Black’s lips connect with his own. The kiss takes him completely by surprise and despite himself he can’t help the desperate groan which falls from his lips.

Black’s lips are hot and eager and he uses his tongue to explore every inch of Severus’ mouth with the intimate, easy confidence of someone well versed in the art of kissing. Despite his desire to maintain a cool manner, Severus grips onto Black and responds eagerly.

Black pulls at his shirt and tie, and Severus lets him. Black is rough and heated, kissing and biting in equal measure. He fastens his lips to Severus’ neck and sucks briefly, trailing his teeth along the sensitive skin with a low growl. “You should be on your knees, you know. Begging for forgiveness.”

The words send a shudder of pleasure through Severus but he keeps his resolve. “I’ve told you what I want to do. Unless you don’t fancy it.” He gives Black what he hopes is an endearing expression, and is rewarded with a wink.

“Anything for you. I reckon I can still make you beg for it.” Black brings his lips to Severus’ ear and murmurs roughly. “Dirty slut that you are.”

Severus resists the urge to let Black treat him exactly as he apparently treats Potter. The rawness to Black’s demeanour and the roughness of his manner surprises and delights Severus in ways he would prefer not to explore too carefully. His plan to humiliate Black falters and he wonders if revealing himself after all of this is really the right way to go about things.

After all, if Black would be willing to do this again…

Severus bites back a groan of pleasure when Black slips onto his knees. This is more like it. He brushes his hand through the curls in Black’s hair and takes in every sharp line of Black’s face. He leans back on the sofa making sure he can see every movement Black makes.

“No matter who I’m with, it’s all about you.” Black works open Severus’ trousers and he looks up with shining eyes. The unadulterated desire and affection makes Severus flush with jealousy.

“Get on with it,” he snaps. He forces a laugh to take the edge out of his words when Black looks momentarily startled. The laughter obviously does the trick, because Black grins back.

“What’s made you such a bossy arse?” With a fond shake of his head, Black resumes his ministrations.

Severus has to stop himself from coming on the spot when the hot, tight heat of Black’s mouth envelops his cock. The last thing Severus wants is to congratulate Black on a job well done, but even he can’t deny that Black’s mouth it utterly sinful in the very best of ways.

Black slides his tongue over Severus’ cock and takes him deep into the back of his throat. As Black’s mouth works around him, Severus clutches on Black’s hair and thrusts up into his mouth. Black obviously likes the rough treatment and his hands on Severus’ thighs tighten, his mouth vibrating around Severus as he lets out a pleasing moan of arousal.

Severus holds Black down over his cock for a moment too long, enjoying the laboured breathing and the way Black chokes around him and tries to push against his hands to breathe. A part of Severus wants to hold Black just there until he can’t breathe anymore, but that would be far too easy. He wants Black to suffer and to truly suffer, Black has to be alive. With a sigh of resignation, Severus releases Black and watches as he continues to suck Potter’s cock like a pro.

The sound of a zip being undone mingles with the almost obscene sounds coming from Black, and the groan of pleasure which Severus can no longer supress. Severus clenches his hand tightly in Black’s hair and pushes deep into his mouth when Black shamelessly wraps a hand around his own cock, stroking quickly.

Black is hung. Severus eyes the thick, delicious looking cock hungrily and thrusts hard into Black’s eager mouth. He memorises the swell and curve of Black’s prick, and allows himself a moment to imagine the fun Potter’s had at Black’s hands. No wonder Potter likes to receive a decent fucking when Black’s cock is shaped to perfection.

Severus teeters on the brink of climax as Black’s talented mouth works its magic, and images of Black fucking Potter flood his mind. Severus knows he will use his fingers tonight, exploring his body with his hand and his wand. He knows however much he tries to erase any thought of Black, he will fantasise about the thick shaft breaching his body for a very long time.

The images of Potter begging for Black’s cock flicker and fade until it is Severus himself bending over and Black whispering in his ear.

Take it nice and hard you filthy whore.

The pleasing fantasies continue until Black’s words shift from pure unadulterated filth to want, need and forever. Unable to stop his climax overwhelming him, Severus comes to sweet nothings and a final slide of Black’s tongue over his length. He holds Black down and forces the unwelcome words from his fantasies to the darkest recesses of his mind.

When Black comes to completion with a quick tug of his hand, Severus licks his lips at the sensual parting of Black’s lips and the unadulterated ecstasy in his expression. The moment fades and Black’s hand sticky with his own seed slides onto Severus’ hand and squeezes. The pleasure in Black’s face is replaced by a slow, lazy grin which makes Severus’ heartbeat quicken.

Shaking, Severus fastens his trousers and gets to his feet. He yanks his hand from Black’s and folds his arms after casting a quick cleaning charm. “This can’t happen again.”

“What?” The lazy smirk leaves Black’s face and he settles back on his heels. “What the fuck do you mean?”

Stilling the tremble in his hands, Severus tips his chin in Black’s direction. “It was just sex. You can’t mention it to anyone. If you do, I’ll pretend it never happened. I’ve got Lily to think about now.”

Black’s expression drops and his face clouds with anger. “When did you become such a prick?”

Severus keeps his expression neutral and he shrugs. “I’m not saying anything new. You know exactly what the position is – you always have.” He pauses and arches an eyebrow at Black. “Haven’t you?”

Black meets Severus’ gaze and for the briefest moment, Severus wonders if Black can see right through his façade. In the end, Black gives him a curt nod and moves to the sofa. “I won’t mention it, you can rest easy. If you want sucking off again I suggest you ask Evans because I’m not going to be whatever the hell it is you were looking for today. It’s your girlfriend or your hand from now on. Wanker. Now fuck off.”

Severus pauses before leaving. As much as he wants to break Black completely, it really wouldn’t do at all for Potter and Black to start arguing about this afternoon and risk exposing Severus’ machinations. “I’m sorry.” He listens to the steady rise and fall of Black’s breathing and softens his tone further. “Are you going to stay here all night licking your wounds?”

“Piss off, James.” Black sighs, but the cold edge has left his tone. “I’ll see you later for supper. It’s Thursday. You know I can’t resist treacle sponge.”

Relief washes over Severus and he tugs open the door. “I know.”

Before he leaves, Severus takes one look back at the Room of Requirement. Lost in thought, Black stares at the ceiling. His lips purse in a thin line and his usually handsome face is marred by his dark expression. The crestfallen look on Black’s face fills Severus with pleasure, and he whistles as he makes his way to his rooms.

He carefully places the remaining strands of Potter’s hair into a plastic bag and seals it to keep them safe.

He wouldn’t like to rule out the possibility of seeing Black on his knees again.

* * *

Severus doesn’t risk another encounter with Black until Potter’s long gone.

He knows the guards at Azkaban can be bribed and he does so with Non-Tradable potions which would fetch a small fortune on the black market.

He pays them to turn a blind eye when he goes into Black’s cell as James Potter.

“You’re not really here.” Filthy and covered in rags, Black blinks and his eyes brim with tears.

“I’m here.” Severus runs his hand down Black’s cheek and whispers in his ear. “I’m always here.” He thinks about cutting Black’s throat right then and there, but it’s too easy. Black deserves to really pay for his sins and Severus refuses to let the hours of torture he’s witnessed go to waste.

“Then you know. You know it wasn’t me.” Black clings to Severus and stumbles over his words. “Peter. It was Peter. He’s the one. You know it’s true. Fuck, tell me you know it’s true?”

Severus pauses and he drops his wand to his side. His plan to be the cause of Black’s slow, painful death falters. He listens to Black babble and furrows his brow. Black may be half mad, but Severus is inclined to believe his protestations. If Black truly had been guilty, the appearance of the ghost of his best friend would have likely prompted a very different reaction. Severus knows all too well that when faced with the dead, one would beg forgiveness rather than profess false innocence.

Severus hums and twirls Black’s hair between his fingers. It’s thick with grease and grime and the once soft curls have straightened into dull strands which fall over his face. The sharp lines of the Black lineage are still present, but where they were once flushed and rosy his cheekbones now stand in sharp points on either side of his wasted face.

Severus smiles to himself at the thought of Black being falsely imprisoned. Somehow that is even more pleasing than his dreams about Black’s demise. Severus pushes his wand back into his robes, and he gives Black a cool stare.

“I believe you. I’m not here for that.”

“Then what?” Black’s face flickers with confusion before realisation dawns. “I’m hardly able to do that, James. Look at the state of me. Besides, the guards…”

“They’re not interested in us.” Severus gives Black what he hopes is a sufficiently cajoling look. “Just lie on the bed. On your front.”

Black does as requested, and tips his head towards Severus. “Gods, I missed you so much.”

Severus nods, forcing back the unwelcome surge of emotion which chips away at his confidence. He advances to the bed before he can change his mind. He pushes Black’s prison clothing up to reveal his bare backside. Casting a quick cleaning charm, he kneads the cheeks of Black’s arse slowly.

Although part of him considers taking Black dry just to hear his screams, Severus slides his wand through Black’s crease to deposit a thin trail of lubricant. When Black tries to look over his shoulder, Severus presses him down against the pillows with a sneer. He would hate for Black to think of this as a romantic encounter. He wouldn’t like to be the one bringing Black comfort during his lonely nights in Azkaban.

Severus strokes himself to hardness, rubbing his thumb over the tip of his cock. He uses the memory of Black as he once was to make himself fully erect. As he has done so often since that afternoon in the Room of Requirement, Severus slides his hand over his cock and grunts with pleasure at the memory of Black’s kisses and filthy demands.

When he’s ready, Severus slicks his cock and thrusts it into Black’s tight heat. The motion draws a shout from Black and a groan of pleasure from Severus. He grips onto Black’s hips and traces small circles over the bones with his thumbs. He pulls Black’s backside up and fucks him harder, ignoring the way Black’s cock beneath them fails to fully harden.

The memory of Black’s prick has given Severus many hours of solitary pleasure of the years. Despite his intentions to take his pleasure from Black without giving anything back, Severus can’t resist taking the heavy weight of Black’s prick into his hand. He fondles his balls and luxuriates in the swell of Black’s cock, hardening to his touch. Severus knows that with some inventive magic he could replicate every curve and ridge of the cock in his hand. He slides his hand over Black and is met with a huff of pleasure.


The name throws Severus momentarily until he remembers why he’s here. With a low growl, he releases Black’s prick and clutches onto his narrow hips. He fucks Black mercilessly, driving into him with force. Taking pleasure in his position which allows him to observe his own abuse of Black’s body, Severus fucks Black until the sensation is too much for him and he comes with a strangled shout.

“Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy that,” Severus mutters. He gives Black’s cock one final squeeze, but leaves him unsatisfied and rocking against the duvets.

Extricating himself, Severus fastens his trousers and lets Black compose himself. He eyes the tent in Black’s rags and faces him with a sneer which causes Black to look confused.

“You’re not James.”

“James Potter is dead,” Severus responds coolly. His heart hammers and he wonders what Black would say if Severus revealed himself.

“He died,” Black murmurs. His face fills with grief as if he’s experiencing the news of his best friend’s death all over again. Black’s eyes flick over Severus and his expression darkens. When he speaks again, it’s through rotting teeth with a hiss of anger. “Who are you?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Severus smiles and slides his fingers over Black’s face once more, pushing him back with a flick of his wand when he tries to launch himself at Severus with a growl.

“How dare you – how dare you take his face.” Black’s words fall from his lips and droplets of spittle land on Severus’ wand hand, which is still stretched out in Black’s direction.

The sight of Black broken and distressed leaves Severus even more satisfied than the quick, rough sex and he takes the opportunity to toy with Black.

“It’s not the first time I’ve done this. What do you think of that? Maybe he never really let himself get fucked by you at all.”

Severus almost feels sorry for Black when he wraps the pathetic rags around his thin body and shivers. Almost.

“I hate you. Whoever you are, I hate you. And you’re wrong.”

“Oh yes. Of course I am.” Severus responds to Black’s vitriol with a smile, and leaves without looking back.

* * *

It’s an unwelcome moment when Black escapes being Kissed as a result of Potter’s meddling.

Severus feigns surprise when Pettigrew’s treachery is uncovered and insists to anyone who will listen that Black is a liar and a murderer.

When he realises there will be no retribution for Black, Severus makes sure to taunt him as much as he possibly can whenever he has access to Grimmauld Place.

How he enjoys the tables having turned.

Severus gets great pleasure watching Black drink himself into a stupor and sit around uselessly while his teenaged godson goes into battle.

“I suppose everybody else is out doing something useful?” Severus keeps his tone bored and neutral, hiding his smirk behind his glass of Firewhiskey when he chances upon Black alone one evening.

“Fuck off,” Black mutters.

“Vulgarities. How original.” Severus rolls his eyes and takes the half empty spirit bottle from Black. “I’m sure this is just what Potter needs. Drunken stupidity.”

“Don’t you dare tell me what Harry needs.” Black looks up, his eyes flashing and his lips set in a grim line. “How the bloody hell would you know what he needs?”

Severus contemplates Black and steeples his fingers. “Remarkably like his father, isn’t he? I do hope you’re capable of remembering the boy is in his teens.”

Black jumps to his feet with a growl and hauls Severus into a standing position by the scruff of his robes. “I don’t like what you’re insinuating.”

“If you continue to drink to excess, I am simply concerned for the boy’s safety.” Severus couldn’t give a Hippogriff’s arse whether or not Black buggers Potter into next Sunday, but he doesn’t intend to let Black in on that information. “I can imagine in a drunken stupor how easy it might be to get confused. How one in your position might seek to take…liberties.”

The heat rises in Black’s cheeks, his anger palpable. Severus steps back before Black’s misdirected punch can find purchase, leaving him swinging uselessly in the air. For all his protestations, Severus is shrewd enough to notice the flicker of alarm which crosses Black’s features before he schools them carefully.


Severus wonders if Black has been harbouring thoughts about the boy after all, and the possibilities leave him gleeful. He could, after all, easily obtain a strand of Potter’s hair. He imagines seducing Black and driving him into a spiral of guilt and remorse. He bites back a groan at the thought of Potter’s young, tight, virginal body being breached by Black.

So consumed is he by the thought of Black and Potter, Severus takes a moment to notice Black’s hand circle around his arm and the wild look in his eyes.

“How did you know? Nobody knew.”

Severus swallows and he tries to shake himself free. “Unhand me. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You must have known about James. Which means it was…you.”

Severus contemplates an Obliviate or possibly even a Crucio to distract Black from his train of thoughts.

“You stink of alcohol. You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Oh, I know exactly what I’m saying.”

When Black pushes Severus back, he readies himself for a duel. What he doesn’t prepare himself for is the hot pressure of Black’s lips against his own and the roughness of Black’s stubble against his chin. He doesn’t prepare himself for Black’s hand sliding between them and squeezing Severus’ cock roughly.

He certainly doesn’t ready himself for the rush of arousal or the heat of desire which threatens to overwhelm him.

“How many times?” Black squeezes harder now.

“Twice. Azkaban and the Room of Requirement.” The words slip from Severus’ mouth and Black squeezes again.

“And his hair.”


“Liar.” Black bites down on Severus’ neck and shoves his hands over his head. He slides open the zip of Severus’ trousers and circles his fingers around his cock. “Fucking liar. Filthy little cunt. How fucking dare you. Did you want to be fucked by me, is that it? Well I’ll fuck you alright. I’ll fuck you right here, with your legs up around your ears until your scrawny body sweats blood for me.” Black flicks his tongue in the shell of Severus’ ear. “You’ll love it. I’ll fuck you so you’ll never have it as good as me.”

Black tugs down Severus’ pants and trousers. He pushes up Severus’ robes and slides his fingers into his crease.

“Piss off, you deranged mutt. Get off me.” Severus winces at the lack of conviction in his words and is quite sure Black notices it too.

Black lets out a bark of humourless laughter. “You’re a Death Eater and supposedly a spy. You probably wank over the Dark Arts. Don’t tell me you can’t get out of this if you don’t want to.” Black roughly pushes two fingers inside Severus, the violation of his body pulling a moan from his lips. “But you don’t want to get out of this at all. You want to be fucked. You want me to be rough. It’s how you like it.”

Severus doesn’t bother protesting when Black unbuttons his trousers. He notices Black doesn’t even bother fully pulling his trousers down, pushing them down instead just far enough to release his cock. Severus licks his lips at the sight of it, even knowing he’s far from prepared enough given Black’s girth and the fact he hasn’t actually done this before. He bites back a groan of relief when Black slicks his cock with a generous amount of lubricant and he braces himself for the rough thrust of Black breaching his body.

“Say something.” Black slides almost all of the way out of Severus and then thrusts back in, drawing a strangled cry from Severus. “Fucking say something.”

“I hate you,” Severus rasps. He grips onto Black’s hair and he arches beneath him when Black fucks into him with another deep thrust. “You’re everything I despise.”

Black’s eyes gleam and his face is expressionless. Instead of responding to Severus he captures his lips in another rough kiss and bites down his neck leaving bruising marks. He pushes Severus’ legs inelegantly back against his chest and keeps up the same relentless, punishing pace. The thickness of Black’s cock touches all the right places, and despite the initial pain Severus finds his arousal overwhelms him.

Black’s hand circles around the base of his cock to stop Severus from coming, and he lets out a low growl of frustration.

“Not much fun is it.” Black speaks breathlessly and he squeezes tightly around Severus, his movements quickening. “Not much fun being fucked and left wanting.”

Severus wants to reply but before he can do so, Black comes with a shout. He stands and tucks his softening prick into his trousers, murmuring a cleaning charm and rearranging his clothes.

“Fuck you.” Severus speaks with a low, quiet fury.

“I’ll let you sort that out.” Black nods to Severus’ erect cock and his cheeks burn with humiliation. He turns to leave, pausing for a moment with his back to Severus. “You still have some hair?”

Severus covers himself. “I might.”

“Do it.” Black’s shoulders stiffen and he doesn’t look back. “I’ll show you what fucking can really be.”

Severus watches Black leave and despite himself, his mind drifts to the small sealed bag and the final strand of James Potter’s hair.

* * *

He’s wanted Black dead for such a long time, that the moment it occurs is something of an anti-climax.

Severus closes the windows, locks the doors and wards the Floo. He carefully checks all possible entry ways to Spinner’s End are shut off.

Tonight, he has no desire to entertain.

He pours a Firewhiskey with trembling hands. The sharp liquid burns his throat and he closes his eyes once he’s settled in his armchair.

Black’s dead. Sirius Black is dead. Ding dong, the wizard is dead.

Severus steadies his hands and breathes through gritted teeth in an attempt to slow his racing heart.

Black’s youthful face flickers before Severus’ mind, and the room fills with the shadows of Hogwarts grounds.

Severus is back too many years ago in the Room of Requirement where Sirius Black is on his knees. He’s young, handsome and has everything to live for.

Severus is being fucked roughly against the wall of Grimmauld Place. Black’s fingers slide inside his body and apply pressure in all the right places. Black drops down onto his knees and works his tongue into Severus, flicking over his arse while Severus scrabbles uselessly against the wall his pleasure almost painful.

They rest together in bed and Black looks up at Severus, whispering words Severus never expected to hear to somebody else’s face.

Severus drains his whiskey, and opens his eyes.

The empty plastic bag which once held the last few strands of James Potter’s hair is empty. Severus carefully extracts another bag from his robes and places it on the table next to the other.

It was easier to get more this time, with Black sleeping next to him. Severus considers the black curls of hair and strokes his fingers over it.

You weren’t completely wrong about Harry.

Severus’ lips twitch into a smile as he recalls his response to Black.

You imagine he’s in love with you?

The pause told everything Severus needed to know.

Severus tops up his whiskey and tips it towards the hair in the bag. “Black. Potter. Cheers.”

He sips his whiskey and flicks his wand. He settles back in his armchair as soft music plays in the background.


Slow Dance
17th December 2014 00:41
You know, I approached this one with trepidation since it's not my usual cuppa, but boy, am I glad I did!

This was fantastic, utterly twisted and dark; Snape is such a complete and utter bastard in this (very much the type of person who would go through the trouble to torment a person in already in prison.), it's not easy to get me to hate Snape, but I was getting close there. And yet, all his horrible acts aside, there's this odd, nearly symbiotic relationship between the two characters towards the end that very nearly turns the earlier non-con elements on their head and that drives home the idea of how fucked up these two men are. (And how's -that- for a run on sentence?)

The ending is brilliant and sinister and a pitch-black expression of the spiteful, vindictive personality Snape has in canon and all done with beautiful writing and a lovely illustration.

Thank you for this Mystery Author! It was completely unexpected.

*sorry for all the deletes and re-posts mods*
18th December 2014 14:17
You know, one thing that didn't stand out to me during the first read but does now that I've read it again, is this undercurrent of Severus' desire to have someone love/desire him (and how utterly fucked up it is that -this- is how he's chosen to obtain those small surges of feeling), from the flash of jealousy he feels towards Sirius' feelings for James during the first encounter, to the surge of unwelcome feeling during the encounter in Azkaban, then whatever it is Sirius says to him during their final encounter, and that he takes note of Sirius' non-answer about Harry's love for him at the end, and that being what cements his next move in his mind.

Once again, brilliant writing. This is canon!Snape taken to his dark and emotionally disturbed extreme. :)
17th December 2014 10:16
Damn. Just damn. That was so wonderfully, horribly, deliciously wrong. I thought I knew what was coming and I had no clue.

Aso, you've also got some wonderful descriptions along the way: "Even in liquid form, Potter tastes of wealth and privilege." and Sirius telling Severus, "You’re a Death Eater and supposedly a spy. You probably wank over the Dark Arts. Don’t tell me you can’t get out of this if you don’t want to."
17th December 2014 20:59
OMG, mystery author, this is just perfect. Breathless hot perfection. I must have breathed at some point reading this, but damned if I can remember doing so.


Amazing. Snape's viewpoint is brilliant and very Snape-like. Oh gods, desperate!Sirius with James is perfect, and Snape taking advantage of that, and...

The description of the Polyjuice potion tasting of wealth, and Snape having no interest in the Sirius and Peter dynamic which will be the most important thing in both of their lives, and the "don't tell me you can't get out of this if you want to" which forces Snape to confront his own weakness where Sirius is concerned...


If I didn't have dirty-talk as one of my kinks, I should have done, and you hit it just perfectly when Sirius thinks Snape is James.

I'd say *out of words* except I've just babbled at you. But OMFG yes, thank you, very yes, wonderful...
17th December 2014 21:06
I adore James/Sirius, so I was definitely intrigued and a bit wary of the pairings in this fic. I thought the whole thing was just brilliant, though. The relationship and dynamic between James and Sirius was fabulous and pretty much exactly how I see them and their relationship playing out. And then Severus! So brilliantly amoral and manipulative. I really enjoyed him and his characterization here and WOW that ending! SO great.
18th December 2014 11:27
Oh, delicious. I loved this. I loved Snape's layered psychology and how torn he was, I loved how Sirius responded when he discovered the truth, and I loved, so much, the horrific promise of the final paragraph.

Poor Harry. And yet I want that fic too. Where he knows it's Snape polyjuiced as Sirius, but can't help himself from giving in anyway.
18th December 2014 13:48
Oh gods, this is still amazingly hot this morning. *fans self*

Why yes, I did come back to enjoy it again :) Might just possibly have put it on my 'memories' thingy, too...
18th December 2014 22:11
Can I just point to akatnamedeaster's comments? Because OH MAN. This is not my usual pairing, but this fic is just... this is wonderful. I love being inside Severus's mind here, and you really sell me on how he feels and just how fucked up this whole thing is. And how broken he is and how messed up they are, and just how messed up everything is going to be going forward, too. Oh man, I just... this is awesome. Major kudos.
23rd December 2014 14:05
The art compliments this dark, complicated fic so well! I really like how Snape exposes Sirius here in so many ways, both sexually and when he suspects Sirius's desire for Harry. Thanks so much for this, well done!
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