Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: The Only Exception [Harry/Lily Luna] 
23rd January 2014 20:34
Title: The Only Exception
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Paint Tool SAI, Photoshop CS5, Wacom Bamboo tablet
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Lily Luna
Rating: R...ish?
Kinks/Themes Chosen: heterosexuals, infidelity
Other Warnings: incest, age difference, probably underage, nudity
Artist's Notes: Hiii, I'm back! Sort of. After a long break, I have this urge to draw some HP again from time to time, so... I'm gonna try to draw something every month. Not sure if I'll succeed, but so far so good :) Let's have some Pottercest~
Art Preview:

23rd January 2014 20:10
OMG. Everything about this. *dies*
23rd January 2014 22:20
Heeeh, thank you! :D
23rd January 2014 20:20
OH. jfc. I just. DAMN.

Excuse me while I melt into a puddle of goo.

I love how you've made Harry look older and god, his hand going down the back of her knickers and his chest hair and arm hair and the wedding band(!??!) and the smeared lipstick on his mouth and their expressions. I am DYING.
23rd January 2014 22:21
:D Yes, the ring! The only sign that this is actually infidelity cause Lily could probably pass for Ginny as well, haha.

Thank you :D
23rd January 2014 21:09
Oh wow! This is so fucking hot in its wrongness. I love how you've shown their age difference and all the little details. His hand in her knickers, the ring, her freckles, his body hair... Just guh!
23rd January 2014 22:20
Thank youuuu :)) It took a while (especially the body hair, ugh) but it was fun to draw ♥
23rd January 2014 21:28
That hand down her knickers has to be one of the hottest things ever. *fans self*
And hairy, scruffy!Harry is pretty damn sexy, too.
23rd January 2014 22:20
Thank you!! And god, the hair was a pain to draw, so I'm glad you like it! :D
23rd January 2014 23:26
Oh fuuuuuuuuuck. Damn, I love your Harry and this is just all kinds of dirty/hot/wrong. *bites fist* Lovely, lovely work.
25th January 2014 14:08
Thank youuu :D
24th January 2014 00:08
Wow. *stares* That's uh. That's good stuff there. Oh my god, Lily's so in charge with the position and the smear of her lipstick on Harry's face and her about to start up some nipple play. *applauds*
25th January 2014 14:08
:D Thank you!!
24th January 2014 00:22
Good god. Every time you do a Harry/Lily piece, I melt. I love his hand in her knickers and the scratch marks on her arse. His ring. Her freckles and his body hair (which I LOVE!). The smear of lipstick on his lips. His stubble! The greys in his hair. ASDFGFHJKL;!!!!
25th January 2014 14:08
Yay, I'm glad to hear that ;) Thank you! :D
24th January 2014 00:49
Holy HELLLLLL. The hair! The freckles! The hand in the panties! GUH.
25th January 2014 14:08
Thank you! ;))
24th January 2014 01:12
WOW! Love your Harry here, and I normally don't like hairy men, but there is just something about this that is uber sexy! The scratches and his hand down her knickers very yum!
25th January 2014 14:08
Hehe, thank you! :)
24th January 2014 01:41
Unnff this is so hot! I love the smudged lipstick on Harry's mouth, and the scratch marks on Lily's arse. Oo and Harry's watch and wedding ring are a nice touch! :)
25th January 2014 14:09
The smudged lipstick was a last minute addition cause I figured you can't kiss someone with that much lipstick without ending up wearing some too, haha :D Thank you!
24th January 2014 05:25
I want to say something coherent and say how much I love this and all that wants to come out is drool. I mean, just-- oh my god, I love this too much.
25th January 2014 14:09
Thank youuu :))
24th January 2014 14:40
OMFG SO HOT. Who could blame either one of them? ;D

I love pale, freckled Lily Luna and hairy, buff Harry. NNGH. And the lipstick smudge on Harry, and his wedding ring... fjdkflsjfdsfds just hell yes.
25th January 2014 14:10
Thank you! :))))
26th January 2014 14:44
Pottercest! YAY!

I love this. God, I love her freckles, her knickers, and that scratch on her bum from Harry grabbing her just.... *dies* I love his stubble! And her nipples and, yeah, I love it all. Delicious.
26th January 2014 14:47
Thank you!! :)
30th January 2014 16:29
The hair. And the freckles. And how shapely Lily Luna is. This is all kinds of perfect.
6th March 2016 14:15 - Hp
Love it
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