Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
...After These Words from Our Sponsor... 
15th December 2013 21:00
Somehow the first half of December -- and Kinky Kristmas -- has already come and gone! Has everyone been enjoying the deviant delights so far while waiting for the holidays to arrive?

Since we're at the halfway point, this looks like a good time to take a brief posting break. Reading/viewing/commenting has taken a nosedive these past four or five days. We imagine it's due to some combination of finals week, Christmas shopping, and holiday plans dragging everyone away from the pr0n. In other words, pretty typical this-time-of-the-year chaos...

Anyway, it looks like a lot of folks could use a couple of days to do some catching up. So schedule yourselves some "personal" time and scroll back to catch any great pieces you might have missed. And stick around, 'cause we have loads more fantastic stuff coming up!
16th December 2013 02:11
Just dropping a comment to say that I rec-ed "Always and Forever" here.
16th December 2013 03:02

I recced 'The Watcher' here.

Thanks for an awesome half-December's worth of fest so far, mods. ♥
16th December 2013 06:49
Phew. Thanks (And you mods enjoy a rest too!)
16th December 2013 16:14
Thanks, this is timely for me. Real life got extremely hectic last week!
17th December 2013 02:59
I recced Overnight Train and Meant To Last http://woldy.dreamwidth.org/281255.html
27th December 2013 01:18
And I recced Herbologists: http://woldy.dreamwidth.org/283914.html
18th December 2013 01:53
I rec'd By Sun or Candlelight, Pomona Sprout and the Five Points from Hufflepuff, Blood-Red and Bitter-Sweet, Always and Forever, and Shut Up, Weasley here (and also on the mirror journal at DW).
20th December 2013 05:32
Um, is it just me, or is everyone else missing the 'track this' button on KK posts? It's making it hard to check on comments!
21st December 2013 03:58
I've run into this, too. The custom layout for DD is missing it on posts. You might know this already, but if not (or for anyone else who doesn't):

If you've set your IJ account to show you one of the site layouts rather than journal layouts, you can add ?style=mine to the end of a post to get it to show in your chosen scheme.

Alternatively, you can rig up an URL a bit. Frex, http://www.insanejournal.com/manage/subscriptions/entry.bml?journal=daily_deviant&itemid=567230 is the tracking link for this post. Replace the numbers there with whatever numbers are for the post you want to track.
21st December 2013 05:20
Thanks. I'd forgotten about ?style=mine - which works.
20th December 2013 23:54
Massive rec post for KK here and also mirrored on DW and LJ
28th December 2013 07:32
I guess this is where we are dropping links to recs?

I just made a post here for the fics:

Moon Shine or Dark
Life During Wartime
Blood-Red and Bitter-Sweet
A Single Redeeming Vice
31st December 2013 02:51
I just rec'd Tease HERE! :-D
5th January 2014 01:42
And I rec'd All Along HERE! <3
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