Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: The Tunnel of Love (Harry/Draco - NC-17) 
4th October 2013 21:17
Title: The Tunnel of Love
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Voyeurism, exhibitionism, semi-public sex
Themes/kinks chosen: sex clubs and (loosely) Tunnel of Love. ;)
Word Count: 1610
Summary: Harry gets an education about sex clubs.
Author's notes: Thanks to [info]sevfan and [info]emynn for their beta reading assistance. ♥
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.


The Tunnel of Love


Looking up at the sign, Harry sighed. “‘The Tunnel of Love’?” he read. “Seriously, mate?”

“What?” Ron clapped his shoulder. “It’ll be great. It’s the perfect venue for Neville’s stag party.” He grinned. “Picked it out myself and everything.”

Harry shook his head. “Right. So we’re going classy then, clearly,” he muttered as Ron started for the door. Heaving a sigh, Harry followed.

Inside the club was dark, as he’d expected. Despite it being relatively early on a random Tuesday night, lots of people were already there, and the dance floor was packed. What he hadn’t expected, however, were the naked people in cages. Harry’s eyes went wide. Naked people having sex in cages. “What the hell kind of club did you say this was?” he asked Ron, leaning close to be heard over the throbbing music.

Ron sped up, dragging Harry with him. “They gave us a good deal, all right? That’s all you need to worry about. Now come on, our room’s been reserved and it’s this way. Just don’t...look at anything.”

Swallowing his misgivings, Harry started to follow Ron, but something...someone he saw moving in the corner of his eye made him hesitate. Wait, is that--? No, it can’t be. Harry’s mouth dropped open. “I’ll be right there,” he said. “I just need to check something...”

Ron said something but Harry didn’t hear, being too busy searching the crowd for a familiar face. Dodging dancers, he scanned for the lithe body he’d thought he’d seen gyrating on the dance floor.

Finally, he pushed past some people snogging by a doorway, walked into a room, and froze.

Everywhere he looked, people were having sex; on plush chairs, against the wall, a couple were bent over tables, but the most arresting sight was in the centre of the room, where three people seemed to be putting on a show.

Mouth open, Harry watched as a man stood slightly askance while two others knelt at his feet. The one kneeling in front leaned forward, taking the man’s erection in his mouth and giving him what to Harry looked like an expert blow job, while the other one who was kneeling behind buried his face between the standing man’s arse cheeks and, presumably, licked him.

As an Auror with a couple years’ experience under his belt, Harry wasn’t naive, yet even he hadn’t conceived of this sort of activity occurring in public. And speaking of under my belt-- Uncomfortably hard, Harry shifted in his trousers, trying to will his erection down, but the noises and the sights were overwhelming.

“Like what you see?” someone purred in his ear.

Harry spun, mouth dropping open when he saw Draco Malfoy. Shirtless. Words froze on his tongue. “Draco,” he finally managed. “So that was you.”

“Obviously,” Draco murmured. He leaned closer. “And hasn’t anyone told you that no one uses real names here?” He smirked. “Sex club rules.”

“Er, no.” Licking his lips, Harry inclined his head. “How is it that you’re so knowledgeable about sex club rules, anyway?” He eyed Draco’s chest. “And where are your clothes?”

“If nakedness bothers you, you’re in the wrong club,” Draco said. The corner of his mouth lifted. “Did you just wander in here by mistake? Maybe you should get back to where you belong.”

“Who says I don’t belong here?”

“I do.” Grabbing his arm, Draco started to haul Harry out of the room. “Are you here with a private party?”

“I’m not answering any questions until you tell me why you’re here.”

Draco raised an eyebrow. “Do you really have to ask? It’s a sex club.”

“But I thought--” Harry’s eyes narrowed. “Word around the office is that you’re supposed to be engaged or something.”

“Definitely or something,” Draco muttered as he navigated them through gyrating, groping people. “You shouldn’t believe rumours. Who are you here with anyway?”

Not engaged. Well, well. “You at the moment.” Harry smirked as Draco paused and turned towards him and glared. “Well it’s true.”

“Not really.” Eyes narrowed, Draco shoved Harry against the wall, and before Harry had time to protest, the wall moved, becoming an intimate alcove for two. The noise from the club faded. Slowly, Draco smiled. “If you were really here with me? We’d be fucking right now.”

Harry’s mouth went dry. In for a Knut-- “If that’s true, why aren’t we?” He licked his lips and stared into Draco’s eyes. “What’s the matter? Scared?”

Draco’s smile turned predatory. “You wish,” he murmured, and Harry found himself up against the wall, Draco pressed against him. “I have to admit, I’ve been curious. So, is this what you came here for?” he purred against Harry’s throat. “A good fucking?”

Harry swallowed hard. “Maybe.” He tilted his head back. “Are you going to talk or fuck?”

Draco laughed softly and then there were no more words. The next few moments were a flurry of activity, Draco ripping Harry’s shirt off, Harry tugging at Draco’s flies, until they were both naked, skin to skin. Raising his head, Draco smirked at Harry. “Last chance.”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

The only warning Harry had was as Draco’s wand tapped his hip and a stretching, lubricating sensation filled him. What followed was all sensation. Draco stepped between Harry’s legs. “Around my waist,” he murmured, and Harry obeyed, groaning as, with only minimal manoeuvring, Draco pressed inside him. He scraped his teeth against Harry’s throat as he began to thrust and Harry simply clung, overwhelmed.

Once he found his stride, Draco moved in long, sure strokes, opening Harry up before slamming into him. His cock was nailing Harry’s prostate and his fingers were sure to be leaving marks, and Harry just knew his back would have scrapes from the wall, but just then he didn’t care about anything but the pleasure. Locking his ankles behind Draco’s back, he arched, trying to get closer, to pull Draco deeper. Tightening his inner muscles, he bit Draco’s ear. “More!”

“Fuck,” Draco swore, his strokes getting ragged. He grunted as his hips flexed and drove deep. “You--” With a low cry, he came, his body spasming as he orgasmed, spilling inside Harry.

Harry tried to reach between them to stroke himself, but Draco beat him, his fingers closing over Harry’s cock to bring him off. It only took a couple of pulls before Harry, too, was coming, spurting over their bellies.

Slowly, they collapsed onto the floor, panting.

When he could finally breathe, Harry raised his head, staring at Draco. “Do the walls here have some sort of automatic Cushioning Charm or something?”

Draco shifted so he could meet Harry’s gaze. “Not exactly.” He pursed his lips. “Think of this club as a giant Room of Requirement. It’s charmed to cater to whatever your needs are at that moment.”

The lightbulb went on. Harry blinked. “I see, and since we needed someplace private--”

“It created this alcove.” Draco slipped on his trousers. “Some clever charms work went into this place.”

“How do you know so much about it?”

Draco shrugged. “I moonlight here. Being an Auror doesn’t pay that well, as you know.”

“So what? You’re their security?” Reaching for his clothes, Harry started to get dressed. Staring pointedly at Draco’s chest, he said, “And you don’t require a shirt for that?”

Draco laughed. “I’m undercover.” He smirked. “I have to blend in, after all. Naked people means naked security.”

No complaints here. “Right.” Shaking his head, Harry stood up and finished dressing. “Now I have to find Neville and Ron. Neville’s getting married.”

“Stag party?” Draco murmured. At Harry’s nod, he pressed his hand to the wall and closed his eyes. After a moment, he drew back. “This way.”

Within a minute, they were standing in front of a door. Draco gestured. “They’re in there.”

“How did you do that?”

“I’m security, remember? I’m supposed to know what’s going on.” Harry crossed his arms and Draco sighed. “Fine. I’ve security clearance, I can find anyone here. I just asked the building where your friends were.”

Harry chuckled. “Smart.”

Draco turned away. “Anyway, see you.”

“Wait!” Harry caught the corner of his lower lip in his teeth. “You could, I dunno, come with me?”

“In there?” Draco raised an eyebrow. “Why should I?”

“To...secure the stag party?”

Draco smirked. “You’re Gryffindors. How wild can you get?”

Harry leaned close. “How wild did I just get?” he purred.

Draco pursed his lips. “Point. All right.” Raising his wand, he held up one hand and a black shirt flew into it. He slipped it on. “Lead on.”

“Harry!” Ron cried as they walked in. “There you are!” He blinked. “Malfoy?”

“Weasley.” Draco inclined his head.

“So how’s Neville?” Harry asked after an uncomfortable moment.

Ron glanced towards Neville, who had a stripper gyrating in his lap. “He’s brilliant, look at him!” He grinned. “And when that bird popped out of the cake I thought his eyes would pop out of his head.”

Harry chuckled. “Yeah, I can imagine.”

“You’re lucky Seamus took pictures.” Ron eyed Draco, then leaned closer to Harry. “You missed all the excitement.”

Glancing at Draco, Harry smirked. “Oh, I managed to find my own.”


4th October 2013 23:53
No Ron, he didn't.
In fact, I think they missed the excitement.
6th October 2013 19:21
*nods* It seems Ron missed out on a lot.
Unfortunately, I doubt he'll ever get to see *that* show. Well, unless the boys get really kinky. :)

Thank you!
4th October 2013 23:58
That was some hot wall sex! I think I drooled. ;-)

I read this --

Mouth open, Harry watched as a man stood slightly askance while two others knelt at his feet. The one kneeling in front leaned forward, taking the man’s erection in his mouth and giving him what to Harry looked like an expert blow job, while the other one who was kneeling behind buried his face between the standing man’s arse cheeks and, presumably, licked him.

-- and had to chuckle. If you read my DD offering later in the month, just know my beta can vouch that I wrote very nearly this same thing at least a week prior to you posting this. ;-)

And one more thing. I loved this line, “You’re Gryffindors. How wild can you get?” Priceless!

6th October 2013 19:23
Thanks for the kind comments, hon!
And I can't wait to read your fic now. *g*
Isn't it funny how different people will come up with similar concepts completely independently? :)
6th October 2013 19:28
Great dirty minds.... ;-)
6th October 2013 19:34
Bwahahaha! Indeed.
Deviants unite... ;)
5th October 2013 14:32
Yummy wall sex and killer dialogue! And Ron was adorable, telling Harry not to look at anything. LOL.
6th October 2013 19:24
Heh. I think Ron was feeling a bit overprotective. So much for *that*. :)
Thank you so much!
5th October 2013 15:07
Mmmm wall sex. Is there anything better than wall sex? ;)

Love how Harry just goes for it. He's obviously in over his head, but he doesn't let that stop him! :D

And the end, LOL. Oh Ron. If you only knew.
6th October 2013 19:27
Mmm, well I think I could make a case for desk sex... ;)
Thank you, sweetie!
And yes, Harry's never backed down from anything in his life, so why would he start now? *g*
*pets Ron* What he doesn't know won't hurt him. ;)
5th October 2013 17:40
Oh Harry definitely had the excite Ron, never think a Potter can't just throw caution to the wind and be spontaneous.
6th October 2013 19:27
LOL! Poor Ron may never know just how *spontaneous* Harry can be. *g*
Thank you!
5th October 2013 22:34
I love this, not only do we get delicious wall sex, we get delicious wall sex at a sex club... and with cute, funny, sexy Draco working in said sex club!

I love these lines: Draco smirked. “You’re Gryffindors. How wild can you get?”

Harry leaned close. “How wild did I just get?” he purred.

So perfect! And Ron...you missed the excitement!

Wonderful work! Thank you for sharing!
6th October 2013 19:30
Thanks so much, hon! Both for this lovely comments and for the kind rec. :)
Heh. You know, I think Harry's about to show Draco just how exciting Gryffindors can get. *g*
6th October 2013 01:32
love me some wall sex, super hot! :)
6th October 2013 19:30
Hee! Thanks!
And don't we all? :)
6th October 2013 01:44
Mmmm. Just realised how much I've been missing good H/D. Super dialogue, and *cosy* wallsex. Lick.
6th October 2013 19:31
LOL! Thank you, sweetie!
Yeah, it's been a while since I wrote H/D for DD, so I decided it was time. :)
Glad you enjoyed!
6th October 2013 09:32
Just don’t...look at anything.

Oh, thanks. I had to clean the toast crumbs off the keyboard. And the monitor. And the desk.

Gotta love Ron!

Very nice and hot, m'dear. Excellent with morning toast and coffee. Well, except for the *spit* part. :D
6th October 2013 19:33
Ahahahah! Oops? *giggles*
*pets Ron* I imagine he really doesn't want to know that not only did Harry look, but he did some touching, too. ;)
Thanks, sweetie! Glad you enjoyed (and sorry about the keyboard - not really). ;)
7th October 2013 16:08
:D Hot!
9th October 2013 20:28
Thank you, lovely! ♥
8th October 2013 10:09
I have to blend in, after all. Naked people means naked security.

*snerk* Hey, works for me! Fun story.
9th October 2013 20:28
Thank you!
And yes, Draco can rationalize anything. ;)
10th October 2013 09:40
This was a lovely thing to reread while I'm waiting for my husband to get ready to leave the house. It's nice to see the boys (Harry & Draco, I mean) getting along. Although I suspect the stag party is going to be rather anticlimactic from their point of view! :-)
12th October 2013 17:56
Ahahaha! Yes, the stag party would be pretty boring after that, truth be told. Although I imagine the boys got up to more exciting things later that night. ;)
Thank you, sweetie!
12th October 2013 02:08
LOL, love Ron. Love the wall sex (that bit seems unanimous!). Very nice!
12th October 2013 17:56
Hehehe! We all do seem to agree on some things, don't we? :)
Thank you, hon!
14th October 2013 13:23
Hee, Draco as bouncer :) Or something.

Okay, more 'or something' than bouncer... ;)
17th October 2013 22:35
Hey, however he can get his kicks, right? ;)
Thank you, hon!
16th October 2013 18:20
Delicious and super hot! Good work.
17th October 2013 22:35
Thank you! :)
21st October 2013 22:29
Awesome and very sexy! :)
26th October 2013 15:23
Thanks so much! :)
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