Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Supplicant 
21st June 2013 19:47
Title: Supplicant
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media: Graphite on Cachet sketch paper
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Strapping
Warnings: Light bondage, implied D/s
Summary: "Better to beg forgiveness than ask permission."
A/N I had meant to do a different pairing but then I had this unfinished pose sketch and it fit the bill. Next go around I suppose.

22nd June 2013 00:37
god, I love them so much. And strapping. unf. I ♥ your kink SO MUCH.
22nd June 2013 06:31
Aww thanks! I love drawing kink so I guess things work out. :)
22nd June 2013 01:16
Ooh the look of supplication.
22nd June 2013 06:32
Eminently pliable.
23rd June 2013 15:10
You don't need me to tell you how many buttons this pushes. But it is pushing them sooo nicely.
24th June 2013 13:42
*g* Thanks! Severus is so pretty when he's being taken in hand.
24th June 2013 23:39
the rich details are fabulous
25th June 2013 13:12
Thanks, I freely admit that this one was an excuse for some straight anatomy drawing more than anything else.
30th June 2013 15:53
Mmmm, very nice! The only way it could be nicer is if the characters were reversed. ;)
30th June 2013 20:09
Thanks! And I have no problem with the reverse situation, it's just in my last couple of comics Sirius has been the one of the receiving end so I figured the poor sap was overdue for a turn. ;)
28th July 2013 19:05
ohgodyes. amazing.
29th July 2013 21:45
Thanks! The boys do like to play rough on occasion. :)
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