Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Fic: Only Right (Harry/? - R) 
18th June 2013 18:53
Title: Only Right
Author: [info]alisanne
Characters: Harry Potter/?, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger
Rating: R
Warnings: Bondage, the suggestion of dub con but not really.
Themes/kinks chosen: padlocks and strapping
Word Count: ~1550
Summary: It's only right that Harry's evenings be enjoyable.
Author's notes: Once again I'm late. Circumstances converged to make managing a fic for my original posting date impossible, so thanks to the mods for allowing me to post today, and of course, to my beta readers: [info]sevfan and [info]emynn.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.


Only Right


“I really think we should stay out of it,” Ron said once Hermione finished talking.


“I’m serious, Hermione.” Shaking his head, Ron sat back in his chair. “It’s Harry’s life. We need to let him live it the way he wants.”

“But it’s obvious he’s lonely!” Huffing, Hermione sat down across from Ron’s desk. “When was the last time he went out with you after work for a drink? Or came over for dinner? I invite him every week you know. All I see him do is work and go home. Alone.”

“Maybe he’s finding other things to keep him busy,” said Ron.

“Like what?” Crossing her arms, Hermione glared at him. “Do you know something?”

Ron rolled his eyes. “As if I could ever keep anything from you? I still think we should have put you in charge of Auror interrogations. No, I don’t know anything. I just think that Harry needs his space and that we should give it to him.”

“Not if it means he’s going home to an empty house every night! We’re his friends, we should help him.”

“I am helping him,” said Ron, standing up. “I’m helping him by allowing him his privacy.”

“Well that’s ridiculous. He needs to get out of that house and I’m going to make it happen.”

“Then you’re on your own.” Picking up some parchments, Ron started for the door. “I need to find Robards. I’ll see you at home, yeah?” Kissing her cheek on his way past, he moved towards the door. Just before he passed through it, he turned to look at her. “And, Hermione? Please leave Harry alone. He’s a grown man. Allow him to make his own decisions.”

Hermione inclined her head, but when Ron was gone, her expression went hard. “You deserve happiness, Harry Potter, and I am going to make sure you have it, whether you like it or not. It’s only right!”


“See you tomorrow.” Waving at his colleagues, Harry ducked into a Floo, emerging in front of Grimmauld Place. Walking up the path, he smiled in anticipation.

The front hallway was dark. “Lumos.”

Finite,” a smooth voice snapped immediately. “Incarcerous.

Harry fell over. “What the he--?”


Unable to talk, Harry lay on the floor, watching as a pair of perfectly polished, dragon hide boots walked towards him. Raising his eyes as far as he was able, he saw a metal collar with padlock being dangled in one hand, a wand in the other. “You, Auror Potter, have been a very bad boy. I believe you need to be punished.” The wand was put away and there was the sound of a belt being slid off before the end hit the floor with a thud. “Well, would you look at that? I’ve just the thing.”

Biting back a moan, Harry closed his eyes and relaxed.


“Harry?” Padma shrugged. “I think he left already, Hermione. Why?”

“But I told him I wanted to talk to him.” Hermione shook his head. “I sent him a memo! Why would he leave?”

Padma coughed, looking away. “Why wouldn’t he?”

Hermione’s eyes narrowed. “What does that mean?”

Padma shrugged. “Because you’re always yelling at him. I don’t think I’d wait around for that either.”

Hermione’s mouth dropped open. “I don’t just yell at him! He’s my friend! I just want--”

“What’s best for him. Yes, the entire Ministry is aware of that since you tell him every day. Loudly.” Padma raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you think you should allow him to decide what that is for himself, though?”

“Well of course! I would never--”

“Then what’s all the nagging been about?” Padma smirked. “Look, if I want to go home and eat ice cream for dinner, Merlin help the person who stands in my way.”

“But I haven’t been like that--” Hermione fumbled to a stop. “Have I?” she asked, voice small.

Padma nodded. “Harry’s very nice. Too nice to tell you, but yes, you have.”

Hermione sighed. “Maybe you’re right. But I just want--”

Padma held up a hand. “I know. But it doesn’t matter. What matters is what he wants. Right?”

Hermione closed her eyes. “Right. Right. Thank you. I think I’ll go home now.”

“Good idea.”

Chastened, Hermione left the Ministry, the Floo spitting her out in front of her house. There were no lights. “Guess Ron’s not home yet,” she whispered to herself as she walked up the path. She got to the door before pausing. “I really owe Harry an apology. I have been a bit overbearing.” She smiled. “I should go and apologise right now.”

Ignoring the inner voice that told her she was just looking for an excuse to check up on Harry again, she spun on her heel and Disapparated.


Harry was naked with his arse up in the air, his legs splayed apart. He lay across a lap, his cock pressed against fine linen trousers as he stared at his patterned sofa. Around his neck was the metal collar, the chill of the padlock resting on his upper back making Harry shiver. His arms, pulled behind him, were bound at the wrists by chains. One chain ran up to the collar. Knowing he must have made quite the sight, Harry swallowed thickly. “Merlin.”

“Merlin can’t help you now, Harry. I’m the only one here.” A firm hand caressed Harry’s bum. “So, since you’ve been such a bad boy, perhaps you should count them out?”

“Please,” Harry whispered, practically writhing in his attempt to get some friction on his prick.

“Mmm, you beg so prettily.” Harry heard the belt jingle in the air. “Let’s warm that arse, shall we?”

The first blow was always shocking. Harry tensed, biting his lip as warmth blossomed over his bum. “One,” he gasped, shifting restlessly.

“Stay still or I stop.” A finger slid between his cheeks to probe at his hole. “And if I stop, nothing’s going here, understood?”

Harry’s nod was a bit frantic.

“Good. Now, shall we continue?”

Once the blows resumed, Harry gasped out the numbers, and as they came faster and faster, he arched into them, sobbing as his skin began to heat and burn. The contrast of cool, lubricated fingers circling his hole made the experience even more pleasurable, and soon, Harry was trembling on the edge of orgasm. “Please--”


The smallest tip of a finger slid inside Harry, who shouted. “Merlin!”

“Harry? What’s going on? Oh my God, Harry, are you all right?” There was the sound of someone running, and time seemed to slow as Harry raised his head, staring into Hermione’s shocked face. Her wand was drawn, and she looked ready for combat.

Groaning, Harry closed his eyes, dropping his head onto the sofa. Oh, fuck. “What is it, Hermione?”

“I just...I stopped by and I heard you shouting--”

A cool hand settled on Harry’s lower back, soothing him. “Well, as you can see, everything here is fine.”

Hermione’s voice was faint. “I--er--right. Harry?”

“Harry, tell Hermione goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Hermione,” mumbled Harry.

“Yes, right. Of course.”

There was shuffling and the door closed. The sound of a clumsy Disapparation made Harry wince. “Damn.”

“Forget about her.” His lover’s voice was a purr and Harry shivered. “You belong to me tonight. Now, where were we?” A firm hand caressed Harry. “If you’re good, I may allow you to come.”

“Yes,” Harry hissed. And as the evening continued, he managed to dismiss Hermione completely from his mind.


When Hermione got home, Ron was waiting. “Where were you?” he asked. “I got dinner started.”

Hermione managed a smile. “I...went for a walk. Did some thinking.” And contemplated self Obliviation. I can’t believe that Harry’s with--

“Uh oh,” Ron teased, his words interrupting her thoughts. “Please tell me you haven’t come up with some new plot to get Harry to socialise more.”

“No!” Hermione coughed as Ron stared at her. “No.” She exhaled, slipping her still trembling hands into her skirt pockets. “For what it’s worth I’ve decided you’re right. We should let Harry live his own life, make his own decisions. It’s only right.”

“Well thank Merlin.” Ron smiled. “Hungry?”

Hermione shook her head ruefully. “Not really, but I could definitely use a drink.”

19th June 2013 00:12
Well, *that* ought to teach Hermione to approach much more slowly so she can watch! *g* to mind her own business. Love the last line ROFL. Great job.
20th June 2013 03:05
Ahahahaha! Yes, maybe next time she's be smarter about her voyeurism. ;)
Thanks, hon!
19th June 2013 02:22
Very awesome. But now I want more.
20th June 2013 03:07
LOL. Not sure what to tell you. :) I think this one is over.
But I'm glad you enjoyed it!
19th June 2013 07:08
Anti-Apparation Charm should be the first item on the list! :) Poor Harry!

Very nice, bb!
20th June 2013 03:09
Ahahaha! Indeed it should. ;)
I dunno if I feel that sorry for Harry. He seems to be having a grand time, after all. *g*
Thanks, bb! You are too good to me. ♥
19th June 2013 10:16
She so could have sent an owl. Seriously. But that'll teach her to mind her own business and Harry to secure his house more went he's having sexy time.
20th June 2013 03:10
Ahahaha! Of course she could. But that wouldn't have been half as much fun for us. ;)
And yes, Harry does seem to be in need of some extra security. *g*
Thank you!
19th June 2013 10:54 - Awesome, Hot, CRUEL! OMG Bah hahaha
Dear lord, you mischievous minx! So hotfunnymeanhilarious!
20th June 2013 03:11 - Re: Awesome, Hot, CRUEL! OMG Bah hahaha
Thanks, sweetie! I did have some fun with this one. ;)
Yay that you enjoyed! ♥
20th June 2013 06:26
LOL, love it. This is totally delightful! Went for a walk and did some thinking? I'm sure. :)
20th June 2013 15:38
Well she had to tell him something, right? And I suspect that neither she nor Harry will ever mention what really happened in front of Ron, so that story may remain their little secret. ;)
Thanks, hon!
21st June 2013 03:28
Haha, glad Harry is having fun! I'm sure Hermione will appreciate walking in on that image at some point. ;-)
24th June 2013 03:57
LMAO! She'll have to get over her embarrassment first, thought. ;)
And yes, Harry's definitely enjoying himself. *g*
Thanks, hon!
22nd June 2013 20:32
Woof! That was intense. And hot!

And the Ron and Hermione epilogue was funny. :)

Thank you for posting.
24th June 2013 03:58
Thank you for reading and commenting, my dear!
And yes, it'll be a long time before poor Hermione bursts in on Harry again. ;)
*ponders whether Ron will ever find out*

26th June 2013 19:30
Hee! Poor Hermione. And not so poor Harry. :-)
28th June 2013 05:42
Ahaha! Yeah, Harry's not poor at all. :)
*pets Hermione*
Thanks so much!
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