Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: Driven to Distraction (Ernie Prang; R) 
14th June 2013 05:23
Title: Driven to Distraction
Author: [info]torino10154
Characters: Ernie Prang, Stan Shunpike, Madam Rosmerta
Rating: Hard R
Theme Chosen: Sacofricosis: the practice of cutting a hole in one's front trouser pocket for the purpose of masturbation
Other Content: Wanking, fantasy, semi-public sex
Word Count: ~1000
Summary: Driving the Knight Bus is tricky. Especially one handed.
Author's Notes: Thank you to [info]gryffindorj for the plot advice, [info]tamlane for the beta, and [info]lilyseyes for the title. ♥

Some people thought it was amazing Ernie Prang could drive the Knight Bus with one hand. It was a triple decker but he could turn on a Knut.

They would have been even more impressed if they'd realised his other hand was ever in his front pocket, pushed through the seam in the fabric, and wrapped around his cock.

He wasn't much for bragging—he was a simple bus driver after all—but there was one particular night on which, to tell the truth, he was quite proud of how well he'd handled the bus. It had been a close one....

"Did ya' see her knockers, Ern?" Stan started the moment Madam Rosmerta boarded the bus and disappeared. "I might just be willin' to bury myself between them tits and forget about her quim all together."

"You might be lucky not to die a virgin." Ernie laughed, his voice rough from years of Firewhiskey and cigarettes.

Stan joined in, laughing a high pitched sound like a boy whose voice was still not settled into that of a man's. "Someday we'll pick up a witch who is dyin' to 'ave me."

"She'd be better off getting hit by the bus."

Stan laughed again, then jumped up when Ernie slammed on the brakes in front of the Three Broomsticks.

Both men turned and watched as Rosmerta descended the stairs. Stan wasn't wrong; Ernie's prick took notice of the way her tits moved beneath her robes. Not wearing nothing underneath was his guess, and he knew the sort of witch who didn't wear nothing underneath. Next time he was in Hogsmeade, he might just stop by for a pint.

"Gentlemen," she said, giving Stan a pat on the head and Ernie a saucy wink before sashaying away and into her pub.

"That's a nice piece of ar—"

"Language, Stan," Ernie said, slipping his hand back through the hole in his pocket, his cock throbbing at the touch.

"Ever so sorry, Ern," Stan replied though he was grinning widely. He sat down behind Ernie and held on to the poll by the stairs. "Rosmerta, she does have a nice bum, doesn't she?"

"Mm-hm," Ernie said, giving himself a stroke. She certainly did.

"I'd take her to bed, treat her right, I would."

"Go up to check on Madam Malkin, Stan," Ernie said. "I suspect she's not feeling well."

"Will do, Ern," Stan replied and stood. "Though she's not nearly as easy on the eyes," he mumbled as he climbed the stairs. Ernie knew Stan would stop in the loo to have a wank. He must have done it at least once a night for as long as he worked on the bus and having someone like Rosmerta on board made it more likely he'd end up in the loo twice.

Once Stan was well on his way, Ernie started to wank himself properly.

Stan might think he knew what to do with a woman, but Ernie knew from experience. He'd watch her spread her thighs wide, and then he'd press his cock to her cunt.

He ran his thumb over the head of his cock, spreading the precome he found there, imagining it was her wetness on his prick.

Ernie knew some liked to fuck a bird in the arse, but he liked the ease with which he could slide in and out, how he could tell she was turned on by how wet she was.

Ernie felt his heart starting to race. The thrill of flying across the countryside as he wanked himself was heady. They'd be in London soon and driving there was tricky on the best days. And it was a fair bit more difficult when he was hard enough to pound nails.

That was what made it thrilling to wank and drive.

He'd thrust into her, thinking only of his pleasure, rub his stubbled face against the soft skin of her tits.

His cock was hot and hard and he wanted to come. He just needed a little bit more.

He could see Rosmerta thrashing against the sheets, hair spilling out over the pillow, nails scratching his back as she cried out his name...

Ernie was close—oh, so close—his hand stroking as fast as it could within the confines of his trouser pocket.

"That Trafalagar Square, Ern?" Stan said from behind him. Ernie had been so lost in his fantasy he hadn't even heard him coming down the stairs.

"Yeah," he grunted, nearly at the edge of his seat. He could feel the sweat running down the back of his neck. Just a few more strokes and he felt his balls tightening.

"Oi, watch out, Ern!" Stan shouted and Ernie swerved to miss a London cab which was making its way around a traffic circle.

He started wanking himself again, biting the inside of his mouth to keep from groaning. There she was again in his mind, legs trembling as she let him fuck her till she screamed.

"Man with a cane in the zebra crossing!" Stan was the one that screamed but as Ernie slammed on the brakes, he thrust into his fist and came hard, spurting helplessly as the tires screeched to a stop. One last spurt burst out when all was quiet.

"Bloody hell, Ern," Stan said, panting, "gave me a fright."

"Hope you didn't piss yourself," Ernie said gruffly, taking his handkerchief from the other part of his pocket and wiping his hand. He caught sight of Stan in the rearview mirror and saw he was a bit pale. "After we drop off Madam Malkin, we'll go for a pint."

Stan then turned red and looked away. "Bit short this month."

Ernie reached into his other pocket and felt the small coin pouch there. "My treat."

"Thanks, Ern," Stan said softly. "I'll buy the next round."

Ernie knew Stan and knew his Galleons would be long gone before he'd even rounded the corner from Gringotts.

"Sure thing, Stan." Ernie put both hands on the wheel and sped toward Diagon Alley.
14th June 2013 10:44
Love this! Especially the banter between Ernie and Stan. And gruff!daredevil!Ernie is surprisingly hot. Perfect start to my weekend! :D
15th June 2013 12:03
Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it and thanks again for the beta and the rec. ♥
14th June 2013 14:04
I really liked this. You did a fabulous job of keeping them in character and giving us a glimpse of the seedier side of Ernie and Stan.

15th June 2013 12:04
Thanks so much! Glad you felt they were IC and yeah, I think it's not too hard to imagine them as being a bit seedy. LOL
14th June 2013 14:22
Ha ha. Excellent fic, very interesting explanation for why Ernie 'hasn't quite mastered the use of the steering wheel' but obviously he is very good at driving stick.

-lightofdaye from Tam's recommendation on lj
15th June 2013 12:05
ROFL Indeed! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. It's much appreciated.
14th June 2013 17:07
This is great fun -- hilarious and IC. I can just hear Stan and Ernie, and I think you've hit on the perfect explanation for the famous Knight Bus driving style.
15th June 2013 12:07
Ah, thanks so much, Kelly! Glad you enjoyed it. Ernie's a much better driver than anyone knows. ;)
14th June 2013 18:55
Ooof! Well that's not in the Muggle driving test! That's some skill Ernie's got. Proper multi-tasking.

A great fic. Real fun!
15th June 2013 12:08
Thank you! Ernie's definitely more skilled than previously believed. LOL
14th June 2013 23:22
And now so many things make sense! *g*
As someone else said, it's the perfect explanation for the Knight Bus' mad driving style.
Nicely IC, hon. Great job!
15th June 2013 12:11
LOL I bet. (Lily's the best, y/y?)

Thanks so much, Ali. It does seem Ernie's a far better driver than perviously believed. (ROFL at that typo--I'm leaving it!!)
15th June 2013 15:36
"Did ya' see her knockers, Ern?"
The term knockers for breasts never fails to make me think of this:

♥ Mel Brooks forever

This was excellently done! Better than I even imagined. I love the imagery and the coin from the pocket LOLOLOLOLOL! I'm sure Stan bit it to check and see if it was real or not.

Well done, love.
15th June 2013 15:57
YAY Thank you, darling! It makes me so happy to receive "Exceeds Expectations". :D

Alas, the embed failed so shoot me the link, yeah?
16th June 2013 04:45
The best part of this was that it really felt like the Knight Bus. Loved the banter and the fast pace. Really well done!
16th June 2013 15:50
Thanks so much, Min! I'm thrilled it felt like the Knight Bus to you. :)
19th June 2013 19:32
Love the dialogue and the whole mood you've created. You made me grin while I was reading this. Plus you've done the impossible. You've made the Knight Bus make sense! :-D
19th June 2013 19:53
LOL Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. :D
1st July 2013 17:26
Hilarious, and really well-paced. I loved the banter between Ern and Stan, and the warmth of their friendship really came through, too :-)

PurpleFluffyCat x
2nd July 2013 11:56
Thanks so much! As I've never written either of them before I'm just thrilled you enjoyed their banter as well as their friendship.
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