Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Revenge, Sweet and Sour (Pansy/Astoria, R) 
19th May 2013 00:44
Title: Revenge, Sweet and Sour
Artist: [info]twilightsorcery
Media: Photoshop
Characters/Pairings: Pansy/Astoria (implied Draco/Pansy, Draco/Astoria, Pansy/OMC)
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: heterosexuality
Other Warnings: infidelity, somewhat tongue-in-cheek interpretation of the prompt
Artist's Notes: For [info]lunalovepotter! I started this long ago based on your KK prompt, which included, among other things, Pansy/Astoria, lingerie, cigarettes, adultery, a sexy/angsty tone, and a hot & heavy encounter at a low-rent hotel room. I hope you like it!
Art Preview:

preview: Pansy smoking

It's so nice to be back! I love you all!
19th May 2013 06:25
I really loved this. It's so gorgeous!
19th May 2013 07:46
So beautiful.
19th May 2013 09:28
Ooooooh, this is fantastic!! So beautiful. I love the story and how you tell it. Favourite detail (heh, well, too many, but especially this one): Pansy's knickers in the second panel. *g* That whole second panel is so hot alzjzlkasdkasldk!!! The whole thing is absolutely wonderful. :D
19th May 2013 14:25
Ahhhh! I LOVE THIS. The time-jumpy storytelling is perfect, and their expressions just undo me. And Pansy's back in that third panel? GUH. That second panel is complete guh. Their clothes are so lovely and rich too. And I love the color palette, all greys and shadows like a stormy night. Love this. :D
19th May 2013 14:31
This is wonderful. I love the muted color, it gives it an almost film noir quality.
19th May 2013 14:52
Holy shit, this is hot!!! And not just hot but beautifully done! And I love the time-jumping structure, too. Everything about it. I love this.
19th May 2013 15:17
It's up!


This is soooo lovely. That third panel is just so elegant! Their expressions throughout are so very well done - this is really great!
19th May 2013 15:22
TS, this is great! I love the way their body colors and sharp outlines contrast with the unfocused monochrome background. The clothes and hair are perfect -- say so much about their characters (as do the facial expressions). Plus, smoking for me is a bulletproof HP kink; love it here.
19th May 2013 15:28
You weren't kidding when you said your art muse had come back with a vengeance! I love that last panel, Pansy's coat and gloves and the way they're looking at each other. Great work!
19th May 2013 15:39
Niiiiiiice. Especially the ferocity.
19th May 2013 18:06
Wow! This turned out fabulously!
I only got to see the one panel as you were working on it at Misti con, but now that the entire story is up I am blown away.
Angsty and gorgeous and did I mention fabulous?
Great job!
19th May 2013 21:27
WOW, this is stunning!
20th May 2013 02:53
Oh I just love this so much! I adore the looks of the two characters and I think you've captured them perfectly. I especially love the outfits they're wearing in the third piece -- those dresses are so very them!

This is just perfect. Absolutely incredible. And smoking!Pansy, whee! :D
20th May 2013 13:30
Love this! I especially love the body language in the first panel. Gorgeous!
25th May 2013 13:08
Beautiful, your drawings are simply stunning. And the story they tell is amazing. This is gorgeous.
28th May 2013 14:32
Gah, this is just fantastic! I love this pairing at the best of times, but it's such a treat to have it drawn by you with so many of my favorite things - the angst and infidelity, the non-linear storyline, the stark contrasts between them (Pansy being all dark and seductive, Astoria blonde and seemingly pure in that white dress). Amazing AMAZING work :-D
28th May 2013 15:17
Beautiful work! I adore this! Their expressions are so intense and I can really almost "hear" Pansy's voice by looking at them. Brilliant!
31st May 2013 12:36
AAAAAAH, I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!!! *runs around in crazy circles* Love the storyline, love the angles, love the angst and the colours and the eroticism, and oof, just, EVERYTHING.

♥ !
31st May 2013 13:24
Ohhhh this is everything I love for this pairing and these characters :') :')
31st May 2013 17:20
This is wonderful! I love the brooding narrative, the sensuality of the sex scene, and how gorgeously expressive their faces are in every panel. Even Pansy's back is expressive. :) I can't pick a favourite, but I do love the midnight panel. Pansy caressing Astoria's sadface with her gloved hand and the warm flush of their faces against the grey city around them — so intimate and moody.
18th June 2013 03:42
I know you posted this ages ago; but I had to comment. This is fantastic. I love the emotion each part invokes. Well done! <3
30th June 2013 08:24
Guh. This is gorgeous and sexy and I love love love the way you've conveyed so much about the relationship between them.
28th July 2013 19:49
this is amazing. beautiful (which came out as beautifuck first time).
24th September 2013 16:28
Oh my goodness, this is amazing!! I apologize profusely for only finding it now - I'm not online as much these days, and it was only due to a friendly poke from one of the Mods that I realized it was here.

I love this. Gorgeous, and SO SEXY. Wow. Thank you! :)
7th October 2013 05:03
these are beautiful and your Pansy is pretty damn hot.
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