Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
[ART]: "Break With a Banshee" (Gilderoy/male!Banshee; R) 
31st August 2007 22:56
Artist: [info]gold_loewin
- D/s - writing/negociating one's preference list/contract. (Both the Dominant and the submissive's)
- Serenading: To sing to your chosen one ♥
- Safe sex: The wizarding interpretation of it.
Warnings: implied masturbation and frottage
Rating: R
Media: pencil, watercolor, photoshop
Compliant to: Maybe CoS? No DH spoilers! :)
Art preview:

Title: "Break With a Banshee"
Pairing: Gilderoy Lockhart/male!Banshee
Summary: The adult version of Gilderoy's book: "Break With a Banshee" (One of the many required textbooks for Defence Against the Dark Arts in Harry's second year.)
(→) All persons depicted are entirely fictional and are intended to be age 18 or older!
(→) They are not based on or intended to represent any actual person whether living or dead.
(→) Harry Potter characters © J.K. Rowling. I'm not making any profit off them.

Gilderoy/male!Banshee (I googled it, Terry Pratchett’s latest book had a male banshee in it, so it is not that absurd. :) And it was much more fun to draw the male version...)

- Safe sex: The wizarding interpretation of it:
Ear muffs - used by students to protect themselves from plants like the Mandrake which can harm with the sounds they make; these ear muffs are apparently magical as they completely block all sound.
I hope they protect Gilderoy from the death bringing screams of the Banshee. xD I always wondered where the pair of fluffy pink ear muffs in CoS came from. ;)

- Serenading: To sing to your chosen one:
The singer Celestina Warbeck performs with a backing group of banshees. I'm sure that Gildy's Banshee is serenading for him too.

- D/s - writing/negociating one's preference list/contract. (Both the Dominant and the submissive's):
*pokes to the Summary* :D

The idea for the pic started so harmless. ;) Originally it was a Draco/Harry draft.
I so cheated with the light in this one, now the cliff looks quite surreal.*sighs* But I really enjoyed drawing the Banshee. :)
And a big thank you to [info]snegurochka_lee for being so patient with me! *hugs*

ETA: CLICK for a larger version

Feedback is ♥!

1st September 2007 03:31
That is such a cool, interesting picture! That demented grin on Gilderoy's face is such a contrast to the melodic moaning I'm certain the banshee is wailing out.

Effing fantastic detail!
3rd September 2007 01:11
OMG, thank you so much! :D Hee, demented grin is a perfect description! Gilderoy is so much fun to play with. :)
2nd September 2007 12:02
This is absolutely gorgeous -- do you have a larger version of it posted anywhere?
3rd September 2007 01:17
YAY! Thank you! :D

CLICK for a larger version :)
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