Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Fic: Lesson Learned (Draco/Snape) 
31st December 2012 22:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]songquake
From: A Wondrous Watcher: [info]kitty_fic

Title: Lesson Learned
Characters/Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Severus Snape
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: brattiness and punishment correction thereof, temporary orgasm denial
Other Warnings/Content: Post-war AU where Snape lives, established relationship, cock-ring, blowjob/facefucking, dirty talk, elements of a D/s relationship, bondage mentioned in passing
Word Count: 3250
Summary/Description: Draco had made it very clear that this wasn't the gift he was expecting. Now, he looked much too pleased with himself. The boy was obviously under the impression that he had already won this round. Severus was going to enjoy showing him how mistaken he was about that.
Author's Notes: So many thanks to D for the beta! And to the other lovelies who cheered me on along the way and offered support or input! To the prompter, I hope you enjoy where your prompt took me and that it's not too far from what you envisioned! <3 This was a new pairing for me and though quite a challenge, I enjoyed it!

Severus slipped back into the bed and curled himself around his lover, pressing their naked bodies together, his cock nestling gently between Draco's cheeks. He tightened his grip around the small box in his hand as he pressed himself even closer to Draco's sleep-warmed body. Leaning down to press a soft, barely-there kiss to Draco's temple, he watched him sleep.
They had been together for over a year now and Severus had been planning this moment for awhile, yet he still could not believe he was actually going to allow himself to do it. He chastised himself for feeling so sentimental and was glad that Draco wasn't awake to see him in his moment of weakness.
The moment didn't last long. Severus watched as Draco blinked open his eyes and he gave the small box in his hand another squeeze seeking his own courage.
"Morning," Draco said, stretching his young, lithe body and smiling up at him.
"Merry Christmas," Severus replied.
"Mm hm," Draco arched his back into the stretch before pushing himself up on his elbows, looking at Severus suspiciously. "What is it? I can tell you have something on your mind. Out with it."
"Cheeky brat," Severus grumbled, rolling onto his side, trying to hide the small package and unable to deny his nervousness or the fact that Draco was right.
"What's that?" Draco asked, peering curiously at the package in Severus' hands.
With some hesitation, Severus silently held the box out for him.
"A present?" Draco grinned as he took the gift from Severus' hand, shaking the small package and glancing up curiously. "What is it?"
"Just open it," Severus answered, severely.
Draco sat up, crossing his legs in front of him, and tore into the wrapping quickly. He slowed considerably when he saw the box inside. "A ring box?" Draco guessed. "It's not exactly what I was expecting," he said, incredulously.
Severus scowled, reaching for the small box again.
Unfortunately, Draco was faster, moving the box out of reach before Severus could take it back. "Really Severus? I didn't take you for the romantic type," Draco smirked at him as he rolled over and waved the box just out of Severus' reach. "You must be getting soft in your old age."
"I'll show you soft," Severus muttered under his breath.
Draco flopped over onto his stomach, ignoring Severus' murmured complaints. He focused on the ring box, rolling it around in his hand examining it from the outside. "Are you sure you can even afford such a thing on your professor's salary?"
Severus scowled, his body going completely tense. And really, the boy didn't know when to shut up.
"Draco," he snarled.
"Too late now," Draco waggled his eyebrows at him. "Let's see what you picked out."
"It doesn't mean anything." Severus lied. He didn't know when he had allowed Draco's opinion to effect him so. "It is only a simple token of..." He trailed off, unsure how to explain and hating how uncertain his own voice sounded.
"Really, no one will believe that Severus Snape went ring shopping," Draco crowed still holding the box closed.
What a fool he had been to think that Draco would appreciate such a gesture. Of course his young lover was used to only the finest things and as much as it pained him to admit it, Draco was right. Severus would never be able to compete with that. He would never be able to offer Draco the lifestyle that he was accustomed to.
"If you don't want it, then give it back." Severus sat up, rigid. Hoping to use his height and long reach to his advantage, he grabbed again for the box, cursing under his breath when Draco's sleek Seeker's build, rolled off the bed and twirled easily out of his grasp.
"Wait! I didn't say I didn't want it." Draco flipped the lid open.
Severus followed and thankfully grabbed it from Draco's hands before he was able to get a good look at the object inside.
"Oh, come on, Severus! I was only kidding! Let me see!" Draco was at his side again, eager to get his hands back on the ring box.
Severus glared at him. "I'll do no such thing," he said petulantly, turning away from Draco.
"I want to see it," Draco whined. "You can't take away my present after you've already given it to me."
"Let it go, Draco." Severus snapped as he turned back to the bed sitting on the edge, a tight grip on the box, anxious to escape the horrifying moment and prepared to pretend that it had never happened at all; that he had not let his guard down, had not allowed himself to be humiliated in such a way.
Draco climbed onto the bed behind him, wrapping his arms around Severus' waist. His hand snaked around towards the ring again but Severus was no fool, he still held a tight grip on the box.
"You should know by now that your Slytherin tricks will not work on me, Draco."
"At least let me make it up to you," Draco practically purred, breath ghosting over Severus' ear.
Despite himself, Severus turned looking back at Draco over his shoulder. He knew that Draco was only trying to distract him long enough to get the ring, but a plan of his own was beginning to form in Severus' mind.
"What did you have in mind?" he asked as if he didn't already know. If Draco was that determined to have the ring, Severus decided that he could accommodate him after all.
"What do you want?" Draco asked, pressing his long, lean body up against Severus' back and nuzzling into the side of his neck. Clearly the boy thought he had the upper hand. Severus was about to prove just how wrong he was.
He pushed Draco gently but firmly away and turned to face him. "If you are that anxious to prove yourself, then lay down and wait for my instruction. That will be a good start."
Severus crossed his arms in front of him and watched as Draco did as he was asked, slowly positioning himself on the bed, arranging himself in a manner that was sure to accent all his best features.
It was impossible to miss the reaction that the simple yet familiar command had on Draco's cock. It grew, resting heavily against his thigh, already hard and dripping. Despite his best intentions to remain unaffected, Severus felt his own cock start to fill as he admired his boy.
With difficulty, Severus tore his eyes away from Draco's display. He held the ring box out in front of him and carefully flipped the lid open, staring at it for a long moment. Maybe it could still be useful after all.
When Severus glanced up again, Draco looked much too pleased with himself. He obviously thought he had already won this round.
Yes, Severus was going to enjoy showing him how mistaken he was about that.
Even now, never far from his reach, Severus picked up his wand from the bedside table and waved it over the box. The ring obeyed his command and floated up, hovering in the air between them.
The ring held Draco's rapt attention and with another wave, Severus enlarged it. The gold and silver glittered in the light as it expanded before his eyes. A flick of his wrist sent it gliding down over his young lover's cock, sliding quickly to the base of his shaft, and expanding further to envelop his sac as well, before cinching tightly with the perfect amount of pressure to teach the boy a proper lesson.
Severus reveled in his minor victory when he heard Draco gasp as the band fastened tightly around his cock and balls.
"Severus? Wha-? "Draco's gaze was drawn down to the ring, eyes blown wide. "What are you doing?"
"I'm afraid that your training is not quite as complete as it could be and as such, I feel it is my duty, as your professor, to teach you a lesson that you so far have failed to learn."
Draco squirmed on the bed, his hand reaching down to graze his cock, fingers tracing delicately over the ring. "You haven't been my professor for a long time."
"Do not touch," Severus commanded as he adjusted his position, moving closer to Draco on the bed.
"Wha-? Why not?"
"Once you have proven to me that you will wear the ring on your finger as I originally intended- only then will I remove it from its current position."
"I will!" Draco insisted. "I was only joking, Severus! I'll wear it."
"Yes, you will." Severus agreed. "And you'll wear it right where I've placed it for now- with no arguments."
"You can't be serious?" Draco asked, a bit more bite coming into his voice as his desperation grew.
Severus narrowed his eyes at Draco, effectively silencing him. "I assure you that I am very serious."
Draco whimpered, reaching down once again to touch his straining cock gently.
"Must I tie you up also?" Severus asked with a pointed look at Draco's roaming hand.
Appropriately chastised, Draco shook his head and dropped his hand back to his side obediently.
"Orgasm is a privilege to be earned, Draco. You need to learn restraint, self control, and above all- respect."
Severus sat back and watched Draco wriggle against the head of the bed, squirming and trying his best to follow the order not to touch. It may not be how he had envisioned it, but Severus had to admit that the ring looked good on Draco like this.
Severus reached out a hand to touch Draco's leg, trailing his fingers up his inner thigh. Draco's legs fell open slightly and Severus encouraged him, pushing his knees apart and spreading his legs further.
His hand moved farther up and a finger teased between Draco's cheeks. Draco slid down giving Severus better access, and he pressed one finger gently but insistently against his entrance, circling and caressing the furled hole.
Draco groaned and bucked his hips up, thrusting and begging for more.
"You are a brat, Draco, and I fear that your parents have been remiss in teaching you your manners. As you know, I feel responsible for your training. Therefore, once I am completely satisfied - if I am completely satisfied - only then will you be allowed to come.
Severus pushed one finger slowly into Draco's arse, pumping it into his body, varying between deep and shallow thrusts.
'Do you understand what that means?"
Draco nodded, biting back a gasp.
"I plan to fuck you, Draco. I'm going to use your body for my pleasure. Your mouth too. And you will not come until I am satisfied physically as well as with your attitude."
Severus had to admit that he had shared some responsibility in spoiling the boy. How could he not when he enjoyed his pleasure so thoroughly.
Severus listened to the moans coming from Draco as he tweaked his finger at just the right angle to graze across Draco's prostate. The sounds he made were downright obscene and Severus loved to hear them, but he had limits and Draco had crossed them- and with that came consequences and discipline.
"Such a brat." Severus shifted closer, reaching up to caress Draco's cheek, his voice unbearably fond and much more indulgent than he intended.
A whispered spell provided enough lubrication to ease the way for another finger, stretching that tight hole, preparing Draco for his cock. Two fingers became three and Draco accepted them easily, arse clenching and cock still straining, standing tall, the ring wrapped snugly around base and balls.
"Your hole is as greedy as you are. It wants my cock. Little cock-slut that you are."
Draco's face flamed, colour filling his cheeks, showing his humiliation. Severus wouldn't normally wish such a thing on his lover, but under the circumstances he was happy to see that Draco remembered his place.
"I want your mouth." Severus felt Draco's arse squeeze tighter still around his hand as he pulled back. Crawling forward on his knees, he moved closer to Draco's mouth ignoring his moans and protests at the loss of his fingers. Kneeling level with Draco's mouth, his cock bobbing against his cheek, Severus said, "Suck me. Make me wet."
He held his cock steady swiping the tip across Draco's lips as they opened willingly for him.
"That's it," Severus closed his eyes, hips shifting forward until he felt Draco gag. He pulled back and set a slow pace, fucking Draco's mouth, gently thrusting his hips forward, careful but always with a firm grip on Draco's hair.
Draco's tongue worked over his shaft and Severus tightened his grip as he took his pleasure from Draco's slick mouth. Saliva dripped down his cock and Severus pulled him off, anxious to feel his tight hole wrapped around his cock, clenching greedily at it the way it had his fingers.
"Turn over," Severus commanded.
Draco obediently flipped over onto his stomach and drew himself up on his hands and knees, arse presented, putting himself on offer. He spread his knees wide and leaned forward on his elbows his cock and balls hanging low between his legs. Severus reached between his legs to stroke him, and Draco arched his back, a whimper escaping his well used mouth.
He draped his body over Draco's smaller frame and wrapped his arms around his boy. When his cock nudged between Draco's cheeks, Severus pulled back and wrapped a hand around his own cock instead. He nudged against Draco's entrance and pushed forward more insistently. Draco hissed at the stretch and Severus rubbed circles on the small of Draco's back as he pressed in.
He knew Draco could take him. He was well practiced after all. Severus slowed his progress as he pushed against the ring of muscle waiting for Draco to open to him.
Leaning back a bit, Severus watched as his thick cock slid into that small, tight hole. No matter how many times they did this, Severus never tired of watching Draco's body accept him.
Draco fell forward, trembling. His forehead rested on the bed, his hands balled in frustrated pleasure.
Severus reveled in the sounds he made. He ran his hand up Draco's spine in approval, ending in a possessive hold to the back of Draco's neck.
"You are such a cockslut. You love it. It doesn't matter if it's your mouth or your arse, does it pet?"
Draco's whimper was answer enough and Severus pressed the rest of the way in, burying himself, balls deep.
He took his time pulling out again until only the tip remained in Draco's clenching arse, before he slid forward again at the same leisurely pace. He repeated that motion again and again, never altering his speed until finally Draco hit his limit, pressed back at him, hips moving, impatient.
Severus picked up the pace then, gliding effortlessly in and out of Draco's body, seeking his own pleasure.
"Do you want to come, Draco?" He refused to make this easy on the boy. He shifted his hips once more, and aimed for his prostate.
Draco nodded his head against the bed. A pained and desperate sounding whimper was muffled by his face pressed into the mattress.
"Have you learned your lesson?"
Another whimper.
"Beg me, Draco. Beg me to let you come and I shall remove the ring."
"Please," Draco groaned into the covers.
Draco's desperation drove Severus to the edge and he picked up his pace, fucking him faster, harder. He pulled out again before pistoning in again and again. A few more thrusts and Severus felt his release building, pleasure twisting around his spine. Draco's hole clenched around him, and the last thread of his control shattered. He came with one last thrust, pulsing inside Draco's arse, his hot come filling him.
When he had finished emptying his release, Severus allowed his cock to slip free, content in the knowledge that his seed would flow freely down Draco's thighs. He fell to the side, still enjoying the aftershocks of his orgasm.
Draco fell over with him and curled up against his side. Severus turned his face, nose pressing to Draco's hairline, breathing in his scent. He could feel the stiffness in Draco's body as he still longed for his own pleasure. Severus ignored him, happy to let Draco believe he would find no release.
Draco shifted in his arms, clearly uncomfortable but still following his command not to touch himself. "What about...?" Draco motioned to his still hard cock trapped in the ring.
"Yes?" Severus asked calmly, propping himself up on one elbow, his head resting on his hand.
"Aren't you going to...?" Draco swallowed audibly, his hips thrusting forward, seeking relief in the hollow where Severus' leg met his hip.
"No." Severus shook his head decidedly.
"The ring?" Draco pleaded.
"What about it?"
"Severus, please. I need to come."
Severus knew that begging didn't come easy to anyone with the name Malfoy. It said a lot for how far Draco had come, that he did so now.
"And is there something you would like to say to me, Draco?"
"I-I'm sorry?" Draco whispered, still sounding more like a question than a statement.
"And?" Severus prompted.
"Please. I'd like to wear the ring now," Draco insisted.
"You are wearing it, are you not?"
"On my hand," Draco clarified.
"If you're certain?" Severus questioned with a raised brow.
Draco nodded. "I am. Definitely."
Severus reached out for Draco. He rolled him into his arms, positioning Draco so that his back pressed to Severus' chest once more. He trailed his hand down Draco's smooth chest and flat stomach until his hand gripped his cock, so hard he knew it had to be verging on painful.
"Is this what you want?" He purred, tugging on it softly.
Draco nodded, pressing up into Severus' hand desperately.
Severus shifted his hips, his softening cock nestled against Draco's crack once more and if he had been any younger he thought he might have been able to get hard again. Instead he focused on Draco's pleasure, reaching for his wand and releasing the ring from his straining cock.
Once his cock was free, it only took a couple of strokes before Draco was whimpering, bucking into his hand, and coming on command. Once his release was spent, Draco sagged in exhaustion and Severus wiped his hand on the covers before leaning forward to press a soft kiss to Draco's shoulder.
"Good boy. Now, go to sleep, Draco. You can continue to prove yourself to me in the morning."
Draco turned towards Severus, nuzzling against him, and Severus felt a nod of agreement against his chest. Severus' brought his hand up to stroke his boy's silky hair and he allowed the corner of his mouth to turn up in a slight smile.
He felt Draco relax in his arms finally and he smoothed a hand soothingly over his hip before closing his eyes and allowing himself to drift to a comfortable place between sleep and wakefulness.
Feeling movement again, his eyes opened to see Draco reaching for the ring where it had fallen to the side of the bed, forgotten.
Severus watched, immensely pleased, as Draco slipped the ring, now returned to its original size, onto his finger before stilling once more in Severus' possessive hold.
Maybe the boy could still be trained after all.

2nd January 2013 01:30
Oh, that ending was so sweet! It made me smile with gooey insides when Draco put the ring on his finger :)

And there's so much here to love. I mean, first, SNACO!! (See user icon.) But also, Severus's insecurity...and the humour. I loved this:

"I will!" Draco insisted. "I was only joking, Severus! I'll wear it."

"Yes, you will." Severus agreed. "And you'll wear it right where I've placed it for now- with no arguments."

Seriously laughed aloud at that :D

I love cock-rings, and bratty boys begging, and punishments, and humiliation. And you did it all so sweetly, in a clearly loving context. *sighs*

Thank you, Watcher! And happy Kinky Kristmas to you, too!
10th January 2013 06:55
I am so immensely pleased and relieved that you enjoyed it! It was my first Snaco and I stressed about it completely but in the end I was happy with how they turned out, so I am glad you were also.

YES! to cockrings and bratty boys and all the things! <3 I'm happy I managed to work in some things you liked!

Thank you for such a lovely comment!

2nd January 2013 02:17
Delicious! :)
10th January 2013 06:50
Thank you!
2nd January 2013 14:05
I love the beginning - Draco's reaction and Severus' reaction to that are so perfectly IC. This is seriously hot! Severus enjoying the afterglow and letting Draco think he wouldn't come = perfectly evil.
10th January 2013 06:50
Thank you very much! I'm very pleased that you found them IC! <3
4th January 2013 16:42
What an opening! That immediate emotional impact--believable reactions from both of them. Very hot, too! Love Draco reaching for the ring at the end. Great job.
10th January 2013 06:52
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it and that you found the reactions by them believable! <3 And yes, I had to have that happy ending ^_~
4th January 2013 22:49
Oh, Draco! You deserve everything you get. You still don't know that teasing Severus is a seriously BAD idea? Especially when S is so sincere...

OTOH, Severus at least got his revenge, and I'm a sucker for the happy ending.
10th January 2013 06:52
Me too! I am a total sucker for happy endings! Thank you for your comment!
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