Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Dryad - Bill/Neville 
12th August 2007 20:25
Artist: [info]artisticentropy
Theme/kink: AU
Warnings: Plant bondage/object insertion/quasi tentacle porn? Slash, Outdoor sex
Rating: NC-17
Media: Photoshop
Compliant to: Nada - it's AU baby! XD

Title: Dryad
Pairing: Bill/Neville
Warnings: No other warnings really :P
Summary: Neville's a nature spirit, Bill should have been watching out for traps as well as curses. ;)
Notes: Done for [info]eeyore9990's b-day! I was originally going to post this one on my assigned date and do a different one as an extra date, but this one got bumped up when i found out what day it was. ;) I hope you like it, sweetie! Your pairing of choice!

If you'd rather have something else Eey, let me know! Since you were a b-day ninja and snuck up on me, I didn't get an official request from you! ;)

13th August 2007 00:50
mmm plant sex. very lovely. I love the details and the coloring on the skin. lovely <3
13th August 2007 00:58
Thank you! :D plant!sex was a first for me ;)
13th August 2007 01:19
Now that's what I call Devil's Snare...

Neville as a Dryad... love it!

13th August 2007 01:26
Ee! It's fabulous. Neville is so saucy all covered in leafy patterns, and Bill, poor dear... I think that wee tendril at the end of the cock-bondage is waving rather threateningly :-).
13th August 2007 01:32
Oh, my. That is insanely hot.

Bill's hair and Neville's pose is what I love the most, and I admire your ability to draw Bill's position. Neville's pointy ears are the cutest thing ever!

Gods, *must* that vine disappear in *there*? *drools*
13th August 2007 01:47
That is absolutely frickin' gorgeous.
13th August 2007 01:51


OMG, I'm crying! This is so incredibly beautiful and so fantastically sweet and I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DREW BILLVILLE JUST FOR ME! *glomps you* I'm seriously giggling and crying and just a complete mess right now and it's all from total happiness and love! I love this! Don't you dare change a thing about it! It's so perfect! It's so... *flails* It's Neville and plants and bondage and Bill and omg, that is just the best thing ever! Thank you so much!!!
13th August 2007 02:09
Gaah! That is so insanely pretty, I kind of want to cry. Neville's pretty markings... His coy look... BIll's hair...

*brain melts*

You've reduced me to a puddle of hormones.
13th August 2007 02:20
That is one of the most gorgeous depictions of Neville I have ever seen. *is all a-squee*

Beautiful work!
13th August 2007 02:37
Dear Gods.

Okay, you know, Billville is not my thing. But I do believe I could have my mind changed with art like this...
13th August 2007 02:52
Ooh, this is wonderful! I like the difference in their skin tones, and Neville's slightly naughty look, and the ambiguousness of whether Bill's enjoying himself or not. Very original idea!
13th August 2007 03:42
I'm not sure who is luckier there -- Neville, Bill or the plants. Man, it's gorgeous and Eeyore's a lucky lucky girl. I still want pirates and ninjas thought. ;)
13th August 2007 04:01
Neville's so impish, I love it!
13th August 2007 07:45


That is exquisite. Simple exquisite. The details here are incredible, particularly the grasses and the shading, and guh the way Bill's hair is blowing. His expression is just that lovely twist of pleasure and need, and I think it's that which really gives movement to the plant in his arse, if that makes sense. Oh and your plant cock bondage is so hot, especially with that threat of the tip of the vine there. His balls are gorgeous. I've got such a weakness for Bill.

And oh Neville is lovely, the position, the turn of his head and his expression. Wow. Yum. I'm not sure whether to lick his ear, his arse, or his toes first.

13th August 2007 08:29
Wow, that's just ... wow *much love on artist*
13th August 2007 12:29
I love the plant tattoos! And OMG, just hot!!
14th August 2007 18:30
omg neville and plant bondage and yay. *can't stop staring*
It is so detailed and beautiful. Their expressions, the markings on Neville, the vines around bill, the definition of their muscles are all wonderful.
19th August 2007 06:19
Whoa! Now that is hot! Excellent as always! I can't stop staring at Neville's arse cheeks. *pinches* And Neville/Bill! I have to admit that I never thought of the ship. Now I want to go read some fanfic.
20th August 2007 18:55
Hot! Nev is one of my favorite characters. Your perspective is wonderful. Nev's feet, Bill's position, the bondage plants oh and mustn't forget the plant up Bill's arse.

23rd August 2007 14:33
Dear Gawd, this is gorgeous! I love Bill's heavy frame here, and the hint 'o' nards from Neville.

20th September 2007 18:09


E is a lucky person indeed.
24th September 2007 11:42
This is SO Gorgeous, OMG. Awesome. I just got here from Eey's fic. I'm a fan of Billville as well, so it is SUCH a treat to see this! ;D
24th September 2007 17:37
My God that is beautiful! I don't think I've ever seen Neville draw so beautifully. I love the leafy tattoos.
Mmmm...the look on Bill's face and the vines. *_* *drool*
25th September 2007 16:21
Oh. My. Gods. This is amazing. Beautiful. Kinky as hell. Extremely well drawn. Love the poses and faces, and adore the leaf patterns on Neville.
14th April 2009 22:08
This is beautiful.
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