Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: Christmas Surprise (Draco/Pansy) 
5th December 2012 22:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]ldymusyc
From: [info]its_art

Title: Christmas Surprise
Characters/Pairings: Draco/Pansy
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Included: Light bondage - collar & cuffs, Hair pulling, boots, corsets
Other Warnings/Content: Fem-Dom
Artist's Notes: Done in pen and Photoshop CS5
Art Preview:

6th December 2012 03:27
Wow, kinky indeed! I love that the main colour is green, from Pansy's corset and thong to the present and then, of course, the tree and decorations around the fireplace.

Looks to me like Draco got a lovely new pair of cuffs and a collar for Christmas :D I'm sure they'll both have fun with them!

Absolutely beautiful work! Pansy's hair is especially gorgeous, and that tree is just stunning. What a treat! :D
6th December 2012 03:29
Oh, what lovely colors! Seriously, that's the first thing I noticed. So vivid! As far as I'm concerned, a great choice for a two-Slytherin pairing. Sets them both off so wonderfully. (And I am jealous of their tree. I always want ones like that when I get the chance to decorate, which isn't often. Not fair, I say. I hardly ever knock over the tree. XD )

There's just not enough Draco/Pansy in the world, let me tell you. Awesome of you to choose that pairing! They are my one of my top three favorite pairings of alllllll time, and there's so little of them. ♥♥♥♥ And I want Pansy's boots! I am thoroughly incapable of viewing Draco as a submissive unless I'm begged or bribed to write that, so I never expected that. Maybe he lost a bet. XD He certainly appears to be enjoying getting his hair pulled. Which, speaking of, so much appreciation for including that. It's high, high, high, on my list of loves, no matter which character is giving or getting the pulls, and I don't come across it very often. I'm absolutely thrilled to see it here.

Fine work, mystery artist! You incorporated so much of what I asked for and I am quite happy. This is a lovely piece. I sent the link off to some friends before I even started my comment, because I know several people who will just adore this and they need to see it as soon as possible. Thank you, thank you! XD
6th December 2012 04:38
Oooh, delicious!
6th December 2012 04:52
There are so many gorgeous details (the tree! the gift tag! the cuffs! Pansy's bustier and boots!), but really?

...I just keep staring at Draco's face. I can *hear* him panting. And I pant with him.


Gorgeous work, Mystery Artist! :)
6th December 2012 05:52
Mmm, gorgeous use of color here, I love Pansy's corset, her BOOTS omg and of course, Draco's expression. Yum!
Also, like everyone else I adore the tree!
Fabulous job!
6th December 2012 11:45
I absolutely love the expressions. Gorgeous!
6th December 2012 12:53
Mmmmmmm, deliciously decadent!
6th December 2012 14:17
So intense and sexy! And Christmas-y! :D
6th December 2012 14:36
Love, love the colours in this! OMG Pansy's boots and Draco's position. Perfect for this pair of Slytherins.
6th December 2012 14:54
Love the colours! And the smoothness of Pansy's corset and boots. The texture of the tree and the glitter of the carpet - just ready for a Christmas playtime!
6th December 2012 20:56
Oooooh, lovely! The colors are perfect, and Draco's face - omg!
7th December 2012 22:09
I love the colours here. And Draco's pose, and Pansy's boots, and her corset. And Draco's "outfit" and pretty much every detail of it.

Lovely and naughty. :D
8th December 2012 02:40
Not my reguluar pairing but still SO HOT!
Love your Pansy! She's just perfect! And OMG Draco! Yes please! <3
Awesome and beautiful and sexy! Thanks for sharing!
9th December 2012 18:10
OMG I LOVE IT. How much do I love Pansy/Draco with domme!Pansy? ALL THE MUCH, especially when it’s done like this. She’s so gorgeous - red lips and black hair and pale skin and thigh-high boots and green corset - and her expression says that she’s enjoying herself. And omg, Draco’s so vulnerable by contrast - she standing tall in her boots, him on hands and knees in nothing but collar and cuffs - and his expression is just the hottest thing ever. I can hear him whimper. And she’s PULLING HIS HAIR. OMFG. Such a kink for that and it’s so perfect for this pic.

Plus I always love me an established kinky relationship. Lovely glowy sparkly Christmas tree and tinsel + boy crawling for his mistress = happy Lokifan.
11th December 2012 07:40
Mmmm super hot, Mysterious Artist! I absolutely adore Pansy's lingerie and boots, and Draco in collar n' cuffs is just mindblowingly delicious!

Is it wrong of me to imagine that somewhere Bill is lurking?
11th December 2012 20:41
Oh. Wow. That is just everything wonderful and right and sexy.

I can't decide whether I want to be Pansy or Draco...
15th December 2012 12:08
Yummeh. Lovely! Her outfit is fantastic, I especially love the corset, and the hair pulling, and *his* 'outfit'...yes, please. ;)
27th December 2012 19:12
Oh, wow, this is terrific! I love hot hot Pansy is here, the sexy angling of her hips, her boots, and the slight sneer on her face. And Draco on his knees with his expression screaming, "Please, Mistress!"


1st January 2013 04:10
Oh hello. Draco most definitely needs that kind of touch. Pansy clearly has him in hand (and I couldn't resist that). Just lovely.
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