Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Kinky Kristmas Art: Hogwarts Does Harry (Harry/4 Guys) 
1st December 2012 22:00
Kristmas Wish Fulfilled for: [info]lilmisblack
From: [info]thilia

Title: Hogwarts Does Harry
Characters/Pairings: Harry/4 boys of your choice
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Included: Orgy, oral/blowjobs, handjobs
Other Warnings/Content: Quite a bit of nudity?
Artist's Notes: Since you didn't specify which characters you'd like to see, I thought I'd leave the choice to you ;) Some are more obvious, but for the others, you can pick the characters yourself. Hope you like, and happy holidays! I also loved your prompt, so I used it as the title.
Art Preview:

2nd December 2012 03:06
Perfectly naughty! I know who I am imagining for Harry's partners.
2nd December 2012 03:10
Ahem! Yes, well...... hmm... that's a delicious concocktion going on there!
2nd December 2012 03:11
They look like Harry's dorm mates to me. LOL A rainbow of flavours. Lucky, lucky Harry. Great job!
2nd December 2012 03:12
It's a little like choose your own sexual adventure! I love it, and I love that it relies on the viewer to have a part in the construction. Nice!
2nd December 2012 03:14
fucking delicious. and the details are lovely, the freckles and the flushed face and pretty green eyes.
2nd December 2012 03:17
MMmmm, that's just lovely! A perfect way to start the fest. I'm so picturing all Gryffindor boys here, after hours in the dorm. Delicious!
2nd December 2012 03:58
Fun in the Gryffindor dorm! Lucky Harry :-D
2nd December 2012 04:11
A great start to the fest!
2nd December 2012 04:39
This is wicked hot. God, I <3 orgies! FTW, artist. FTW.
2nd December 2012 05:35
Mmmm, taste the rainbow indeed. *g*
Harry looks like he has a...handle on things, though. :)
2nd December 2012 05:50
Lovely detail - so much variety! Great start to the holidays!
2nd December 2012 08:16
Damn that's hot, Mysterious Artiste. Lucky Harry and lucky boys he's with. (I'm also thinking it's his dorm mates) *fans self*
2nd December 2012 09:21
Oh wow! That warmed me up nicely on a cold frosty morning!
2nd December 2012 13:18
Oh my. What a lovely thing to wake up to this morning. Harry's just a slut for it. *loves*
2nd December 2012 14:31


This is... I am speechless!

That look on Harry's face is amazing! And his hollowed cheek! And the way he's looking up!

I love that it's left up to the viewer's imagination on who the other characters are! It opens up so many options!

Thank you mystery artist ^_~! Such a fabulous start to the fest!

Excuse me while I go and take a very cold shower!
2nd December 2012 18:03
Dorm life FTW!

Gorgeous art! I love the colors and the lovely details (eyes looking heavenward, the hair, the mouth and hollowed cheek!).
2nd December 2012 19:18
3rd December 2012 06:59
As usual, "Mystery Artist", it's the details that get me: the redhead's freckles, Harry's body hair (especially that little bit on his left nipple), the curls and all those lovely treasure trails. Personally, I want to think that this is an interhouse activity--for some reason, the black torso screams Blaise rather than Dean at me. But that might be 'cause I've got Blaise on the brain...

Gorgeous work.
3rd December 2012 12:23
I'm going with Gryffindor roomies FTW! This is delicious.
3rd December 2012 14:11
Delicious. I love it!!!!
3rd December 2012 17:37
Holy. Hot.

#dies Is this called bonding with ones roommates??? Or perhaps uring an order meeting with older, more experienced partners...

Either way, fucking gorgeous, bb!!

4th December 2012 03:01
So finally the truth comes out about what goes on in the Gryffindor boys' dorms at night. XD I love it, particularly Harry's blush (and his lips, because seriously, unf!).
4th December 2012 03:17
Nghhh. Mlurble. Yum!
4th December 2012 04:24
So steamy! I see the Gryffindor boys and I really appreciate it. Very lovely! I never want to unsee...
5th December 2012 20:12 - I think I love you!!
OMG this is so damn hot!!! *faints*
First of all, sorry for the late review! I actually only just realised it was December, embarrasing, I know, imagine my -very happy- surprise when I remembered the fest!
I absolutely love everything about this, especially the look on Harry's face, you can just see he's having the time of his life. And his eyes! there's something about the way that he's looking up, that it just keeps drawing my attention even with all the other naughty bits around him *grins* Damn it, I'm trying to think of more ways to describe how much I like it, but it's so wonderful that it's hard to think at all.

And it's great that you left the others' identities a mistery, it's like having all my dirty thoughts being a posibility :D Like a brand new orgy every time I look :P

OK, I think I'll stop writing now and go back to staring at it, thanks so much for this wonderful, wonderful gift, I love what you did with the prompt. Thank you!♥
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