Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
FIC: Cigarette in My Bed (Sirius/Harry; NC-17) 
14th October 2012 07:34
Title: Cigarette in My Bed
Author: [info]torino10154
Pairing: Sirius/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Capnolagnia: arousal from watching others smoke (i.e. smoking fetish)
Other Warnings: Chan, masturbation, voyeurism, handjob, oral, first time, anal
Word Count: ~1930
Summary: Harry had no idea what was wrong with him, but he couldn't stop watching Sirius.
Author's Notes: Thank you to [info]sdk, [info]train_tracks, and [info]jadzialove for feedback and beta. ♥ Title inspired by (but not at all related to) the song Cigarette in Your Bed.

Harry watched Sirius leaning back in his chair at the far end of the kitchen table. Remus said something Harry couldn't make out, and Sirius laughed, the sound rich and warm.

He had no idea what was wrong with him, but he couldn't stop watching Sirius and it made him feel all tingly inside. He was old enough to know that he was getting turned on, but this overwhelming arousal was so much different than what he'd ever felt for Cho.

With her, he had the vague desire to kiss her or stroke her hair. Sirius, on the other hand… Harry shivered.

He bit the inside of his cheek as he watched Sirius pull a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and light one with the tip of his wand. Sirius inhaled deeply then blew a stream of smoke out through his nose.

Harry had to turn away when he realised he was imagining Sirius's mouth on something else entirely.

"I'm for bed," he said, standing, thankful for the fact that he was still wearing his robes.

"Isn't it a bit early?" Sirius asked, taking another drag off the cigarette. Harry's cock throbbed.

"Really tired tonight," he replied, eager to get away. "Night, Sirius. Remus."

"Good night, Harry," Remus said.

"Night," Sirius said and put his feet up on the table. Harry looked at the worn leather boots, the dark trousers peeking out from beneath the end of his robes, and ran.

Shutting his bedroom door behind him as quick as he could, Harry shoved his hand into his pants and wrapped his fingers around his aching cock.

"Fuck," he whispered, sure he'd never been so hard in his life. He stood panting, unable to move for a moment, then shoved his pants down to his knees and pulled himself off in four strokes.

He cringed at the sticky mess he'd left on the floor and reached for his wand to clean up.

He couldn't imagine how he'd survive another week before going back to Hogwarts. He definitely needed to find some lotion or he'd rub his cock raw.


Two days later, Sirius showed him Regulus's bedroom, with a sort of melancholy mood descending over Sirius. Harry gave him a hug, but the smoky scent of him went straight to Harry's groin and he had to pull away. If Sirius noticed anything was amiss, he didn't act like it.

"Molly doesn't think I should smoke around you," Sirius said putting a fag between his lips. "Thinks I'm a bad influence."

"Far sight better than the Dursleys," Harry replied. Sirius smiled, winked, and then lit the cigarette.

Harry wanted to ask if he could try one, not that he'd ever really wanted to smoke before. Some of Dudley's gang had bragged about how cool it was, and that had put Harry straight off. Something about Sirius, though, made him want to try it. And more.

He watched Sirius's lips, pursed around the end, and the way he held the cigarette between his index and middle fingers so elegantly. Would they be so gentle on his skin, or would the rougher side of Sirius come through? Would he pinch and pull Harry's soft flesh?

"All right?" Sirius said and Harry shook his head to clear it.

"Sorry, got a bit distracted." Harry couldn't meet his eye. Not that he believed he'd use Legilimency like Snape, but he wasn't going to risk it.

Sirius wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder and led him out of the room. "Let's get old Kreacher to make us some pudding, hmm?"


After supper and two slices of treacle tart, Harry saw his chance to nick one of Sirius's cigarettes. He'd left the pack on the table when he went up to the attic to take Buckbeak some raw stew meat. Harry slipped one from the pack and dropped it into the pocket of his robes.

Harry wasn't going to smoke it, no, but all he could think about was wanking with it in his mouth, imagining Sirius's lips sucking on it. On him.

He pressed the heel of his palm to his cock and sucked in a breath. He'd no idea that being fifteen meant he'd be hard all the damn time. He climbed the stairs to his room and bumped into Sirius on the landing.

"Off to bed already?" Sirius asked, a note of disappointment in his voice.

"I… haven't been sleeping very well lately." It was true, of course, but it was not why Harry needed to make his escape.

"Is it Voldemort?" Sirius's voice dropped to a whisper and he looked concerned.

Harry rubbed his forehead automatically but shook his head. "No, not this time."

"All right then." Sirius clapped him on the shoulder. "Go get some rest then."

Harry could feel Sirius's eyes on his back as he climbed the next set of stairs.


Harry pushed his pants, as well as the sheets, down to his ankles and lay back on the bed, his t-shirt riding halfway up his chest. He reached for the two things he'd used every night for the last three days: hand lotion and Sirius's cigarette.

He put the cigarette to his lips, just holding it between them, inhaling the sweet scent of the tobacco. He then poured a dollop of lotion into his palm and smoothed it up his cock. He sighed softly, making sure not to let the cigarette fall, the lotion cool on his hot length.

Closing his eyes, Harry replayed various scenes in his mind, some real and some fantasy. He could smell Sirius's scent when he'd hugged Harry good night. Harry imagined what it would be like to rub against him, pressing his erection to Sirius's hip, Sirius palming him through his clothes, making him come.

Images flashed behind his eyes:

Sirius on his knees opening Harry's flies, taking him into his mouth and sucking him.

Harry holding a man's cock for the first time, stroking Sirius as he runs his fingers in Harry's hair, saying, "Good boy".

Sirius preparing Harry with his fingers, Harry's thighs splayed, Sirius stroking his cock with his free hand.

Harry gagging around Sirius's length as he fucks his mouth, hands holding Harry's head so he can't pull away.

Sirius pinching, biting, sucking every inch of Harry's flesh until his body is covered in marks… each action screaming the same word: "Mine".

Harry on his hands and knees, arse in the air, Sirius pounding into him ruthlessly, fingers digging into his hips hard enough to bruise.

"Fuck," a voice said, and Harry opened his eyes. Sirius stood in the doorway, the end of his cigarette glowing orange in the dark room.

Harry was going to come, he couldn't stop himself.

He whimpered.

Sirius crossed the room in two strides and wrapped his rough hand around Harry's cock.

The cigarette dangled from Sirius's lips, the tendrils of smoke swirling into the air, the scent invading Harry's senses. The warmth of Sirius's body beside him sent Harry over the edge, coming helplessly all over Sirius's hand.

He closed his eyes then, face hot with embarrassment… until he felt a lick to his stomach and watched as Sirius cleaned the come from his belly.

"Oh my God," Harry said, barely above a whisper, his youthful libido already stirring.

Sirius looked him in the eye as he took a drag off his cigarette. He exhaled slowly then leaned down and pressed his mouth to Harry's, his stubbled face rough against Harry's skin, his mouth tasting of Firewhisky, smoke, and come.

"You want more, Harry?" Sirius said softly.

Harry nodded, his legs falling open as Sirius trailed his fingers up his inner thigh.

"Good boy," Sirius said, chuckling, and took one last drag off his cigarette, putting it out under his boot.

He pulled off his shirt, yanked Harry's pants off completely and then settled between his thighs, hands kneading the muscles there. Harry could only watch, mesmerised, as Sirius leaned down and sucked his half-hard cock into his mouth. Harry gasped and arched his back, thankful Sirius had already made him come for surely he would have come again.

Sirius pressed the tip of his wand to Harry's arsehole, a cool, slickness spreading inside him. He shivered at the sensation as well as at the realisation that Sirius was really going to fuck him. Sirius continued sucking him as he pressed a single finger inside.

"Oooh," Harry said, more breath than words. He pressed against Sirius's finger, desperate for more.

He heard Sirius moan around his cock and felt a second finger slide in beside the first. He felt the burn then, but it improved as Sirius kept moving his fingers. Harry's hips were bucking of their own accord, thrusting his cock into Sirius's mouth and pushing back onto his fingers rhythmically.

Sirius released Harry's cock and began stroking it with his free hand as he pushed a third finger in.

"I need—" Harry managed to get out, he didn't know how. "Please."

"You want me to fuck you, Harry?" Sirius asked, his fingernail just lingering at Harry's slit.

"God, yes." Harry was overwhelmed, his body both hot and cold, his fingers clenching in the sheets, and he hadn't even seen Sirius's cock yet.

Sirius gently pulled his fingers from Harry's arse and wiped them on the sheets before pulling open his flies and shoving his trousers and pants down to his knees. Harry's eyes widened as he saw Sirius's thick cock pointing at him like a divining rod.

Sirius was already spreading lube over his length when he said, "Hook your hands behind your knees." Harry reached down and pulled his knees back, embarrassed to be displayed so openly.

"Oh, fuck, Harry," Sirius said as he took his cock in hand and leaned over Harry, pressing the tip to his hole. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."

Harry held his legs up and tried to breathe as he felt Sirius push inside him, inch by inch. His cock was so much bigger than his fingers, so much better. Harry was panting by the time Sirius was fully seated, his balls resting against Harry's arse. He reached up and ran his hand over Harry's cheek.

Then he pulled nearly the whole way out and thrust back in hard.

"Yessss," Sirius hissed, building a rhythm as he fucked Harry. "Such a beautiful boy."

Harry could do nothing, wanted to do nothing but let Sirius use him. Sirius's hair hung down, swinging into his face as he thrust. The bedsprings creaked and Sirius shifted his angle and Harry cried out, white spots floating before his eyes.

Sirius chuckled darkly, and slammed into Harry's arse again and again. Harry was going to come again, soon, without being touched. His balls ached, every muscle in his body taut as he shrieked and came.

He heard Sirius groan as if from far away, knew he sped his pace even more, but Harry felt as if he was floating away.

A growl and then Sirius stilled for one moment before pumping his come deep inside Harry's arse. Harry could feel it spilling out as Sirius thrust lazily inside him until his cock softened and he slipped out completely.

Sirius sat back and tucked himself back into his pants, then Summoned his pack of cigarettes. Harry watched as he put one to his lips and lit it with the tip of his wand. He inhaled deeply, then held it out in offering.

Harry took it and pressed it to his lips and breathed.
14th October 2012 14:58
Holy shit, you hit my smoking kink so fucking hard. This was perfect in every respect. GAH, so hot!

And in response to my favorite icon of yours, HELL YES, it was good for me. :D
14th October 2012 20:10
Thank you! I'm thrilled you liked it, hon. :D Since I've never been a smoker glad to hear it worked. LOL
14th October 2012 15:08
slfjsdlfkjf Hot fucking damn, woman. I forgot how hot this was. *fansself* I was never one for the whole smoking kink, but damn damn damn. This totally changes my mind. Damn.

And now I need a cigarette. Whew.
14th October 2012 20:22
Aw, thanks so much, bb. I'm thrilled to pieces you liked it. Thanks so much for encouraging me to go all the way. ♥
14th October 2012 16:44
Dude. Just. I swear you wrote this for me! #dies

wdjfiba;rrn Ok, so, I need a second.

I LOVE your characterizations here. Harry the novice, but not so ignorant to know he is aroused and wanting. Sirius, so casual and effortlessly sexy and ignoring Harry's erection because he wants Harry and doesn't want to make him uncomfortable by fucking him against the wall in Regulus' room. But then waking in to find Harry on display for him and wanking him off so casually, with his cigarette still in his hand. My brain kinda started to melt.

Sirius looked him in the eye as he took a drag off his cigarette. He exhaled slowly then leaned down and pressed his mouth to Harry's, his stubbled face rough against Harry's skin, his mouth tasting of Firewhisky, smoke, and come. "You want more, Harry?" Sirius said softly.

Dude. This part. It is so filthy and hot and perverse that it makes me love every little thing about your brain. In conclusion, I love you. That is all.

14th October 2012 20:27
Thanks, bb. Sirius absolutely is "effortlessly sexy", oh, yes! ...so filthy and hot and perverse... *blushes* You say the nicest things. <3
14th October 2012 17:02
This is just so damn hot. The whole thing is hot, but my favorite hot bits are:

~ The smoking. I quit, let's see, 16 years ago? I'm in no danger of starting again, but THIS. Smoking Sirius. It just seems like the perfect metaphor for him: he's bad for you, addictive, and heady.

~ Sirius' hair hanging down while he fucks Harry, and that squeaky bed. For some reason, those elements together, those exact details, really do it for me.

~ Then this: "A growl and then Sirius stilled for one moment before pumping his come deep inside Harry's arse. Harry could feel it spilling out as Sirius thrust lazily inside him until his cock softened and he slipped out completely." The growling, the lazy thrusting through his own come.

14th October 2012 20:31
Thank you!! I'm so glad you liked it, especially those little tasty details. :D And yes, a smokin' Sirius is just quintessential bad boy. Guh indeed. ;)
14th October 2012 18:03
GODS! Lovely, sweet and dirty. I quit 4 years ago and still, guh. All these fics make me wanna start up again. LOL!
14th October 2012 20:29
Thank you! I've never been a smoker but yeah, I can see why it's a problem. LOL
16th October 2012 09:26
Oh, wow, this is so hot. I've not smoked in years - decades, even! - but you had me reaching for a virtual packet of fags...
16th October 2012 10:56
Thank you!! Having never smoked really, I'm thrilled I hit the right note for you. (Though perhaps encouraging people back to their old habit isn't a good thing! LOL)
18th October 2012 19:36
OMG OMG OMG that pairing!!! So many time I didn't read it, and you picture them so well, Harry was just delicious! Thanks dear!
20th October 2012 13:24
Thank you, Marta!! I love this pairing. Glad you read it and enjoyed it! :D
23rd October 2012 23:12
Whew. *fans herself* Delicious!
24th October 2012 12:26
Thanks so much!! Glad you enjoyed. :D
24th October 2012 02:35
WOW, freaking hot, this is! The closing gesture of Harry taking his first real inhale after the sex is powerful.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this."
Sirius Black, A MILLION TIMES MORE NAUGHTY with this line!
24th October 2012 12:28
Thank you! I'm thrilled you enjoyed it. As soon as the themes were announced I knew this was the pairing for it. LOL
19th November 2012 18:47
Oh gods inappropriate Sirius/Harry might be my new fave pairing. Wow.


Did I say hot?
20th November 2012 12:26
Thank you! It's definitely a delicious pairing. *vbg*
12th December 2015 20:57
God, my smoking kink-- you have hit it so hard.

I'll be bookmarking this to read like a million times.

Fucking hot, baby. So damn hot.
14th December 2015 20:24
Thanks so much, hon. I'm thrilled this hit the spot for you. It's rare that a fic comes out exactly how I want it to but I think this one just may have done. ;)
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