Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Daddy, Teach Me [Harry/Albus - NC-17] 
23rd November 2011 20:48
Title: Daddy, Teach Me
Artist: [info]thilia
Media: Digital
Characters/Pairings: Harry/Albus
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Stretch Yourself...
Other Warnings: Where to begin? Incest, father/son, probably underage, nudity, mutual masturbation, cheating-on-Ginny... ;)
Artist's Notes: I had absolutely no idea what to draw for this month because there isn't really anything I haven't drawn yet. So I thought I would finally draw the pairing I've been meaning to draw for AGES - Harry/Albus. :D
Art Preview:

23rd November 2011 20:44
Guh. I LOVE Harry's hand on Al's cock, also that he's still got his shirt on. And there is something about the way he's looking at Al.... Gorgeous work, hon.
27th November 2011 17:33
Thank you! :)
24th November 2011 00:00
As usual... this is just naughty and brilliant!! Love this pairing, so please draw more!! :D
27th November 2011 20:02
Thank you! :)
24th November 2011 00:01
Whew, do I love this angle. ;-) Great facial expressions too.
27th November 2011 20:03
Thanks! :D
24th November 2011 02:52
Wow, this is so rich with this capture of a single moment, and yet conjuring so many possibilities of where the story would go from there! I wonder if Al is really so innocent as all that...Great take on this pairing!
27th November 2011 20:04
Thank you! :) Albus is never completely innocent... ;)
24th November 2011 04:42
You have KILLED ME!


OMG! This is SO WRONG but I love it!

So very sexy!

Wonderfully done! <3
27th November 2011 20:05
Heh... sorry? XD Glad you like it! <3
24th November 2011 05:07
Oh... oh god. This is... wow.

For some reason, I can't take my eyes off Harry's face. Hell, I can't take my eyes off the whole thing.

You, my dear, are an artistic genius!
27th November 2011 20:05
Aw, thank you! :D
24th November 2011 14:47
Ooh those cocks, I love the angle!

The whole drawing is mesmerising and lovely. :)
27th November 2011 20:06
Thank you! :D

Love your icon! *g*
24th November 2011 20:23
Gah. Angle is gorgeous. well done.
27th November 2011 20:06
Thanks! :D
25th November 2011 14:54
OMG! So fucking hot! Albus is delicious and, oh adult! Harry!!!
27th November 2011 20:07
*g* Thanks! ;D
26th November 2011 15:31
Very nice - I love everything about this.
27th November 2011 20:07
Thank you! :D
30th November 2011 05:45
Twistedly brilliant! Love Al’s punk attitude and Harry’s expression.

This made my kinky side squee!
30th November 2011 22:21
Heeh, thanks! I'm glad to hear that :D
3rd December 2011 14:21
This is so awesomely dirtywrong, but so HOT. The way they're sitting, Al's slightly rebellious look, Harry still having a shirt on like he knows he shouldn't be doing this... and his stubble is making me a bit weak. Awesome!
3rd December 2011 18:31
Haha, thank you! :D
3rd December 2011 18:10
Oh, very hot indeed.
3rd December 2011 18:31
Thank you! :)
17th January 2013 04:05
Hells YES!!!

I adore it. Their faces, their cocks, the pubes, the hands, the eyes!!! Harry's stubble. *tongue on floor*
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