Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Dirty Boys (Harry/Draco) 
13th October 2011 08:39
Title: Dirty Boys
Artist: [info]akatnamedeaster
Media: pencil/recycled paper
Rating: NC-17
Kinks/Themes Chosen: bathing/washing
Other Warnings: explicit nudity
Summary/Description: Harry and Draco have a bath
Artist's Notes: Apologies for the not terribly detailed line art and the goof-ups, time got away from me this month. :(

13th October 2011 16:49
O_O Wow!

Something about Draco's body language is just GUH! And the way Harry is with the water and the soap! *thud*

13th October 2011 18:01
Thanks! I may have to color this at some point. :)
13th October 2011 18:51
Nnnngh, love how Draco's body is just begging for it! ;-)
13th October 2011 22:32
Mmm. Very hot.
And Draco does seem to be a bit needy. *g*
13th October 2011 23:44
Definitely no need to apologize. Absolutely lovely. :D Can I tell you how much glee I got that we both did H/D today? ;D
14th October 2011 03:00
Oh my! I'll bet Severus has this picture tucked away in his sock drawer. ;¬) Love the pose & the splashing water. Good clean fun, indeed. I'm diggin' this!
1st November 2011 15:11
Mine, mine! ^^ *drooling*
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