Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art: Secret Tutor (Salazar's portrait/Albus Severus, R) 
30th August 2011 08:32
Title: Secret Tutor
Artist: [info]vividzephyr
Media: digital.
Characters/Pairings: Salazar Slytherin's portrait/Albus Severus Potter
Rating: R
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Authority figure roleplay, Dark wizards/witches.
Other Warnings: Some nudity (NWS)
Summary: During his time as a student at Hogwarts, Albus Severus discovered a portrait hidden away in an unused classroom. The portrait tutored Albus in secret with the promise of teaching more once he graduates. The night after his graduation, Albus returns.

30th August 2011 13:58
Oh, em, gee.

This looks incredible.

Al's hair looks so luxurious. So tempting to touch. His expression is just beautiful.

I love your Salazar! He looks so strict, yet I can see how caring his eyes are :D

30th August 2011 14:01
30th August 2011 14:07
Very unexpected (both the pairing, & the angle)! Don't know why I should be surprised though. You're always bring a fresh, original take on every character you draw. Best graduation present ever!
30th August 2011 14:29
This is beautiful, I love the perspective and blissed out Albus!
30th August 2011 14:43
Wow, this is gorgeous. Love the angle *cricks neck while staring at the peen*
30th August 2011 14:50
This is really beautiful, the anatomy on both is spot on but I especially like the angle you used on Al. Just fantastic.
30th August 2011 23:04
Holy Jesus Christ on a fucking bicycle... love it!
30th August 2011 23:16
Albus is so beautiful. I want to play with his hair. And Salazar... mmmm... :)
30th August 2011 23:42
Excuse me, I'll just be in my bunk.

Albus's right hand---
30th August 2011 23:51
Jesus, fuck, that's hot!
31st August 2011 00:14
Albus' hair is SO tactile. *wants to run fingers through it*
And what a great tutor for smex the Dark Arts. *g*
Delicious, hon! Fabulous job!
31st August 2011 03:40
Good grief, that's delicious!
31st August 2011 04:19
I’m not really into the next gen., but man do I love this. You really captured both characters and your details are amazing.

Well done!
31st August 2011 06:55


This is excellent as always!

31st August 2011 07:53
Wonderful interpretation of the theme, beautifully executed! I love their hair, and the soft colours, and their expressions.

And there is so much subtext, both for Albus Sev, and all his predecessor Slytherins that... I may be some time...

Thank you.
31st August 2011 09:50
So very delicious! The perspectice is fantastic and Albus is just gorgeous. He couldn't have chosen better teacher *g*
31st August 2011 13:06
Groarrr!!! Lucky that Harry didn't advise Albus about talking things ^^
31st August 2011 14:17
Love the detail on Al's abs! Lovely work, V!
31st August 2011 20:39
Wow, what a fun skew in the composition. I love the way you rendered AS, and his lips are just so perfect!
31st August 2011 21:15
I can't help but be uneasy whenever I see there're super rare pairings as subject (don't ask me why),but your art is always fantastic and makes up for my stupid worry 100x :]
1st September 2011 05:43
This is beautiful.
4th September 2011 02:09
THIS IS GLORIOUS. What a fantastic pairing and concept, and UNF, Al's Slytherin tie, and his hair is so glossy and pretty, and ;alksjdf SALAZAR IS SO NAUGHTY!HOT. :)
4th September 2011 04:38
This is a wonderfully hot picture. Al is so lost in the moment, and Salazar just looks perfectly hot and Slytherin.
6th September 2011 00:08
That's AMAZING. Albus's face is exquisite, and I love the angle, the theme, the vivid shade contrasts, everything!
7th September 2011 02:07
Wow; saw this recced over at LJ by themostpotente and it's beautiful. Apart from the awesome hotness of it, I'm particularly entranced by the light reflecting on the nameplate under the painting. Wonderful work!
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