Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
Art - Gold Chains - Dean/Luna, R 
28th August 2011 18:19
Title: Gold Chains
Artist: [info]ships_harry
Media: PS, tablet
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Luna
Rating: R for nudity
Kinks/Themes Chosen: Body writing
Other Warnings: None
Artist's Notes: Meant to link back to Luna's bedroom that we read about in DH, with her (slightly stalkery) mural and the repeated "friends" lines surrounding the people she loved - stands to reason she'd enjoy the chance to apply another definition a bit more directly :). Also, I think I was drawing with the screen on a bit of an angle, heh, because I don't think Dean would actually be THAT much bigger in build than Luna! Maybe he grew up into a giant of a man?
Art Preview:

28th August 2011 10:22
Oh, that's beautiful! I love Luna's breasts especially, so pretty.
28th August 2011 18:54
Thank you! Dean/Luna is such a sweet pairing :)
28th August 2011 12:23
Very lovely! I love the soft golden glow over everything and the textural feel. Really nicely done. :)
28th August 2011 18:56
Thank you! It was all very much in the red part of the palette.
28th August 2011 13:54
Mmm, this is lovely... I love the curve of Dean's bum, and the way Luna is leaning over him to paint her message.
28th August 2011 18:57
Thank you! I like to think Luna's going to loop her words over as much of his skin as she can :).
28th August 2011 14:05
Gorgeous! I love the care Luna is taking and their positioning is prefect.
Beautifully done! :)
28th August 2011 18:59
Thank you! I do like these two together - it's one of the sweeter pairings, I think. The artists together. Probably both got the potential for post-DH-mega-Issues, what with the imprisonment and being on the run and such, but still. They just strike me as a lovely combo :).
28th August 2011 21:05
Oh what a clever idea. And so pretty. Love the way the writing looks on his skin. Well done.
28th August 2011 21:14
Thank you! Very glad you like it :). The theme really seemed like something Luna would like.
29th August 2011 05:08
Oh, so, so pretty. They are both gorgeous and this is such a lovely, peaceful, intimate scene. Wonderful!
29th August 2011 06:30
Thank you! Very happy indeed with "peaceful" and "intimate" as adjectives :).
29th August 2011 08:54
I love it. It's such a Luna thing to do, and a thing that I think Dean would appreciate - that urge to express something in art.
30th August 2011 02:33
Yay! And I think Dean *would* be particularly understanding of the urge, yeah :). I bet they draw each other all the time.
29th August 2011 11:55
Wow, gorgeous...
30th August 2011 02:33
Thank you! :)
29th August 2011 13:19
This is so lush and gorgeous. Such a Luna thing to do, beautiful idea, beautiful glowing, warm feeling to the whole scene. Her breasts are particularly lovely and I love that Dean's hair looks so soft and touchable that I want to reach out and feel it myself!
30th August 2011 02:34
Thank you! Glad the scene is looking warm and soft n stuff to you :). And yeah, the theme really said "LUNA!" to me!
29th August 2011 15:30
This is wonderful! I love Luna's breasts & hair, and the idea of her writing on Dean's back is great. Nice job!
30th August 2011 02:35
Thank you! Part of me thinks she might have just woken him up with this, all warm and sleepy :).
29th August 2011 16:18
Oh, this is gorgeous. Love Luna's body, it looks so warm and real.

Recced it over at my journal here.
30th August 2011 02:36
Oh, how kind, thank you so much! :) :) :)
29th August 2011 16:30
SUPER gorgeous! I love the concept to pieces. And I really like Dean/Luna, too, and it's a perfect pairing for the prompt :D
30th August 2011 02:37
Dean/Luna are lovely together, huh :). They're one of the pairings that makes me go "aw!" - before DH I liked them as the artistic/interesting types, but after DH they have so much more opportunity to identify with each other! And thank you!
30th August 2011 02:40
Definitely! Also LOL I just noticed there was basically nothing about your art in my comment. So: I love the colours, especially that bright gold, and Luna's breasts and Dean's everything!
29th August 2011 18:36
This is beautiful, I love the colors, they give a warm feeling to the scene. ♥
30th August 2011 02:38
Thank you! Really glad you like the colours; I was trying to keep them in a fairly narrow band :).
2nd September 2011 16:53
Love your coloring choices here! Very warm and welcoming.
2nd September 2011 17:42
Thank you very much :)
4th September 2011 00:47
This is a gorgeous and loving extension of canon. I love the curves.
4th September 2011 00:51
Thank you! Awr, wouldn't it be lovely if Dean/Luna were actually canon?
4th September 2011 21:36
Absolutely gorgeous! The colours are superb.
4th September 2011 21:51
Thank you so much! :)
8th September 2011 14:38
Beautiful! They look so simultaneously engrossed in one another and entirely at ease with one another.
8th September 2011 17:02
Thank you :). That's really a lovely way of saying it, and that's the kind of impression I wanted this to give, so major yay!
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