Daily Deviant
- there is no such thing as 'too kinky'
ART: Vincent Van George, George/Luna, R 
25th August 2011 00:29
Title:Vincent Van George
Media: paint tool SAI
Kinks/Themes Chosen:body writing
Other Warnings:Cheesy one eared ginger artist pun
Artist's Notes:Sorry so late, work his been kicking my ass!
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25th August 2011 04:52
Title might be 'punny' but the pic is hot! Yum-yum! Lucky Luna :D
25th August 2011 06:40
Lovely! I absolutely adore the title pun, so cute! :)
25th August 2011 11:22
I like this! Looks like they're having fun. ;-)
25th August 2011 11:33
Very lovely! <3
26th August 2011 01:39
Oh, lovely! They looking like they're enjoying themselves quite a lot and Luna's breasts are amazing! :)
28th August 2011 21:08
Very pretty and love the pun. ;) Nice job!
2nd September 2011 16:55
NICE! For some reason I'm adoring Luna's tights especially. She'd be just the sort to wear bright pink ones.
8th September 2011 14:40
Very charming!
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